Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Heroine Chapter 176

"Are you interested in this?"

"Of course."

Her expression is "I am a girlfriend after all."

"...I really don't know what you are thinking sometimes."

Qianichi looked at her, as if trying to see something different from her face, but she just smiled cutely.

"Isn't it said that the most important thing for girls is to keep a sense of mystery and freshness in order to have enough charm to keep their boyfriend?"

It's like occasionally launching this possessive action at this time, and sometimes, just like in the hotel last night, I don't care like that.

This sense of contradiction...

He was defeated, followed Xiaohui, folded his hands on his knees, and raised his head to the sky.

"She... Ying Lili, asked me if I want to go abroad with her."


Qianichi doesn't know if this should be said to Xiaohui. There is no doubt that Xiaohui looks quite natural, but in fact she is more clear and delicate in her heart than anyone else. If she underestimates her scheming, it would be a big mistake.

His remarks are not equivalent to telling her-'I am very swaying in my heart'.

"Then..." Qianyi took a breath and paused, "I haven't responded to her yet."

Just say so directly.

"What about Shiyu-senpai?"

"Uh, what do you mean?"

Originally thought she might scold Qian Yi Huaxin or something, but she unexpectedly asked Qian Yi about another girl here.

"Did she give you any advice?"

"...Strictly speaking, she once invited me to be her editor during college."

After graduation, she joined her father to work in a famous real estate company.

"They...are very good."

The shadow of her bangs covered her expression.

"In many senses, it's a well-known fan painter in the industry as well as a new light novelist."

And the family background is so strong.

"Really...much better than me," Xiaohui's voice was a little vague, "If you change me, maybe you can only let Qianyi join my uncle's group to work."

She was talking about the people who appeared today.

Why are you talking about this suddenly?

"Xiaohui, can't you think of me as a little boy like Lun Ye?"

Besides, Qianyi didn't have the potential of being a little boy.

"No~ I think Kanichi should be a big face?"

She answered after serious consideration.

"...This kind of statement that my appearance has not changed in essence is really bad for you to take it so seriously."

Qianyi is a bit subtle, and it is clear that Xiaohui is the only one who likes him now.

And I fell in love with him without any warning.

"I should have said it. I have already emphasized it in front of my uncle. In front of you, I may promise that as long as I am alive for one day, I will try to get ahead in order to—

"Please stop talking!"

Qian Yi wanted to repeat the vows she had once made, but she interrupted him with an unprecedented wailing.

Yes, wailing like an injured animal.

"…what happened."

Qianyi stretched out his hand to touch her trembling shoulders. Even if she unknowingly lost the feeling of happiness, he couldn't let the girl cry.

There is no doubt that Xiaohui is one of the most important girls in his life.

"Please, only now, it's all right now, don't touch me."

She moved a distance and looked up at him with red eyes.


Did you say anything excessive?Why was it so normal a second before, but became like this after a second?Did you press some strange switch?

"How could I leave you alone!"

It was impossible to watch her cry at this time, Qian Yi took her shoulders with one hand, and there was a cold temperature from her body, she was shaking, she was scared.

I have never seen such an emotional Xiaohui.

"...Let me go."

She protested like a gnat.

Qianichi didn't answer, but hugged tightly.

"Xiao Qian..."

Familiar embrace, familiar temperature, at that time three years ago, that person held her in that place like the abyss, and his eyes were a little blurry and whispered in his former name.


This soft moan of anxiety and sorrow turned into a dagger and stirred into the depths of his mind.

Severe pain.

Memory pieces--

'I'm so scared, Xiao Qian.'

'Will we just die like this, Xiao Qian.'

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