Slave to the Darkness
Chapter 279 - 279 New Contract Offered
"Yes, there is a communication device that I can talk through. I get a break on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the day to go visit her. When I visit, I read to her. She calls out to me softly; sometimes, she cries. It is truly heartbreaking." Nolen looks at the food and forces himself to eat.
"Eat all of that. As for compensation for her blood, you will give her your blood and agree to become ours." Cedric places the new contract down. Starting all the terms that were just discussed. "If you need a moment to decide, I will allow you up to a week."
Yuki looked at Nolen and ate the ice cream silently. She looked at Cedric, smiling. ~You are offering so much for a toy that I could very well accidentally break.~
~But you won't. You are far too careful for that to happen. I remember when you turn Nao. You made sure that nothing tragic would happen and didn't allow anyone to stop you. I trust you.~ Cedric slides the contract within Nolen's reach.
Nolen finally picks up the piece of paper and reads it over. He picks up the pen and signs on the dotted line, pricks his finger with the needle on the page, and then presses his thumb down. "There is nothing to think about. The offer is so much better for me that there is nothing to discuss over." He offers Yuki his finger that had some more blood slowly coming from the pinprick.
L.i.c.k.i.n.g her lips, Yuki licks the drop and blood and shivers. "Your blood is sweeter than Cedric's. It is like I am eating sweets. It doesn't have to do with what you ate but your intentions that will alter your blood. Cedric's blood is intoxicating, and I go a little crazy drinking his blood."
"That is because I l.u.s.t after you so much, and the magic in my blood drives you insane, Love." Cedric takes the signed contract and rolls it up, tying a ribbon around the paper. With a wave of his hand, a wax seal is placed on the ribbon, and the paper disappears from their sight. "I have moved the paper to somewhere else for safekeeping. Now, as for what I am… I am a demon warlock. At the house, there are vampires, werewolves, humans, and one other demon. You will be safe, but I will make sure that everyone knows that you are not to be touched. After you and I finish eating, let's go to the hospital." Cedric picks up his knife and fork then continues his meal.
Nolen was starring in awe then snaps out of it. "Of course, but it is after visiting hours. Sometimes they will allow me to come in. I do not know what they will do if I brought two others with me." Nolen starts back at his meal, rushing to finish it off.
Finishing off the ice cream, Yuki watches Nolen and Cedric, "let me take care of that. I can alter the human's mind so that they only saw you and not us. That sort of thing is child's play for me."
Cedric held out a stick that was covered in green fluffy cotton candy, and he handed it to Yuki, "this is so that you will have the energy to use your abilities. It has been a while I have seen you use them."
Nolen watches Yuki take the cotton candy, "isn't that just cotton candy? Is there a link to vampire powers and sugar?"
Giggling, Yuki takes a bite, "not at all. I just really like this stuff. Cedric has added some magical properties to the cotton candy, though. So in a way, it will do something." Happily, she pulls off another bite eating it.
"Mostly, it was because we are still eating, and she finished her ice cream. She will get a real meal later. You will give her some of your blood but not enough to be turned into a vampire. Just so that she can be sedated." Cedric finished the meal off and place the napkin on his l.a.p over his plate. "Now that you are ours, is there anything of importance that you have in your room?"
Nolen finished his food off and got up. "There is a c.h.e.s.t of items that have great value to me. The only reminders of my family that lived." He watched as Cedric nodded his head. "I will lead you there."
"I will meet you two in the car then." Yuki got up and hugged Cedric, then kissed him and allowed him to deepen the kiss. She skipped over to Nolen and kissed him on the cheek. "Don't take too long." Yuki skipped out of the room, and as she left, her hair turns blonde and her eyes blue. She skipped down to the stairs to the front of the store, where Royce had pulled up with the limousine. Yuki climbed in the back, lying across the seats. She closed her eyes, thinking about what she would need to do.
Cedric follows Nolen, and they entered his tiny room. Nolen packed what little he had into the backpack and pointed to the trunk. "This is all that really matters to me. My family didn't have a lot, to begin with, but it was precious to me."
"I understand. They sure keep you guys in cramped quarters, but I guess that is better than having to share a room." Cedric chanted, then touched the truck, and it vanished from their sight. "I have relocated it to your new room. Which hospital is your sister in?"
Nolen smiles and leads the way out, leaving the key in the door. "She's at Saint Alexandra Hospital. I hope that is not an issue?"
Cedric and Nolen walk fast out of the building. "Royce to Saint Alexandra Hospital." He got in and lifted Yuki's head, and placed it on his l.a.p. "Rest a little longer, Sweetheart. I just wanted you in my l.a.p like you were on Nolen's earlier."
"Mmmmmk." Yuki opened her eyes sleepily then closed them again once she made sure they were both in the vehicle.
Nolen sat across from Cedric, bouncing his one leg anxiously. "Sorry, I am so nervous. If I had met you sooner, then I would've been able to save my whole family. I just pray we make it on time."
