Slave to the Darkness

88 88 The Prizes are all Picked

"I am not planning on doing anything to you here. I was merely holding your waist. I thought that you wouldn't mind that. Besides, we are here to look for a prize. I have some things planned for you and I do not want the plans to get delayed but there is also no pressure. I want you to get what you want so I will not pressure you to chose something and you wind up hating it." Cedric placed his chin on her shoulder and blew into her ear.

Yuki hummed when he blew into her ear and her eyes closed. "Master Cedric you are distracting me." Yuki opened her eyes and started to look at all the different prizes. There were all sorts of plushies and there was a giant plush that was as tall as Yuki. She walked up to the black plush and tried to pull it out.

Cedric placed the bags down and went over and helped Yuki pull out the black plush. Once it was out Cedric smirked. 'This is right up her alley. A giant black cat plush. I am glad that we came here together.'

Yuki hugged the plush and felt the softness of the fabric. "Cedric, I would like this. Is there somewhere I can place it in the house? I do not want to take over the bedroom with my plush." Yuki looked at Cedric and black to where they pulled out the black cat plush and there was an identical white plush that matched the black cat. "You did say that I could choose two can I have both the black one and the white one?"

Cedric started to laugh, "I knew as soon as I saw the white one you would ask. I really do not mind. You can redeem two tickets. I will get a room ready for you so that you can keep your plushes in and also you will be able to relax in that room as it will be a room just for you." He pulled out the white plush, grabbed the bags, and held the door open for her.

Yuki carried the black cat plush and skipped happily to the door. "Cedric, how are we going to continue our date if we are carrying these around with us?" She followed behind him.

The owner gave Cedric the bag that contained her prize that she had chosen. "I will tear up one of your redeem prizes for you. There is a collection for those so if you want I could order the rest in good faith for you."

Cedric took the bag, "If you do, can you get them shipped to my house it is rather inconvenient to come here just to pick them up. I do appreciate that you are willing to get the rest for me."

"You save me money and do not keep all your prizes. It is the least that I can do for you. I will get the other four shipped to your house. I, thank you for helping me out for the last few years. I will send them to you no problem. I will place the order for you today. Young lady, I hope that you enjoy your prizes. I am glad that you were able to find something that you could enjoy. I know that the back room can be overwhelming." The owner had bowed.

Yuki squeezed the black cat, "thank you for getting these prizes in. I saw one more that I would like to win for someone else the next time I am here. I will have to work hard to be able to get it. I do not want it to be a handout. I can probably beat any shooting game record here. I am glad that I was finally able to come here. That you for the prizes. I will enjoy them to the fullest." She could not see the man's face but she could feel the fear from him. "It is only going to be a one time deal. If you reset the machine that I scored the high score I will be more than happy to reset the score to a near-impossible score."

The owner calmed down at her words. "That is good with me. I thought that you would say that you wanted the plush and that if someone else wanted a big prize you would win it for them."

"Oh no. I just like this one little girl. I am not good at the claw game but I did enjoy winning the prizes I got. Cedric helped me but do not worry if I get a prize I do not want I will give it back I do not want prizes to go to waste." Yuki followed Cedric who started to walk away.

Cedric felt his phone ring and hung up. That was the cue that Royce was now outside. He walked down the sides and at the door was Royce.

Royce opened the door and looked at the plush in Cedric's arms. "Sir, I could take that for you."

"It is okay. Can you open the door? I am assuming that you brought the limousine correct?" Cedric stepped outside and Yuki skipped out behind him.

"Of course, Sir. I will grab the door for you and the misses." Royce let the door go after Yuki was away for the door and speed walked to the limousine. He opened the door just before Cedric got there and held it open.

Cedric placed the white cat on the seats and the bags on the floor. There was one bag that he kept. He got out and took the plush from Yuki and placed it on the seats next to the white cat. Once he was out he handed the bag to Royce. "These are breakable and they are gifts for Yuki. Can you take them upfront with you? I do not want anything to happen to them."

Royce took the bag, "I will make sure that nothing will become of these. They are precious treasures."

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