Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 118


Feeling the wetness of the liquid, Xiaohui whimpered quickly to attract Qian Yi's attention.

"Hmm! Grumbling~"

It turns out that this is "feeding" sugar water.

Before I knew it, I didn't know if it was sugar water or some other liquid, whether the sweet body fluid in my mouth was sugar water or something else.

The two tongues are entangled, flexibly struggling and exploring, seeming to want to lick the sugar in every part of the mouth, but the sweetness seems to be constantly pouring out like spring water, endlessly tasting.


It feels different from the first kiss.

This time it came more suddenly.

More meaningful.

Qianyi's heart settled down.

Kanichi's heart boiled.

a long time.

Lip points.


Xiaohui wrapped her hands around the back of Qian Yi's neck, her legs were a little weak, and she was half resting on Qian Yi's body. Her charming face was even more seductive in the dim light, and she panted on Qian Yi's face.

"Now, Kanichi."


In this state, Qianichi also understood a lot.

"Are you... very upset?"


"It doesn't matter."

She stood on her toes, gently buried her head on Qian Yi's neck, pressed her body tightly, feeling the changes on Qian Yi's body, using a gnat-like voice.

"I... tonight, can I stay here for the night?"

This sentence directly ignited the boiling in Qian Yi's heart.

He has no way to think more.

This girl.

This girl really.


Suddenly, Kanichi hugged her for a while, impatiently--

Then he pushed her against the wall.

The screen next to it that had automatically entered the'sleeping' state was shaken and lit up. This change attracted Qianichi's attention.

He glanced.

Immediately, the whole body was shocked.

The above shows that the voice connection with Yinglili is still ongoing!!


Chapter 21: Individuals Before Men

The patter of water came from the bathroom, and the midfield of the'fight' was suspended.

The ambiguous atmosphere in the house did not dissipate much.

Qianyi held his head on the computer desk with his elbows, and shouted into the microphone in a tone of pain mixed with shame and indignation.

"Ying Lili, when did you develop the habit of voyeurism!"

"...If you insist on asking, I was forced to become an eavesdropping expert a long time ago, consciously or unconsciously?"

Yes, just as Qianichi and Shiyu overheard them when they were in the hotel.

At the end of the connection, Ying Lili, who muted her microphone at the beginning, knew that there was no need to conceal it anymore. After all, this kind of expansion was a bit awkward, if it were just like this--

"Are you going to just'listen' to it like this!"

"This development is not bad either."

"Where do you come from? You must know that you are still an underage girl!"

A simple move is made with love and reason.

"Yes, you reminded me that Kato-san is also a minor?"

"...What I'm going to do next has nothing to do with adulthood!"

Some lack of confidence.

"Ah, that's the case, then please let the villain continue next to him."

"This is my privacy!"

"Okay~ Just let me take the material. No matter what happens, I won't be surprised, and I won't publicize it to the outside world. I'm just observing the passion of young high school student couples who are vigorous and lonely in the same room at night— —Ah, no, what kind of sparks will it collide with."

"...Do you know how terrible things you can associate with this sentence?"

"Sorry ~ occupational habits."

"I'm going to hang up."

The sound of the water is getting smaller, and Xiaohui just entered it not long ago. It seems that she needs to use shower gel. After all, her small bathroom doesn't have a bathtub... Once she thinks about Qianyi here, she feels a little irritable.

"No! I'm begging you! Really! It's really just for collecting material, you see, if you didn't keep listening, I wouldn't know that the woman would pay so much attention to body odor when such things happen!"

Just a moment ago, when I was surprised.

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