Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 185

She sobbed, feeling his strong hug. This was the warmth that was once within reach, but now she felt it differently.

"I like you! Shiyu!"

Her tears couldn't stop flowing out, just because of the young feelings of each other's past, let each other miss the best opportunity, such and other things happened.

"It's too late... fool."

Her words are stained with sadness, but they reveal infinite tenderness.

"I... I can't give you anything now, I don't know what to do, I really don't know what to do!"

Both are forcing themselves.


"I did too many wrong things, I—"

Shi Yu turned around and kissed him again, her lips parted, her wet eyes seemed to be saying something.

"May I?"

Qianyi can no longer think about it now.


She burst into tears, smiled, and nodded.

The final reason was directly destroyed by this action.

Qianichi hugged her, kissed her mouth heavily, closed the door, pressed her hard against the door, and subconsciously sucked her plump lips with the animal nature hidden in her body, which has been opposite for many times. In terms of actual combat experience, Shiyu’s kissing skills are obviously young and rusty. He easily broke through her defense, catching the silky lilac uvula in her cavity, and a big hand has quietly moved away. The loose hemlines stretched in and rubbed her plump wantonly, and the other hand was constantly caressing her buttocks behind her back.

"Woo! Tweet, Tweet~ Qian, Qianyi, I, I love you!"

She whimpered, her body catering to her heart's content.

Shi Yu's figure is indeed top-notch.

After only a while, she was already crushed, her body shrank and collapsed in his arms, letting him manipulate, as if thinking of something, she bit his shoulder heavily.

"Ah! It hurts!"

"Why are you so skilled! Stupid!"


The pain irritated Qian Yi. He seemed to realize what he was doing now. If it really happened, it would be something they couldn’t recover. He couldn’t give her what she wanted. He was burdened. There are too many facts.


She stretched her index finger to his mouth, not letting him continue.

"Yes... and..." She writhed uncomfortably, and lowered her head shyly. "Since just now, your place has been against me..."


Reason is lost again.

Desire was ignited again.


On the top of the mountain, outside the tent, Lun Ye, Ying Lili, and Xiaohui were sitting on the grass with their knees on their knees. The strong wind on the top of the mountain was particularly cool in the middle of the night, but none of them could feel the temperature.

Lun already knew how things were going.

It was said slowly by the desperate Xiaohui.

"...Sister Shiyu said they have returned to the hotel."

"Huh? Back to the hotel? What a joke! Give me your phone! I'll call her!"

Ying Lili grabbed Lun Ye's cell phone and dialed Shi Yu's phone number.

As a result, the opposite display has been shut down.


Ying Lili smashed the phone down angrily.

"Hey! That's my phone!"

"Already... it's fine, Ying Lili."

Xiaohui, with mud on her clothes, seemed to notice something, she still looked up at the starry sky with that faint smile.

Why are the stars so bright?

Certainly, it is because it longs to be touched by other stars.

Sadness gradually dyed her smile, Kato Kee smiled and cried.

"Hey, Qianyi, I'm just lending you to someone for a while?"

"Remember, come back."

The wind is getting cold, people take the tea to cool.


The lights in the room had been turned off, she was stripped of all precautions like a lamb, and her flawless body was displayed in front of the beloved man.

Qian Yi gasped heavily, her body was already covered with his traces.

"Shiyu... can I really?"

"Idiot... don't ask this at this time."

"This time, I won."

She stretched out her hands and embraced him with tears in her eyes.


To the end.

Still hurting myself.

Obviously this will only deepen the bond, so that it is impossible to start a new life.

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