Slave to the Darkness

Chapter 275 - 275 To Trick the Tricker

Yuki turned slowly and looks at Claudia with some crocodile tears in her eyes. "I'm frightened. What does he mean by some fun? I thought we were going to go out for a meal."

"Oh my dear, you do not need to worry about that beast. If he tries anything bad, all you need to do is call me. She pulls out a business card and wrote her personal night on the back of the card. "I do not care what time you need to call me at; I will be there for you!" Claudia places the card in Yuki's hands then wraps her hands over Yuki's.

"Th-thank you so much. It is nice to know that I have such a sweet aunt on my side." Yuki lets the tears fall down her cheeks. 'F.u.c.k, this bitch drives me f.u.c.k.i.n.g mad.' She looks over at the spare room. "Is your assistant okay? I haven't seen her today."

"Sophia? I gave her some days off to recover. Losing a child is never an easy thing to deal with. How have things been at my nephew's place? Have you seen any strange women coming into the house?" Claudia asks curiously.

~Do I tell your aunt any details from the guests you invited over?~ Yuki thinks for a moment, "what do you mean? Is there a person that you do not want to see, Cedric?"

~Do as you wish she is trying to dig for details on you.~ Cedric sat down and looked over the paperwork that Sam had passed to him, and he rejected only one of seven files. "This is the type of work that I needed to see. Thank you for working so hard."

No, no," Sam shakes her head. "It is I that should be thanking you! I am happy to be able to grow and help the company prosper. I am glad that I got a job here, and I haven't had any issues when I took over as manager. That one file, though, I did give them my edits, and they refused to fix it and said that I was wrong." She sighed, "m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic pigs." She quickly covers her mouth.

"I have to agree with you. There is not a lot of favour of women having higher positions at companies. I agree with you, and you did not misspeak. You will find that I am not a s.e.xist pig, despite what my aunt thinks. If you continue to help me, I will promote you to where my aunt sits, and you will become my shadow president. There is a task that if you complete, I will replace her in a heartbeat." Cedric opened his suit and slides an envelope towards Sam.

Sam's eyes go wide, then she takes the envelope and opens it up. She reads the contract and nods her head. "Oh, I like this. I will get this done as soon as possible as we can talk more about me taking over then. I have come to realize that your aunt is useless. Furthermore, I will only ask that you give me more freedom as the acting president when I take her spot." She closes the folder and adds it to the stack of signed doc.u.ments.

"Of course, this is something that we can work out. I prefer to be in shadows, and the less I need to come here to run this shit show, the better. Heck, I will even let you hire and terminate contracts." Cedric shrugged his shoulders.

Sam's eyes sparkle happily. "I will hold you to that. I promise that you will hear good news within a month's time. I do not want this opportunity to slip past me."

"Now that I think about it, there were a few strange ladies that showed up earlier today. I think the names were Kira and Maia. I didn't like that Cedric saw them alone in a bedroom… d-do you think that I am not enough for him?" The treats start falling a little faster.

"Oh dear, that is horrible. Cedric is a beast that can't be tamed. If you see any other girls, would you keep me informed? I am sure that we will be able to close this down and make him faithful to you in the end." Claudia hugs Yuki as Yuki buries her head into her shoulder, crying harder.

Cedric and Sam shook hands. Then they left the room looking professionally. Seeing Yuki crying on Claudia, he walks up to them. "What the f.u.c.k did you do to Lilliana?"

"WHAT DID I DO?!?! YOU SHOULD LOOK AT YOURSELF ASK YOURSELF THAT QUESTION!!!" Claudia freaks out at Cedric and holds Yuki patting her shoulders.

Yuki flinches at the raising of Claudia's voice, and she cries a little more intensely. Cedric pulls Yuki from Claudia, and Sam sees the smirk on Yuki's face. 'Okay, I get it. I will stay out of this drama.' She went to the door. "I will take my leave and get the requests sorted out while you guys deal with what you need to do." She bows then leaves the room.

Cedric holds Yuki close and passes her into his body. "Shhhhh, don't worry, I'll play with you soon." he speaks softly, trying to "soothe" Yuki, who was pretending to cry.

"I'm sorry. I-I just got too emotional. I just need a minute." She buries her face into Cedric's c.h.e.s.t as her shoulders shake as if she was still crying. ~Did you like my display of despair?~

~You evil crafty Princess. I will punish you for this after you leave. Unless you got something out of her, that would benefit us both.~ Cedric pats the back of her head, glaring coldly at Claudia. "Look at myself? I thought you liked Lilliana? Do you want me to break her like I broke that slave?" Cedric licks his lips. "Or maybe I should devour in the elevator after I push the emergency button."

"Don't you dare! I do like this innocent soul. If you do anything that will hurt her, I will personally skin you alive. Just next time, be more discreet. Do you want her to think that she is not good enough for you?" Claudia's eyes narrow, and she glares at Cedric.

"Yeah, okay, whatever. We're out of here." Not waiting for Yuki to calm down the rest of the way, he grabs her wrist and drags her to the elevator.

Yuki looked back at Claudia with tears in her eyes as Cedric drags her away. She sees Claudia hold her phone up and nods at her. Slowly shaking her head yes in acknowledgement. The cold metal wall of the elevator was now behind Yuki; she fake fights Cedric before he pins her arms to the wall. She feels his lips roughly kiss her, his knee move up in between her legs, and Cedric uses magic to press the button to go down.

Cedric lets go of one of Yuki's hands and flips his middle finger at Claudia as the door shuts. He waits a moment then pulls away from Yuki. "So Princess, how was your show?" He licked his lips, watching her closely.

"Fun, I got her personal number, and she wants me to report all the strange people coming and going for the house. I reported about Kira and Maia. Didn't mention that Maia was dead." She lifts her hands up around his neck with her eyes clouded with the l.u.s.t Cedric brought out in her.

Cedric kisses her again. He only gives her quick kisses. "Good job, the act you put on was marvellous. Do you want to stop the elevator and f.u.c.k here?" He looks down at her.

"As much as I want you to do that, we better not. We do not want Claudia to call the elevator back up because she sees that it stopped moving, but that is something that we can do when the jig is up. You can pin me to the wall as the door closes, pull your pants down, hike my skirt up and start f.u.c.k.i.n.g before the door even closes. That would be the best revenge." Yuki shivers at the thoughts of him taking her right there. "How was your meeting?"

"Sam will take Claudia's spot. I am getting her to prove that she deserves the spot as my shadow. She wants the power to make choices. Her ambitions are admirable. A shame that she is a lowly human. She would make a good asset to the team." Cedric licked his lips then kissed her deeply. Hearing Yuki's m.o.a.ns, his erection pressed against her stomach. "F.u.c.k, you are a little tease." He kisses the side of her neck and leaves a hickey to try and calm down enough to drive away from here. The elevator door opens in the parking garage; Cedric pulls Yuki away to a sleek black convertible car that was parked in the parkade. He helped her get, then jumped over the door into his seat and raced out of there. "Now that is done, Where do you want to go?"

"Anywhere that has you with me. I would, however, like to see my home, but I know that is not exactly possible." Yuki could feel the wind blowing through her hair as the convertible roof was open.

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