Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 183

"But in fact what I said is useless, right?"

"...I said, can you stop trying to guess what I'm thinking."

He was a little bored, but just overheared Xiaohui's words, just a few words, what else could she understand.

"I'm not guessing, but you didn't think of yourself as a'murderer', the murderer who'killed' your'parents'."

Qian Yi breathed as a suffocation, her pale face raised her head and looked at Shi Yu in an incredible way.

Is she really...

"No, maybe you didn't think of the middle-aged man and woman as your parents at all."

Seeing his surprised expression, Shiyu knew that he had guessed at all times, so the smile that Qianichi had often appeared on her face appeared on her face, saying what he said the most to her.

"You know, I know you well, do you know how long we spend together? One third of the time since you came to this city, including sleep time, you spend so much time with me ."

"You who have been watching Lun Ye, how could you notice me."

Here comes again, moral kidnapping.

Shi Yu has learned to ignore him at this time, and must follow his own pace.

"What you want to examine, what you want to know, what you want to deceive yourself and persuade yourself, there is only one from beginning to end," her voice became softer and the distance between the two gradually narrowed, "Kato Megumi, this Girls, just like you, not because of the past."

They are all childish children chasing unrealistic fantasies, fools who have expectations for all of this.

"Shiyu, I don't think you should keep talking."

If we continue to talk about it, we will'cross the boundary'.

"How could I leave you alone."

"You should leave me alone!"

Qianichi was a little excited.

"I promised you to help you find your happiness."

"I also promised you to help you find your happiness. Finally, you are already with Lun! I can now define all this as a good friend's persuasion to me, and everything else means different things! You! What if you call Lun!"

The happy co-workers of each other, the once dusk, the promised lie to each other like a diaphragm.

"I don't think you will be deceived by that level of excuses."


She downplayed the relationship she had constructed.

In fact, Qian knew it a long time ago, whether it was from Shiyu himself or Ren Ye, everything he felt was an extremely familiar feeling.

That was the relationship between them'once'.

It's ridiculous.

"You... are also a liar."

Qianyi leaned on the table, the shadow of the fringe on his forehead made his expression unreal.

"You made me this liar."

Shi Yu’s inner memory was unearthed, and there was complaint in his tone. On the contrary, she also felt the same. It was this man, Mu Shanqian, who had turned into that kind of'hateful woman' by himself, using the most unsolvable Moral kidnapping tied her up.

Then throw it away in that situation.

He has always dominated all this.

"What you obviously like is Lun Ye."

"Then you stay with me every day."

"You obviously talk to me about Lun Ye every day."

"Then you tell me every day how to develop good habits."

The pace of the dialogue between the two people is getting faster and faster, and the content seems unmatched.

"You tell me every day not to think more!"

"Then you treat me like a'boyfriend' every day!"

"You obviously think about how to contact Ren Ye every day!"

"Then you will listen to me and do everything without asking for anything in return! You will take the initiative to set up the venue for my signing party by yourself late at night! You will desperately send me to the clinic to take care of me when I am sick! You will I rushed to find Kato-san at night for my request! You will nag about my work and rest habits tirelessly! You will tell me not to shake my legs! You will tell me not to lift my feet! You will..."

All her memories turned into violent storms, she looked embarrassed, her eyes were reddish, and the water vapor in the talking pair of eyes, she sniffed, with a little nasal sound.

"You will reject me, you will choose the method that is most beneficial to yourself, you will leave me, you will be with other girls, you will show affection with her in front of me, you will come home and tell me about you The feeling of love between you, your sweet look is only when you talk about her, you will think that I am really taking the material, and your happiness is so cruel to me."

She couldn't cry.

The first time I saw her like this.


Qian tried to speak, but she was interrupted directly.

A fuzzy voice with tears.

"You will only run away!"

"I do not have!"

"You obviously have it!"

"Where do I have it!"

He raised his head forcibly and looked at her, Shi Yu confronted him with red eyes without backing away, and the atmosphere of the two rose to a certain height!

"You have been rejecting my feelings since the beginning!"

"Your kindness is all right—"


The crisp sound echoed in the room.

Qianichi was slapped.

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