Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 142

In all fairness, as a normal male high school student, a young man with vigorous blood, encountering such a situation, it would be a lie to faint directly, and it is impossible to drive him out directly.

Therefore, Qianyi chose the middle way, that is to let the flow go...

And now, he now spread a towel on his crotch and sat on a low wooden bench facing the tiled wall. Hearing the rustling sound coming from behind, he looked rather cramped, and occasionally looked up at being hit by the mist. Wet barely reflected the light to see the wall of figures.

It happened so suddenly, Qian Yi hasn't recovered yet, and the circuit in his mind hasn't normalized yet.

She said to wipe her back.

Xiaohui, who was surrounded by the towel, blushed even more on her face, and was cautious in her gestures. She looked at Qian Yi's generous back, then lowered her head unnaturally, and continued to bring the bathing utensils over. No one in the big bathroom said nothing but rustling. The sound of the bottle of the two people's breathing became intense as their body temperature approached.

Even Xiaohui, who has always been indifferent, can't face this kind of thing indifferently.

Feeling the chest that might be burst by too high-frequency heartbeats at any time, Qianyi felt that she was going to lose her preparation, and even seeing things in front of her was a little unnatural. Didn't Xiaohui just come back with Shiyu and the others?



"Yes! Xiaohui! How come you are here!"

"...I think it's meaningless to ask this question now, no matter how you say it, didn't you say it just now..."

There was a bit of anger in Xiaohui's voice.

"I know! No! That's not what I'm talking about! I'm talking about Shiba, Yinglili, and Lunya! Are you not with them? You are like this now—"

Isn't it blatant?

Has it reached this point?

Xiao Hui suddenly appeared, but her expression was a little unnatural.

"Sister Shiyu and the others haven't come back yet. Aunt Zhizi is very enthusiastic about them, and she might not be able to come back for a while."

"That's it..." It seemed relieved, "That's it! What if they come back!"

Qianichi thought this was too bad.

"They didn't come back so soon, or they said..." Xiaohui's cool fingers touched Qianyi's back, one finger after another, "Or, do you think you can'wash' for so long?"

There seemed to be an electric current in the place under her finger, Qian Yi's thoughts were replaced by this numb feeling.

Loss of thinking ability.

Blurring the reflection of the tiles, she knelt behind Qian Yi, let go of her hands, and picked up a scoop next to her.

"I want to pour water?"

I can't see her expression, but her voice is the same as usual, but her speech is slightly faster.

"Uh, uh."

The right temperature wetted his back, and then the shower gel rubbed between his hands and filled the space with a reverie sound.

"Is it strong enough?"

"En, en!"

With a subtle expression, he straightened his chest and back, his muscles were stiff, how did it feel?He could only feel someone pushing his back.

Maybe she felt Qianichi's nervousness, and Xiaohui, who was a little nervous, laughed out loud.

The awkward atmosphere seemed to be relieved by the silver bell-like laughter.

"What...what's so funny."

Qianyi touched his nose. Indeed, he wasn't the one who was nervous in this situation. He was so innocent, I heard that he would be underestimated.

Haven't you heard of it?

The gates that cannot be attacked for a long time will be praised, and the soldiers who cannot attack for a long time will be despised.

"It's nothing, just thinking,'Shen Yi has lived very healthy for the past two years.' or something."

"...Is this a mockery."


There was something naughty in her voice.

"Also, Qianyi, your attitude is just the opposite of Aunt Zhizi."

Her hands are flexible and gentle, why can she still be so calm?

Qian Yi is very curious.

Why, she saw her grief, scars that looked terrifying to ordinary people so calm.

"Aren't you surprised?"

He couldn't help asking.

"Are you talking about what Aunt Zhizi said to me just now?"

Saying irrelevant words, but her hands were stroking the scar, the scar that straddled the entire shoulder.

three years ago.

Obviously know.

However, the subject has to be changed.

Frozen, she smiled lightly.

I don't want to say it now.

"What did she tell you? You seemed to be old acquaintance before."

"Yes, maybe you are more familiar than Qianyi?"

"Then what did she tell you?"

The topic continued tacitly in this way, and the charming scene did not happen as expected.

"Tell us to have children and get married or something like that."

"Puff! Wait! Why would having a baby come before marriage!"

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