Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 151

Don't young people like excitement?

In the coach going up the mountain.

"Hey, why don't you bring Xiaohui here too!"

Ying Lili, who was sitting next to Qianichi, bulged her mouth and was very dissatisfied.

"'Xiaohui'..." Qianichi gave her a weird look at first, "Well, she refused so obviously, there is no need to force it."

"Where is it? I just simply said, "I'm not going anymore, you guys have fun." This is obvious! What can I do if my boyfriend doesn't coax too much!"

The young 18-forbidden fan painter hated iron and steel, and shoved a little while wearing only swimming trunks.

The cool, tender and smooth touch can pass directly through the cortex to the senses. How can adolescent men feel uneasy.

"I have said, Xiaohui is not an ordinary girl, how can you understand her thoughts."

Qian Yi stuttered a little.

"Speak as if you can understand."

Ying Lili murmured, doubting.

"of course!"

Qianichi is pretty sure that Xiaohui didn’t want to come here, because the person who came this time still has Yayu, who came here was driven by Uncle Sen. After he left Yayuya, he went back alone. Today In the evening, if there were no accidents, Qianyi and his party would check in at a nearby hotel. After all, the house is surrounded by fields and there is no fun place. The only place for the next activity is here.

Let’s not talk about this. Just to take care of Yayou’s point, there must be someone to stay. In general, the best candidate is Xiaohui, and she also took the initiative to propose it. However, when Xiaohui said to stay, that The expression seemed a bit...fearful from the person who was familiar with her.

I didn’t think too much about it. Qianyi’s group first took the tour bus up the mountain. The rafting started in the middle of the mountain. This rafting has a very high vertical drop and a very rare height. I heard that the score here has always been high in the fan ratings No less, and this tour bus was full of people, not as deserted as expected, and all of them were young men and women.

"Tsk, damn charge!"

Lun sitting on the other side of the aisle also gritted his teeth.

"Ah~Mr. Ethics, are you still charging now?"

Shi Yu next to Lun Ye replied, and now the four of them look like they are on a double date.

Don't know why, Qianyi laughed.

"Hey! What dangerous things are you thinking of!"

Ying Lili, whose sensitive nerves were touched by Shiyu's subtle smile, noticed Kanichi's smile, and his cheeks quickly turned red, a bit embarrassed into anger.

"I just want everyone to come out like this really like a club! This kind of youth idea is rare, and you actually call me dirty!"

The shallow pair has a sufficient understanding of the thinking circuit of this 18-forbidden painter. He is obviously an 18X painter, but once he thinks of something that is connected with 18X, it is so easy to blush.Anyhow, some professional ethics.

"Wh, no!"

"Hurry up and lose my youth thoughts!"


The two people have been in this rhythm from before, and the long-lost familiarity caught a cold again.

Is this... Brother?

"Well, don't be discouraged, Lord Ethics."

Shi Yu's cold voice is so beautiful no matter what.


"Your height is indeed a pity compared to Da Mu."


Lun was also speechless.

"But your figure is better than him."

Shi Yu, who was leaning on the car window, supported her chin with one hand, and looked out of the window with little interest. Xiaohui didn’t come, so she missed a lot of things. There is no major part of the event for inspiration. This kind of simple play is not interesting. The main thing is that what she said last night has been lingering in Shiyu's mind.

The same spell.

Various possibilities are constantly being filled by Shi Yu's brain.

Brain tonic girl.

However, such a casual sentence made everyone present subconsciously look at two people, even Lun Ye and Qianyi himself.

Both of them are wearing swimming trunks and tops at the same time, and a lot of things can be seen on the upper body. Although Lun, who works every day, wears rustic black-framed eyes and looks weak and weak, once he takes off him Looks very lean, with faint muscle contours in the abdomen, and there is no cellulite; on the other hand, the shallow one is tall and strong, but there is a "swimming ring" in the abdomen. Although it is not an exaggeration, it is undoubtedly lacking. For exercise, if you insist on giving an adjective, you can only say'fat fat and strong'.

Shi Yu knew this a long time ago.


Everyone was silent for a while.


Lun also compared himself with Qian Yi, and then squeezed his fist quietly.

"You...not easy either."

Ying Lili somewhat understands what Kanichi feels now. It’s not like when she was taken by others to compare the size of her breasts. Just like last night, she finally had to start a'pillow fight' to save her face. People with big breasts must be agile. low!Just like a game!

There can be no perfect!

Just when Ying Riri was about to teach this Ah Q spiritual theory to Qian Yi, Qian Yi suddenly asked.

"...Eiri, why do you wear short sleeves."

As a girl, this is the time when she has the charm of her blooming age. Although she is said to be pleasing to herself, in fact, girls dress up to make people feel good about themselves. This is natural.

Shiyu is wearing a purple-blue gradient swimsuit dress today. Although it is a swimsuit dress, her figure makes this simple dress extremely sexy. As it is now, she is only sitting with her plump legs overlapped. There was a dark and mysterious area that fascinated people. Normally, there is no room for imagination in this action. Even if you know that there is a swimsuit underneath, you still won't give up thinking that this is the romance of a man!Not to mention that Shi Yu does not fit the hot body of this age. From the side, it is a perfect curve, with a plump breasts and deep grooves. The balance of elegance and sexy is compatible. Shi Yu is the most perfect woman Kanichi has ever seen.

Coupled with her calmness and nobleness, she is generous, and since just now, many male eyes have secretly fallen on her.

In contrast, Ying Lili is a lot shabby, of course, this is only in terms of figure.

She seems to be wearing a goose yellow one-piece swimsuit, which is judged by Kanichi from the exposed part. Yinglili's silk-like smooth skin is a natural advantage. She is a mixed race without the rough pores of foreigners, and her bones are like As fine as bamboo, there is an exquisite beauty between the ups and downs of the collarbone, slender wrists, and waist that is less than a grasp. Qianichi has always thought that she is a girl who can easily stimulate the desire for protection.

Although the temperament is so strong, but in essence, she is a fragile, sensitive and delicate girl who is the same on the outside. In many cases, she thinks more than everyone, and she is more timid than everyone, and more often chooses passive Initiative.

She is now wearing a large, solid-color T-shirt with a half-length swimsuit exposed from her lower body. However, this looks more impactful, and people around her can’t see it, but from a shallow perspective, it seems like her lower body has everything Not wearing the same-or as if only wearing the inner inner.

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