Slave to the Darkness

Chapter 289 - 289 Termination Letter

Adam didn't move from behind Yuki and watched Claudia like a hawk. "I have bonded, but I do not see how this information is of any concern of yours."

"Hmph. I am just worried about Liliana. No need to become offensive, you lowly guard dog." Claudia glared at Adam then sips her tea. "Are you two going to hold a wedding? I know that you are bonded, but it is not unusual for you two to get married."

"Th-that is something that I am not sure about yet. I know that he hasn't really mentioned it. If I had my way, I would like a wedding even if it is small with a few people. It doesn't have to be extravagant." Yuki looked up at the ceiling, thinking about the wedding that they would be having soon that Claudia was not invited to. Then she let some tears fall down her cheeks.

Claudia pulled out a handkerchief and dubbed Yuki's eyes. "You do not need to thank me, but I will see if I can talk some sense into that boy. You do deserve a wedding, and if he does not plan one for you, I will trick him into giving you the one that you deserve."

Yuki looked up, shocked. "B-but how? It is not like Cedric will give you the opportunity to plan that out. He bȧrėly sees me nowadays unless I need blood and so that he can, ummm, use me." Yuki holds her hands up. "Not that I mind being used."

Thinking for a moment, Claudia's eyes begin to shine happily. "I got it. Liliana, dear, I have a solution to everything." She digs in her purse and holds out a bottle of pale green pills. "This is the solution that you can use. Those little pills will force you to ovulate, and next time he takes you, well, you will get pregnant. Then he will have to pay attention to you. I will not allow him to neglect you."

Looking at the pills in shock, Yuki took the bottle for her, opened the top off and inspected the pills closely. After examining them, then she slips the whole bottle into her purse. ~Your aunt disgusts me.~ She sniffled and wiped the tears away. "I am curious how you got a hold of these pills? I know that I can make myself ovulate, but that does not mean that Cedric would take me. With his magic, he would detect it in an instant. So, how exactly does this medication work?"

"If you need more, I can get as much as you need. With this pill, it will suppress the scent that you would give off. So you will ovulate, and that idiot nephew of mine will never know. When you are pregnant, then there is no way that he can get out of the marriage. As for where they came from, can you keep a secret?" Claudia pulled out her phone and started typing it all out. She sent Yuki the information, then smirked while looking at the guard.

"I will look at this when I get home. I do not want what you sent me to get out." Yuki held her phone then placed it back in her purse; then the hostess finally brought out the tower of sweets. "Thank you."

"Is there anything that I can bring you two before I go to give you privacy?" she looked at the two, giving them her thousand-watt smile.

"That is enough for me right now, but if I need more, can I request you to bring it to me?" Yuki looked up at the girl.

~Yeah, I know you do, and so do I. What did she do this time?~ Cedric stopped the paperwork to focus on what Yuki was saying.

"Of course you can! I am at your beck and call." She bowed then left the room, closing the doors as she exited the room.

Yuki took the first two strawberry cakes and used the fork to eat the piece of cake. "Mmmmmmm, so delicious." She continued to eat but was concentrating on talking to Cedric. ~She wants us to have a big fuċkɨnġ wedding, oh, and somehow she has acquired a bottle of pills that will force me to ovulate, but the thing is that you would not be able to detect it. I do not know what her end game is, but her solution to tie you to Liliana is to get her pregnant. Like that is the right thing to do.~ Yuki finished off the cake, then grabbed some more and sipped on the tea.

~Hmmmm, that is interesting. Do you have anything else that you can tell me?~ Cedric signed the termination letter for Claudia. ~I need a bit more time. Then could you come with her here? Keep Adam with you.~

~Okay, I can do that. I already asked where she got it from, and she sent me information over the phone. She doesn't trust Adam. I am sure that Adam wants to leave. I can see that he can only take so much of your aunt's bullshit. Not that I can blame him. I wouldn't want to deal with her if I did not have to.~ Yuki smiled at Claudia and polished off her half of the desserts. "Do you mind if I order more and maybe some to go? They are just too delectable to waste. I don't get things like this back at home." She looked down sadly.

Adam shifted his body slightly so that Claudia wouldn't notice, but he closed his eyes for a second, and he wanted to glare at Yuki. 'If it were not for Cedric's request, he would not be behind Yuki. Because let's face it, if Yuki couldn't take on this bitch on her own, I would be shocked. I do have to say that her acting is fuċkɨnġ amazing. She has that ċunt wrapped around her fingers.'

Feeling the glare, Yuki looked up at Adam. ~ It's not time yet. Cedric asked me to stall for more time. If I didn't have to stay, I wouldn't be here still. He asked us to come back to the company with her, but we can go in the car we came in and not the one that she came in and follow behind her.~ Yuki looked around the room and saw the call buŧŧon. She got up and poked the buŧŧon.

"You can order whatever you want. I will cover all of the costs. You deserve everything that you want. I will not stop you from getting what you want. Don't fret over the price." Claudia looked at Yuki sadly, then finished the last piece of cake that she had left.

The hostess came back and smiled at Yuki. "How was everything, and can I get you anything else?" She smiled and looked at Claudia, then back at the girl.

"Can I please get an entire order of everything that was on the tower to go, and may I please get some ice cream. I didn't want to have that until after I tried everything." Yuki looked hopeful. ~Stalling by getting ice cream. Adam is not happy about having to stay, though.~

~I can't blame him. The company is being taken over today. Sam has already boosted sales by a large margin. So I am taking Claudia off the site and banning her. So enjoy the ice cream.~ Cedric chuckles then continues to finalize the fine detail on the termination letter. He was clicking away at the keyboard, reading as fast as he was typing.

Sam looked up and watched Cedric work for a moment in awe. "Wow, I did not know that it would be easy to type and read at the same time."

Sophia and Naomi returned with the drinks and food. Sophia handed out each of the drinks and placed two cups on Cedric's desk. "I bought Liliana one as well. It is going to be sweet like strawberries, while the other is coffee black for you. I know that you do not take sugar in the coffee." She turned and gave a drink to Sam.

Naomi handed out the food and placed all the extras on the spare table in the middle of the room. She sat on the couch and dug into the food. She mȯȧnėd in happiness at the sweet taste to hit her mouth. "Sophia, you were right. This is simply fuċkɨnġ divine."

"I told you that you would love it, and so will Liliana." Sophia placed a carton on the table and sat down next to Naomi. "The carton is full of fresh coffee. So if you need a refill, Sam, please do not hesitate to ask me." She looked at Sam, smiling happily.

"Thank you so much. I will definitely need it. Sorry that I am using your desk, but I promise that I will give it back to you when the boss leaves." Sam smiled back at Sophia and then picked up the cup, drinking the black coffee. "Is there a little sugar I could add to this? Or flavoured creamer?"

Sophia got up, entered the bedroom, pulled up french vanilla creamer and a small sugar container. She brought it to Sam.. "I hope that french vanilla will do."

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