Slave to the Darkness

Chapter 271 - 271 Stop Playing With Your Food

Yuki stayed still as her world was spinning after that delightful round of s.e.x. She relaxed on the couch but did move on her lover's body. After she captured her breath, she finally spoke, "I think I realize you wanted to keep me on edge. I didn't know that I could c.u.m like that."

"There are many ways to c.u.m." Cedric pulled out and saw his c.u.m leaking out of her p.u.s.s.y. He laid on the cushions and pulled her down beside him. He pulled her into his embrace. Wrapping his arms around her body, Cedric unties the blindfold. "Seeing you blindfolded with my tie is so s.e.xy."

Yuki blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the light in the room before she looked at his smiling face. She lifted her hand and touched his cheek. Yuki leans forward and places a caste kiss on his lips. Before she could pull back, Cedric pulled her in and kissed her more deeply. Yuki m.o.a.ns through the kiss and grabs his shirt.

Pulling back, Cedric looked at his watch that was around his wrist. We have been in here for a while now. The second guest of the day will be showing up soon. That girl never shows up at the time I ask her to." He chuckles Yuki on the couch and waves his hand, and the door handles reappear, and there was a knock at the door.

"Sir, your second guest has arrived. Where would you like me to bring her to?" Royce was standing at the door after he bowed.

"Hey~ Why didn't you just bring me to him in the first place, servant." The girl's eyes narrow at Royce. She pushes him to the side and enters the room. "You got started before I could join. How rude!"

"You're the rude one, Maia. I told you to show up at six in the evening, and it's only two in the afternoon." Cedric untangled from Yuki and turned to the girl.

"I couldn't help it. I was so eager to see you again. I love the fun we have. Besides, I know that you have more stamina than most. I would rather be with you than anyone else." Maia walks up to Cedric and climbs into his l.a.p. "Did you miss me?"

Yuki turns her head and watches the girl climb into Cedric's l.a.p, and she sees red. She grabs the girl by the throat and pins her to the wall. "Don't touch what is mine." Yuki looked terrifyingly beautiful. As she held her anger back, she tried to calm down, but every time she looked at the girl, she saw her leaning in to kiss Cedric.

The girl is gasping for air and trying to claw at Yuki's hands. She looks at Cedric and sends him a pleading message. Her eyes screamed, help me.

Cedric got up and walked behind Yuki. He placed his hands on her h.i.p.s and pulled her back onto his erection. "Princess, I think you should finish this. Stop playing with your food." He watches Yuki and waits.

~Nao, are you by any chance thirsty? There is a lady that has the blood that you might enjoy?~ Yuki holds the girl in place, watching as she scratch at Yuki's hand, trying to break free from the hold.

~Mmmmmm, no. I'm good right now. I am going to go back to sleep. Nightfall hasn't hit yet.~ Nao's voice echoed in Yuki's mind. Chuckling, Yuki let Maia fall to the ground.

Maia started gasping for air. She looked at Yuki in fear and backed away towards the window. "Y-you *cough* can't do this."

As she backed up, Yuki took a step towards her and another until Maia could feel her back pressed up against the wall. Observing Maia, she could see that she was shaking. Taking a deep breath, she could smell the fear lingering in the air. "Such a delicious scent you have." Yuki lifted Maia's chin and showed her red vampire eyes.

Thinking that she might be able to get away, she quickly pulls the curtains open, and the sunlight pours into the room, shining right into Yuki's eyes. "Why are you not turning to dust?? I thought that was supposed to happen when a vampire touched sunlight??"

"This is where your facts aren't wrong but aren't right either. When you deal with vampires, you must remember that the ones awake in the daylight are day walkers." Cedric shrugged and watched Yuki still playing with Maia. "Not a common fact and extremely rare. Something that suits me perfectly. Don't you think?"

"Why are you doing this to me? I thought that we were doing well together??" Maia raises her voice glaring at Cedric despite her immense fear of Yuki.

Cedric walked behind Yuki and kissed her neck. "Why keep you around when I can be sedated by a vampire? There is no need for loose ends." He kissed up to her ear and whispered, "it's time."

Yuki shivered, and her fangs started to extend. She stepped toward Maia; she grabbed a handful of hair and the shoulder to expose the nape of her neck. She could now practically drink the fear. Yuki took a bite and drank the warm blood mixed with the essence. M.o.a.ning in p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, Yuki drank deeper.

Thrashing around, Maia tries to fight against Yuki. Crying, she holds her hand out to Cedric. "Please, save me. We were so good together. I am too young to die; I have so much to live for." Slowly her hand starts to fall while her eyes begin to droop. Fighting against it, she watches Cedric.

"If you think for a moment that I will help you. Then you are sadly mistaken. That vampire you tried to kill is my mate, lover, partner, fiancé, and blood bonded partner." Cedric opens his shirt and exposes the red matching mark that could be seen on Yuki. He bent down, "I will get rid of all my loose ends."

Yuki finished the last drop of blood, causing Maia's body to fall to the ground with a dull thud. Leaning into Cedric, she lets out a sigh in content. "That was rather fulfilling. Nao will become a daywalker as well."

Cedric pulled Yuki into his arms. Ho0lding her into his embrace before sweeping her off her feet. He walks to the couch and sits down with her in his l.a.p. There was a knock on the door. "Come in."

Adam opened the door and looked inside. "At least the two of you are decent. How are you doing? Do you need me to burn the body up?" He holds the flame in his hand and starts to play with it.

"Sure, burn the body to ash and make sure y0ou control it so that only the body burns, but I know that you have a lot of control over your powers." Cedric snuggles into Yuki's neck, not looking at Adam.

Adam steps into the room closes the door behind him, then focuses on the body and imagines it turning into ash. The flame jumps from his hand and gets to work on what Adam willed it to do. He watches the body turn to ash and looks at Cedric and Yuki. "You two really match each other. I think that if I had met you separately, I would think that Cedric would never have a partner, and the Yuki would be too innocent but still deadly. Do you have anything else that you need?"

"Stay here and have some tea with us. There is a lot that we need to discuss with you. I know that you are not accustomed to dealing directly with supernaturals." Cedric uses magic to reheat the pot and allows it to pour into the cup. The cup floats to Adam.

Adam takes the cup and sits down across from them. "Thank you for the tea," taking a sip before continuing." That is correct. I am not used to dealing with other supernaturals. I will not ask how you know. That is just how things work for you, and I realize there are things that you cannot tell me even if you wanted to." He grabs a sandwich off the table and starts eating it.

"Since you will be working on the protection detail, I think that you should know a lot more about me and my heritage. You know the hierarchy for the supernaturals of the darker side of things, correct?" Yuki watches Adam shake his head yes. "Now you know that the ones that used to lead the world of darkness have passed, correct?" She watches him nod again. "Then the new must replace the old, but why do you think that it has not happened yet?"

Adam stops eating and holds the sandwich, thinking. "The only thing that I can think of is that it is not safe for them to take their rightful place. That or they don't want to let down the people. Royalty has it rough."

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