Slave to the Darkness

97 97 Double Date 1

"Oh, Sephira is carrying around a wolf pup. That is wonderful news. It is normal to get bitten when you first find out because the baby grows different from a human baby. We do not want her to get harmed in the process. If she is not strong enough then she will pass away and the baby will not be able to survive." Yuki looked at Cedric.

"That is mostly correct, it is also because she will need to shift after being bitten and that should be done near the beginning of the pregnancy so as to not harm the baby or the mother. Claude would not be able to handle losing either one of them and it would drive his demon insanely mad." Cedric kept walking at a steady pace and then made it to the ocean side. The gentle breeze flew past them.

"That makes a lot of sense. Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me, Master Cedric. If there is anything that I can do to help that I will do so. Just let me know." Yuki enjoyed the breeze and looked at the ocean. "The sun is a little strange to feel on my skin. It burns a little but that is not a huge issue. Apparently there is a lotion that I can put on. I forgot to grab some from Michelle. I will be safe without it."

Cedric walked next to her. "It is nice that you are awake earlier. I wonder how you will do in the morning. Will you pass out on me at the normal time or will you be able to see the sunrise?" he could finally see where they were heading in the distance.

Yuki saw all different rides and jumped up. "Are we going to the amusement park?" Her eyes started to sparkle in the sunlight.

"Yes, that is the surprise that we set up. The four of us were going to go on a double date. I hope that you like the surprise that we created for you." Cedric smiled while seeing her eyes sparkle.

"Like it, no…" Yuki paused before yelling, I LOVE IT!! Thank you! I will have to thank Claude as well since he helped set it up. Cedric, I really want to ride the ferris wheel."

"We will be going on the ferris wheel at nine in the evening. Originally we were going to let you and Sephira ride on all sorts of rides. While you two enjoyed yourselves we were going to take pictures. I wonder what we shall do about the pictures?" Cedric picked up Yuki princess style and carried the rest of the way.

"Ah ha ha, Cedric. I love you so much." Yuki giggled and held onto his neck after he picked her up. "Call Claude and get him to bring Sephira. I will control her by giving her my blood. It will be way more fun if she is here. I want to enjoy this with everyone."

Cedric made it to the entrance and let her down and passed his identification card through the gate and pulled out his phone. It rang but on the second ring it got picked up.

"I'm already on my way." Claude answered the call and then hung it up before Cedric could reply.

Cedric hung up and took his identification card back and led Yuki inside. "The other couple will be here soon." He stepped inside and took Yuki towards the open concession stand.

Yuki looked and jumped up. She looked at all the cotton candy. "Will I even be able to eat all of that?" She giggled.

"All those bags are for you. As the evening goes on you can come back and grab a new bag or a stick. I bought a lot so that you can even bring some home with you. Can we get a blue stick of cotton candy, a bottle of water, and two extra-large green apple slush puppies with two extra pumps of sour syrup."

"Sure thing!" The girl standing there did not look bored. She made a fresh blue cotton candy stick. "Here is this for you." She held out the stick smiling.

Yuki took the stick. "Thank you for your hard work this evening." She took a bite and placed her hand on her cheek. "This is soooooooo good."

The girl made the slush puppy drinks and placed them on the counter. "I am glad that you are enjoying it. I got permission to make some unique flavors. I will whip them up when you come by next time. I hope that you guys have a lovely evening." She went to the cooler and placed a water bottle on the counter.

"Thank you. I hope that you will not get bored of waiting for us." Yuki took the drink and tried it. "Cedric this is absolutely amazing. I love it so much."

Cedric took his drink, pulled a twenty, placed it on the counter, and then took the water bottle. "Thank you for your hard work. You can take this tip and pocket it so that the boss does not see it. I know that he would not let you keep it but a student like yourself deserves it."

"Thank you. I will be reviewing for my exam so do let me know if you need something I will place this in my backpack so that it does not get found." She bowed, "I am making a lot of money for tonight which is what I said yes but now I am even happier that I said yes."

Yuki looked at Cedric and looked at the girl. She saw that on the twenty there was a message written on the bill. ~What does the bill say?~ She sends him the message and eats more cotton candy.

~It is scholarship information. She is struggling but you can see that she is trying her best. Look at all the books that she brought with her. I don't want her boss to rip up the bill after seeing it. She is getting the opportunity to enter the code on the bill.~ Cedric took Yuki back to the entrance and sat down on the bench and patted his lap.

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