Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 178

Really!Finally, I have to accompany these idiots crazy once!

In the nearby tent, Lun also heard all these noises, and with his eyes closed, he drilled harder into the sleeping bag, as if he wanted to melt in.


The time is now 9:30 in the evening, and there are no street lights on the mountain, plus the weather, the mountain road is very dark.

With the weak natural light, I am afraid that the mobile phone lights will attract the attention of the security guards-in fact, they think too much.

The two went down the mountain road to the cave in the dark. No one noticed a'little tail' behind them.

In front of the cave, Qianichi and Xiaohui were left with only a rusty iron gate that reflected unknown light.

Along the way, Qian followed her down, her heart was in chaos, she couldn't think about anything at all. The fragment that emerged from the conversation with Xiaohui just now was two junior high school students hugging each other and shaking together. There is no doubt that it is him and Xiaohui.


She took a few steps, recognized the direction, and beckoned to the shallow move that stood still. The tears on her face were dry, but the redness and swelling of the nose and eye sockets still existed, and her expression was not real.

"Xiaohui," Qianichi still stood still, "Let's stop doing such a dangerous thing."


Her tone was surprised.

"Listen to me, don't go."

Kanichi's calf couldn't help shaking.

"Because of danger?"


"Are you all here?"

"…I do not want to go."

This is not a question of courage and danger. The two people waiting in the front must be something more serious than the physical danger. There is this feeling in the light of a faint, and it must be something that can destroy his will. .

It took three years to establish all this.

"You... have changed."

Xiaohui took a deep breath and said this sentence with some relief.

"No matter if I change, I will still love you like this now!"

Qianyi could hear the subtleness in her tone, and hurriedly made a remedy.

"con man."


Did it mean that he had promised her.

"You don't love me at all."


Qianyi held his breath and looked up at her incredulously.

"You just agreed to me because An Yun-jun might like me and you made the senior sister and the others sad? You were caught by me because you were hurt by the senior sister, right? You just because you continue like this Lost the relationship that used to maintain a balance between them to like me, right?"

She said these words in one breath, and the shadow of the night covered her expression tightly.


"Why do you still lie to me now?"

"I really don't have that idea!"

Qian Yi roared, he was shrouded in moonlight, looking very desperate.

Does she...have always held this idea?

How can I endure this kind of pain while being kind to him while indulging him?

"But you never proved it by action."

Her lonely voice sounded deep in Qian Yi's heart.

"Who said! I will go to see your parents, do all this for you, I study hard, I try hard to discover my work ability, find the way for myself, I want to be responsible to you!"

"These are all the same formulas."


Kato Megumi, as expected, is the person who understands Kiyama Senichi best.

"Mechanically, everyone who has lost passion for feelings will make this choice, responsibility," she stretched out her left index finger, pointed at Qianyi imaginarily, and then pointed to herself, "You wouldn't refuse Qianyi in the first place. Anyone who confesses to you."

"Choose the person who loves you or the person you love. In many cases, this is not a problem. Before this problem, there is another more important question-what can the other party give you."

Sounds quite a fair word.

"I really want to be with you!"

"I believe you?"

Xiaohui slowly walked out of the shadows, her eyes revealed the sadness like the tide, the dark moonlight shrouded her figure, her figure became illusory, clearly only ten meters apart.

"But you just want to be with me."

"I really don't understand what you are talking about!"

Do girls like this?

"A feeling, if you can think rationally at the moment you meet it, then it cannot be love." She slowly approached Qianyi.

Back to Qian Yi again, facing him, she stretched out her hand to cover Qian Yi's heart, raised her head, her wet eyes and shallow eyes, her eyelashes trembling with teardrops.

"Actually, everything is my fault."

Strike the heartstring softly.

"I beg you, can you say something I understand."

Qianichi was panicked. She had never seen Xiaohui be like this, so contradictory and emotional, now her tranquility is like the moment before the storm.

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