"We will. I have a good feeling about it. Don't panic too much; then again, that is not something that you can control with your mindset right now." Cedric smiled, then shook his head. The limousine stops at the entrance to the hospital.
"I must say Yuki looks divine with blond hair. Can she do other colours?" Nolen felt the limousine stop moving and almost jumps out of his seat.
~What about the car we drove to dinner?~ Yuki sits up and opens her eyes. "I can do other colours, but when I look like this," she points to her hair and eyes," please refer to me as Liliana. It is a disguise that I need to keep under wraps. Are you coming in, Darling?"
"I think that I will let you go in on your own. I do not want to add extra strain on you. So go in and give your blood to the girl, then come back to me." Cedric places his hand on the back of her head, gently pulls her hair and kisses Yuki on the lips and licks her lips before letting her go free. ~I transported it home already.~
~Okay, be back shortly.~ Yuki hops out and savours the kiss that she was given. She touches her lips and waits for Nolen. Once he is out, she holds onto his arm, and the two go into the hospital. "Do we need to check in first?"
Nolen nods his head and leads her to the nurses' station. "Oh, Nolen. You are earlier this week. Did something happen and who is this beauty on your arm?"
"This is a close friend of mine. She is here to meet my sister. Normally I wouldn't ask for this favour, but would you let us go up?" Nolen blushes while scratching the back of his head.
"Go right on up, dear. I won't stop you. You have been working that cute little b.u.t.t off all so that your sister can survive. It is a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you…" The nurse looks at Yuki.
"Oh, where are my manner. I'm Liliana, a friend of Nolen's. I just got into town and wanted to see how my dear sweet girl Vera is doing. So thank you for being accommodating." Yuki touched her hand then followed Nolen.
"I thought that was going to be harder than it was. How are you feeling?" Nolen let out a sigh in relief, "did you have to use your powers?" whispering the last part, he looks at her thoughtfully.
Yuki followed Nolen and shook her head, "there was no need. She was more than happy to let us in." They walked the hallway until they came to a room that had a large glass window and a microphone to talk into. Looking up at the girl, Yuki's heart hurt. She disappeared and appeared next to Vera. "You poor sweet little dear."
"W-whos th-th-ere?" Vera opens her eyes weakly. "Are yo-ou an an-gel?"
"I am not an angel, but I am here for you, dear sweet Vera. Will you trust me? Nolen was the one that sent me." Yuki waved at Nolen, and his voice came through the speakers a moment later.
"Vera, sweetie. This is a friend of mine she would like to help you. Please take what she is offering you and survive, please. I can't lose you too." He shudders the last words waiting.
"Eat all of that. As for compensation for her blood, you will give her your blood and agree to become ours." Cedric places the new contract down. Starting all the terms that were just discussed. "If you need a moment to decide, I will allow you up to a week."
Yuki looked at Nolen and ate the ice cream silently. She looked at Cedric, smiling. ~You are offering so much for a toy that I could very well accidentally break.~
~But you won't. You are far too careful for that to happen. I remember when you turn Nao. You made sure that nothing tragic would happen and didn't allow anyone to stop you. I trust you.~ Cedric slides the contract within Nolen's reach.
Nolen finally picks up the piece of paper and reads it over. He picks up the pen and signs on the dotted line, pricks his finger with the needle on the page, and then presses his thumb down. "There is nothing to think about. The offer is so much better for me that there is nothing to discuss over." He offers Yuki his finger that had some more blood slowly coming from the pinprick.
L.i.c.k.i.n.g her lips, Yuki licks the drop and blood and shivers. "Your blood is sweeter than Cedric's. It is like I am eating sweets. It doesn't have to do with what you ate but your intentions that will alter your blood. Cedric's blood is intoxicating, and I go a little crazy drinking his blood."
"That is because I l.u.s.t after you so much, and the magic in my blood drives you insane, Love." Cedric takes the signed contract and rolls it up, tying a ribbon around the paper. With a wave of his hand, a wax seal is placed on the ribbon, and the paper disappears from their sight. "I have moved the paper to somewhere else for safekeeping. Now, as for what I am… I am a demon warlock. At the house, there are vampires, werewolves, humans, and one other demon. You will be safe, but I will make sure that everyone knows that you are not to be touched. After you and I finish eating, let's go to the hospital." Cedric picks up his knife and fork then continues his meal.
Nolen was starring in awe then snaps out of it. "Of course, but it is after visiting hours. Sometimes they will allow me to come in. I do not know what they will do if I brought two others with me." Nolen starts back at his meal, rushing to finish it off.
Finishing off the ice cream, Yuki watches Nolen and Cedric, "let me take care of that. I can alter the human's mind so that they only saw you and not us. That sort of thing is child's play for me."
Cedric held out a stick that was covered in green fluffy cotton candy, and he handed it to Yuki, "this is so that you will have the energy to use your abilities. It has been a while I have seen you use them."
