Slave to the Darkness

69 69 Summoning the Dead

"So if I get this right I was hired by the one that was dating an evil scientist and he made Cedric an immoral and then Cedric created you, Claude?" Sephira thought for a moment, "also, you and Yuki are marked but wasn't that a blood bond? Will you place your seal on her?"

"That psycho was trying to see how many supernaturals he could kill and mess with their genes. The experiments were harsh. I managed to get away but Cedric was stuck there alone." Claude looked down sadly.

"Sephira, I promised myself that I would not mark her with my mark until we got married. It would be that gift that only I could give her but we will see if she still wants me. Feelings are a finicky thing." Cedric opened his eyes and looked at the two in front.

"I do not think that Yuki has eyes for anyone else. She is probably extremely happy to be with you and wants no one else. I am only speaking from a female perspective. She is an interesting individual and I will do everything that I can to help her out. I actually like her a lot. So I would like to become friends with her, that is if you will allow it?" Sephira looked at Cedric in the mirror and smiled happily.

"I think that she needs a female friend and since you are also a supernatural you can also understand the struggle that she has gone through. Why don't we all go to the amusement park and we can go on many rides together? I think it would be fun and interesting." Cedric locked his eyes with Claude in the rearview mirror.

Claude nodded his head and took them back to the house first. "I will agree to that. Would you like me to go in and grab the vial?"

"No, I will do that myself. I need to grab something else. I have a gift I would like to give Yuki on the ferris wheel." Once the car was parked he got out. Cedric climbed the stairs and went to the study room. He opened the drawer in his desk and pulled out a black box and slipped it into the coat pocket of his suit. He grabbed the next vial that would finish off the memory from before and smiled. 'I just want her to be happy.'

Claude watched Cedric walk up the stairs and sighed, "he is such a worrywart. I am afraid that he will wear himself out one day. I do not think he has to worry that she loves him. She always has loved him, even in their past.' He reached over and patted Sephira's thigh.

"I wasn't joking about what I said earlier. If anyone can keep me safe it will be you. I heard that you need a necromancer so I will do what you need me to. I also can feel that her love for him is genuine and pure. I do not think that he has anything to worry about and yet he is fussing about it." Sephira placed her hand on his and looked into his eyes.

"You are right I need a necromancer so that I can talk with my sister one last time she died during the experiments but my sister was a necromancer that was turned into a werewolf by my brother and the last necromancer was unable to contact her due to the fact that they were family. I am afraid that it will happen again so that is why I never asked you to try. That is also why I know that you will have wolf pups and not necromancers or even a combination. My bros children were all werewolves."

"Oh, I see. That is sad that they did something so horrible to her. I am sure that your brother suffered greatly from the loss." Sephira looked down.

Cedric came back out and looked at the two in the car before getting in. "I will take it that you finally asked her to chat with them?"

"I only mentioned the sister but yes I would like to talk with my brother as well. The children of my brother all grew up and had their own kids already. It is time to connect with them." Claude pulled out of the driveway.

Sephira touched Claude's arm and looked back at Cedric who had an expressionless face. "I will help so please let me do it. I always have my tools on me. We can go there now or later. It doesn't matter to me."

Claude started to drive towards the cemetery. He parked the car before getting out and walking through the graveyard. He stopped in front of the grave and touched both stones. "I might finally be able to talk to your guys one last time."

Cedric followed behind closely. He smiled before standing back so as to not disturb what was going to happen. The ground at the cemetery started to get covered in a light grey mist.

Sephira pulled out her bag of tools and set everything up in front of the two graves. She mixed everything that was in front of the necromancer's grave first. "Bonny, I am summoning you so that your loved one may get peace of mind please come forth and chat with us here."

A white silhouette appeared and stood next to Sephira. "Thank you, fellow necromancer. I was finally able to come into the world of the living once more. I am truly grateful for you." The ghost turned to Claude, "Claudy you have grown so much and I am so proud of you for being able to watch over the young ones. You know that it was not your fault that I died. I am really glad that you are doing so well now."

Sephira turned to the next grave and started to summon Claude's brother. "Cecile, I am summoning you so that your loved one may get peace of mind please come forth and chat with us here." After she summoned the second ghost she sat on the ground and prayed that he would take her summons.

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