Slave to the Darkness

55 55 The Village 1

Cedric undid the suit undershirt and exposed his neck after pulling off the tie. "Don't hold yourself back. Brandon can handle seeing you drink." Cedric bent down and held his arms open.

Yuki walked up and licked the nape of his neck until her fangs touched the skin. She bit his neck and drank his blood for a few minutes. She licked where she bit and turned to Brandon. "I am sorry, my hunger is not all that controlled at this time but Cedric is the only one I will feed from."

"It is alright. This is not the first time I have seen this type of scene. I am used to it now but it is nice to know that you have bonded with him. Cedric can be like a loose rocket at times. I like you, Cedric, as a person but you usually kill your night partners. I can not say how many people were killed on this side of the theater but Cedric has killed the most." Brandon shook his head and went to the sink and washed his hands.

"Yes, I have killed a lot but all for a good reason. I can not let them go once they realize what is going on this side and some of those girls were slaves that I bought only to release my desires upon. That is what killed them. It's not like I could get food from them." Cedric shrugged his shoulders.

Yuki walked in front of Cedric and did his shirt back up. "I really do not care how many people you have killed as I am sure that I have killed just as many. There was a time when I was free from harm and was hidden away. There were some villagers that thought that by offering a sacrifice to the goddess of the mountain it would bring them good luck. I don't even know how they even found out I was in the cave but there were live animals and sometimes humans that would be brought to the cave as sacrifices. I would drain the blood from all the targets. I couldn't control much but I remember hoping that they would have a good harvest and when it came harvest time they offered me more live creatures so it was good and then I was having a hard time not having any human blood when they sent a young girl into my lair and I approached the girl who was scared, then I drained her killing her in a moment. It was so satisfying having blood again from a human I prayed extra hard and then the villagers sent up a man to the cave to see if I would be more satisfied. I looked at the man who sat in the middle of the cave looking at the girl's lifeless body. I remember asking him if he knew the girl?

"That was my daughter. The only family that I had left after my wife passed on. I wanted to protect her but the others insisted that we need to send a human up here. All I wanted was to protect her. Did she suffer?" The man started crying.

"I see, so the village is getting greedy and no longer values human lives. If I had known I wouldn't have killed your daughter. Since the village no longer cares for its people I will ask you to help me take revenge for your girl. It was a swift death and I did not let her suffer but she did say I am sorry for being a failure, father." Yuki stepped out from the dark and she was about the height of his daughter. "Do you want revenge?"

"I want to get revenge for my daughter but that will not bring her back. I just want to bring her some justice so that she doesn't die in vain." The man looked at the girl.

"I am the same size as your daughter let me change into her clothes and wash up. I will come back with you at nightfall and we can pretend to be ghosts. She yawned and fell over as the sun started to rise.

The man caught her and laid her down and guarded the entrance of the cave as she slept. When the sun was setting and the moon rising the girl woke up and washed up as the man guarded the cave.

Yuki undressed the girl and placed a black over the girl's body. "I will borrow these and return them to you as soon as I get back." She touched the girl's forehead and went to the man. "How do you feel?"

"I rested a bit here. Thank you for your help." Then he got up and looked at the girl. Stacy, you were such a gentle soul. I will lead the way." The man had started crying but led her out of the cave. "I am sorry that you have to trouble yourself with someone that you do not know all that well." He stopped and looked back at the girl wearing his daughter's clothing. 'If only I was quicker I could've traded my life for yours.'

"No sir, I am sorry that you had to deal with all that has happened to you. Your daughter did not die in vain. I am sorry that I killed her but my thirst was too much. I am not normal but your village kept sending me offerings and I did not know that things had gotten that bad for you commoners. I am sure that you did not mean for this to happen." Yuki looked at the man and her eyes glowed a deep red color.

"I am sure that if she got to know you she would've been your friend. Thank you for doing what you can to help me. I was worried that you wouldn't believe my words." The man looked down and led her down the path.

Yuki hopped down the path and when the reached the bottom she stopped the man.

"Eric you were not supposed to climb the cliff to save your daughter!" The man walked past Eric and grabbed Yuki's arm.

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