Nolen watches Yuki take the cotton candy, "isn't that just cotton candy? Is there a link to vampire powers and sugar?"
Giggling, Yuki takes a bite, "not at all. I just really like this stuff. Cedric has added some magical properties to the cotton candy, though. So in a way, it will do something." Happily, she pulls off another bite eating it.
"Mostly, it was because we are still eating, and she finished her ice cream. She will get a real meal later. You will give her some of your blood but not enough to be turned into a vampire. Just so that she can be sedated." Cedric finished the meal off and place the napkin on his l.a.p over his plate. "Now that you are ours, is there anything of importance that you have in your room?"
Nolen finished his food off and got up. "There is a c.h.e.s.t of items that have great value to me. The only reminders of my family that lived." He watched as Cedric nodded his head. "I will lead you there."
"I will meet you two in the car then." Yuki got up and hugged Cedric, then kissed him and allowed him to deepen the kiss. She skipped over to Nolen and kissed him on the cheek. "Don't take too long." Yuki skipped out of the room, and as she left, her hair turns blonde and her eyes blue. She skipped down to the stairs to the front of the store, where Royce had pulled up with the limousine. Yuki climbed in the back, lying across the seats. She closed her eyes, thinking about what she would need to do.
Cedric follows Nolen, and they entered his tiny room. Nolen packed what little he had into the backpack and pointed to the trunk. "This is all that really matters to me. My family didn't have a lot, to begin with, but it was precious to me."
"I understand. They sure keep you guys in cramped quarters, but I guess that is better than having to share a room." Cedric chanted, then touched the truck, and it vanished from their sight. "I have relocated it to your new room. Which hospital is your sister in?"
Nolen smiles and leads the way out, leaving the key in the door. "She's at Saint Alexandra Hospital. I hope that is not an issue?"
Cedric and Nolen walk fast out of the building. "Royce to Saint Alexandra Hospital." He got in and lifted Yuki's head, and placed it on his l.a.p. "Rest a little longer, Sweetheart. I just wanted you in my l.a.p like you were on Nolen's earlier."
"Mmmmmk." Yuki opened her eyes sleepily then closed them again once she made sure they were both in the vehicle.
Nolen sat across from Cedric, bouncing his one leg anxiously. "Sorry, I am so nervous. If I had met you sooner, then I would've been able to save my whole family. I just pray we make it on time."
"We will. I have a good feeling about it. Don't panic too much; then again, that is not something that you can control with your mindset right now." Cedric smiled, then shook his head. The limousine stops at the entrance to the hospital.
"I must say Yuki looks divine with blond hair. Can she do other colours?" Nolen felt the limousine stop moving and almost jumps out of his seat.
~What about the car we drove to dinner?~ Yuki sits up and opens her eyes. "I can do other colours, but when I look like this," she points to her hair and eyes," please refer to me as Liliana. It is a disguise that I need to keep under wraps. Are you coming in, Darling?"
"I think that I will let you go in on your own. I do not want to add extra strain on you. So go in and give your blood to the girl, then come back to me." Cedric places his hand on the back of her head, gently pulls her hair and kisses Yuki on the lips and licks her lips before letting her go free. ~I transported it home already.~
~Okay, be back shortly.~ Yuki hops out and savours the kiss that she was given. She touches her lips and waits for Nolen. Once he is out, she holds onto his arm, and the two go into the hospital. "Do we need to check in first?"
Nolen nods his head and leads her to the nurses' station. "Oh, Nolen. You are earlier this week. Did something happen and who is this beauty on your arm?"
"This is a close friend of mine. She is here to meet my sister. Normally I wouldn't ask for this favour, but would you let us go up?" Nolen blushes while scratching the back of his head.
"Go right on up, dear. I won't stop you. You have been working that cute little b.u.t.t off all so that your sister can survive. It is a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you…" The nurse looks at Yuki.
"Oh, where are my manner. I'm Liliana, a friend of Nolen's. I just got into town and wanted to see how my dear sweet girl Vera is doing. So thank you for being accommodating." Yuki touched her hand then followed Nolen.
"I thought that was going to be harder than it was. How are you feeling?" Nolen let out a sigh in relief, "did you have to use your powers?" whispering the last part, he looks at her thoughtfully.
Yuki followed Nolen and shook her head, "there was no need. She was more than happy to let us in." They walked the hallway until they came to a room that had a large glass window and a microphone to talk into. Looking up at the girl, Yuki's heart hurt. She disappeared and appeared next to Vera. "You poor sweet little dear."
"W-whos th-th-ere?" Vera opens her eyes weakly. "Are yo-ou an an-gel?"
"I am not an angel, but I am here for you, dear sweet Vera. Will you trust me? Nolen was the one that sent me." Yuki waved at Nolen, and his voice came through the speakers a moment later.
"Vera, sweetie. This is a friend of mine she would like to help you. Please take what she is offering you and survive, please. I can't lose you too." He shudders the last words waiting.
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