Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Heroine Chapter 115

" wouldn't even tell me this frankly."

Ying Lili's voice was a little low.

"What's the matter... I really don't understand you more and more."

"I just want to help you!"

"Then don't ask about my future!"

Qian Yi patted the table fiercely, losing control of his emotions, why even Ying Lili knew the biggest problem he faced now.

One or two can only care about themselves like this, it's just fine as before!Obviously, he won’t be with him till the end, he’ll be like that--

The scene under the sunset flashed again.

"This is just a small problem, you know."

"Going abroad is a few years for me!"

"Can you calm down first."

She was a little helpless, it was very tricky, it was not like the usual Qianyi at all, no wonder Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said that he is now in the form of a child.

For the first time Ying Lili wanted to agree with what the guy said.

"Yinglili, don't you even believe me?"

"This is the opposite!"

Did you lose even this level of judgment?

"Then don't ask me what I think, even if you know it, that's it."

"I won't do that!"

Qianichi thought it was a little funny, even he himself didn't know what it was like to say'that'.

"What about that!"

"I won't be like Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu!"


Her words were like a huge earthquake hitting Qianyi's heart, and the line of defense instantly collapsed.

"What are you kidding?"

"You know it all by yourself, but you don't want to think about it!"

Ying Li Li is about to unveil——

"Um... Does my appearance now disturb the intense online discussion between you two?"

An unexpected voice sounded behind Qian Yi.

"Little Hui..."

Since when...

She tilted her head slightly, and her mouth curled in a familiar warm arc.

"Anyway, good evening, Qian Yijun."

"Yes, and Ying Riri, too."

She held a bag in both hands, and the smell of food slowly spread.

Chapter 20 Alternative Scene

The room suffered a sudden change, Xiaohui's appearance made the room no other sound except for the occasional sound effects of the game.

For a moment, Qian Yi froze in place, not knowing what to say.

"Hmm, what's up?"

Xiaohui still looks so cute. Only after interacting with this girl will she discover the thrilling charm in her. Although it may not be remarkable at first glance, it actually has the potential of beauty. That share of character like fine water.

'That kid told me himself','Miss your'girlfriend'.'

Ying Lili's words just appeared in his mind again.

She really knows the mental activity state of Qianyi in'now' better than anyone, and the most important thing is that she can make the right response when he is confused-come and pull him.

Obviously, she has tried her best to avoid letting her find out.

Why is it so... intimate.

Superpowers?Own girlfriend.

"Late, good evening, Xiaohui, good, long time no see."

Qianichi's voice is slightly unnatural.

"What silly thing are you talking about, idiot, who will walk to the station together after school tomorrow afternoon? Did you forget this?"

She cast a grotesque glance, and walked slowly towards the table with the bag.

To be honest, even this cute little act can't help but affect his heart.


Why can my girlfriend be so cute!

Qianyi really wants to be nice to her, and even her mentality has reached a point that can be called a pathological state, because she can make herself unable to resist the existence, but because of this, contradictions will exist.

just in case--

Asaichi tried his best not to think about it.

"Ah, ah, yeah, right."

Qianichi stood up, and the sound in the speaker seemed to disappear, because it seemed to be muted from just now.

"Where is Zecun?"

"It seems to be gone, after all, light bulbs."

"No... I don't need to care about it, it's okay. I just want to thank her for something."

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