Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 156

He can't hold it tight.

His eyes opened desperately.

He also saw a staff member standing next to him giving him a thumbs up.

Thumbs up!Hey!This is killing people!

Is it really covered up by the government?

Qianichi spent a few tenths of a second thinking about the painful thing.

The water is not bottomed, maybe there is no stone!

He also closed his eyes.

However, Ying Lili's body stretched a little away!


Compared with other rubber boats, the sound of falling into the water is thicker.


The two collided with each other.



Asaichi and Ying Riri stared at each other with eyes widened in disbelief, zero distance.

Keep your forehead close and overlap your lips.

The pain mixed with the smell of blood spread to the mouth.

Out of the ordinary, unexpected, first kiss.


Shi Yu felt that her heart could not stand a bit now, who would have thought that the gentle river section would suddenly enter the most exciting and largest gap when people are most relaxed.

I was really scared.

She happened to look at the small waterfall, just breathing out.

Then I saw the two people hug each other and gallop down from above, crashing into the bottom of the water.



Chapter 39 Things are getting more and more complicated

Words: 3051

There is also an artificial reservoir at the end of the mountain, and there is an artificially made drop point when it ends. Qianyi has never seen this before it ends. Once it falls and then sway along the water is the end point. Now, many tourists have gathered here. Everyone is happy to discuss the excitement just now. Everyone has let go. Whether they know or strangers, they are all fighting.

Splashing crystal water drops, making colorful traces in the sun.

However, Qianyi did not have the kind of thought to care about the guys who poured water on him. He now has the same expression as Ying Riri-he hasn't recovered!

Qianichi's lips were torn, and his mouth was full of rust-like smell.

Just now...

Everyone who was laughing along the way would be stunned when they saw Qian Yi's back, and then quietly pulled away. Qian Yi himself didn't realize it, but Ying Lili who followed was all in his eyes, wrong!This is not the time to discuss this matter!

Going ashore in a daze, at the place where they took off their life jackets, they saw Shiba and Lunya who were waiting. They didn’t seem to be playing there either. No, generally speaking, they would wait for their friends and play in the water together. Right?

Normal thinking is like this, why do they come straight up.

Are they so sure they won't stay there?

Qian Yi had lost a lot of judgment in her vague mind.

Undoubtedly, his response was full score just now, but the future development was unexpected.

The entire drifting process is about 45 minutes, and there is no doubt that this is a process that makes people lose their souls.

However, the time that made Qianichi and Yinglili lost their souls was those 10 seconds, which was clear and profound enough to cover all other sensory impressions.


"Hello, lovelove couple in a daze~"

Shiyu greeted them with a smile. To tell the truth, I thought that the information and interesting things that Xiaohui could not follow would be reduced, but the scene I saw just now was really interesting.


I can almost kiss him outside the Xia CM venue.

So ridiculous--

The smile on Shi Yu's face grew stronger.

Ren next to him also scratched his head. He was a little curious about what Shi Yu was doing. Does she like drifting so much?After coming down, the whole person's emotions became obviously high, this has to be recorded.

Lun happened to miss that scene.

Compared to Shiyu's enthusiasm, Qianichi and Yinglili still lost their souls, and responded blankly, their eyes were dull and absent, which made Shiyu very upset.

"Ah, isn't it. Is there all pink thinking circuits in the head in estrus? It's like all the magic circuits in the body are lit up! And it's still pink."

This is the same way of speaking even if the mood is high.

"Who is in love! You are pink!"

Ying Lili was hooked back to reality by keywords, and her pale face suddenly turned into a red apple, which made people want to take a bite.

The change at this moment, just like the blushing factor being tied up by the gate, is now released all at once.

To be honest, Ying Lili is panicking now.

In particular, I saw the small scarlet wound at the corner of Qianyi's mouth—that just corresponds to her little tiger tooth.

First kiss...

that's it…

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