Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 113

"You speak out, I can make you--"

"You know, at that level, I would never accept it."


Shi Yu turned his head abruptly, staring at Qian Yi like a beast, but his eyes were still as calm as water, not moving like Mount Tai.

For a long while.

Shiyu still looked away.



But this is the shallow one.


Chapter 19 Girls are complex and difficult creatures

Qianichi has always believed that he is not an ordinary person, he will become a good man, even if his parents are dead, even if he has lost countless things, but he has been working hard in his own way——

Holding that extremely arrogant self-esteem, doing the most boring thing.


In the evening, long-lost time.

Holding a mouse in his hand, Qianyi felt that this suddenly seemed like a world away, as if he hadn't touched a keyboard and a mouse in a long time-it was obvious that a computer was used yesterday, and every day.

Could this chain change of mentality happen just because of the people across the screen?

"Hey! Hey! Kanichi! Stupid! Don't be in a daze! Heal! Heal! Heal me~!"

Ying Lili's breathless voice came from the speaker.

"Oh, oh! I, I know!"

Qian Yi quickly regained consciousness and continued to return to the game.

Listening to Ying Lili's startled yelling, this voice was like calling, calling for the feeling that suddenly sinks into the bottom of the lake.

That day, Shi Yu, after all...

'Jingle Bell'

The phone on the desk rang, and because Qianyi was using an external microphone, Ying Lili naturally heard the sound.

"Who, dare to call you at this critical moment of life and death!"

"If this makes you feel the cruelty of life, I would really like to do it."

Obviously it's just what happened in the game, but so serious, I really thought that one day I would go into the game and go to the 100th floor.

"Wait! You don't really plan to pick it up!"

"How could I not answer the call from my boss."

Although she said so, she just held the phone in one hand, her eyes were full of complexity, and the ringing continued.

He remembered that Mr. Kato was called to the office when he was at work a while ago.

'Qianyi, didn't you briefly talk about your family situation last time?'

'Hahaha, of course it doesn't mean that we will hinder the relationship between you and Xiaohui. Don't worry!'

'So, our club recently had an activity to select outstanding young employees at the grassroots level. If your career doesn't decide to enter a higher education, you may wish to consider this. You must know that our club is not an ordinary third-rate small club?'

'Go back and think about it, and let me know when you think about it.'

'I am very optimistic about you.'



Didn’t it mean that my daughter wouldn’t worry about her own affairs? Isn’t it the daughter who is in love?

Sure enough, parents still worry about this.

No wonder--


Feeling the vibration of the mobile phone in his hand, Qianyi involuntarily let out a sigh.

"...No answer?"

Qian Yi was taken aback by the sound from the speaker, and her thoughts jumped too fast, and she forgot that she was playing a game with Ying Lili now.

"Ah, ah, well, it's okay, it's just an ordinary sales call—"

"Didn't it mean the call from the boss?"



I just met, why I forgot about it, I just came over.

The sense of powerlessness must have defeated reason.

"The boss will do sales promotion, what's all the fuss about."

"This boss is also quite a failure!"

"Hahaha, yes, I also think he failed."

Qianyi smiled bitterly, they were all men, so why didn't they understand his psychology, such a simple thing.

"En?" Ying Riri's voice rose, as if she had discovered something, "Indeed, your boss is the'Papa Kato'."

"'Papa Kato'... When did you learn how to speak so girlishly?"

"Long-winded! I want you to take care of it!"

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