Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 107

"Don't you know it yourself! That girl is more than enthusiastic!"

Ying Lili couldn't help replying when she heard Qian mention this issue.

"But she is definitely not as good as you!"

"That's just your opinion! It's your prejudice! It doesn't mean anything at all!"

at last....

Slowly came out of the water.

"My prejudice, so what about the customers who came in line to buy your work today?"

"..." She was speechless, and finally said quietly, "You don't understand."

"I don't understand? I understand! Don't you just want Ren Ye's prejudice! Don't you just want him to be as sure of you as I am."

This was the case in the past, and it is the same now.

Qianichi has gradually been able to deal with these things normally, and only a trace of resentment will appear in his heart, which is the emotion generated by the small pattern of Ying Lili.

"What's the matter with Guan Lun! It's definitely not because of that guy!"

Ying Lili stubbornly pressed her neck, tears appearing in her eyes.

"obviously it is!"


"What are you doing!"

"I said yes or no!"

"Obviously I have always affirmed you! Why is it not enough!"


Ying Lili had a strong meal, and her angry mood changed drastically.

"What's wrong with me!"

"You are Kato-san’s boyfriend!"

Unbelievable Ying Lili, she stood up abruptly, her flat shoes splashed with sand.

"...and then?"

On the contrary, Qian Yi looked inexplicable. Is there anything wrong with what I just said?

"I almost forgot. You are someone who can say misunderstandings with such a very formal expression."

"what are you talking about..."

Shallow at a loss.

"In what capacity did you ask me?"

Why do you ask the same thing as Shi Yu... Do girls with personality care about these?


"Before you helped me create creative ideas, you accompany me to play games, even if you call you out in the middle of the night, you will be there with you, even if you force you to wear a COS suit to participate in the competition for others, like this time because of your own Something pulled you over to help participate in this kind of activity, and even asked you to chase Shi Yu and then do that without authorization..."

She hesitated to speak.

"and then?"

The problem is really the same...

"So! What mentality do you do!"

Must find a reason, no matter how it is.

"I just want to care about you..."

"I don't want to hear this kind of perfunctory reason for ruining the streets!"

But that's actually it.

"I'm so headstrong..."

You know it yourself.

"If you insist on saying it, then it should be that you can't let go. You always have a feeling that people can't let go. You can imagine and get hurt without permission. You always feel that you are strong and powerful, and you are invincible. , But after all, he just shrinks his hands in advance every time he feels about to be hurt."

Lightly considered the inner words.

"Just like a person who falls off a bicycle will know how to curl up on your side to reduce damage. What you are best at is to run away, but... if this goes on, there will be a day when you can't run away."

Because she has always yearned for others to treat her well, because she hopes to get more recognition from her peers, closeness and tolerance from the heart.

After all, it's just a little girl who is afraid of loneliness.

When others are kind to her, she will respond with a wall, but in fact, this wall is just a thin wooden board painted with color, and she shrank in the corner.

"Don't make it seem like you know everything...!"


Where else can she escape in front of Qian Yi?This is so simple as a girl who has read it at a glance.

Facing Qianyi's rhetorical question, Ying Lili would not be able to answer for a while.

"...So, you never liked me before?"

"Is it interesting to say this now?"

"You answer me!"

"Yes, you are a very attractive girl, from the inside out."

Qianichi couldn't help but think of Ying Li Li, who was always chatting in his ears before. She would use her most clumsy way to care for other people's Ying Li Li. During that chaotic period, she was with her in her free time. In fact, she didn't think of her. So capricious, but always like to be strong at critical times.

It was this that made her have no confidant friends.

"Then... why do you always treat me like a big brother."

He didn’t feel the slightest love in his behavior, but it was full of warmth, as if he was only giving one-sidedly. This feeling seemed to be overthrown at any time. The storm was coming, but the lake was calm and contrasting. , People can't accept it at ease.

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