Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 192

This person is really pitiful.

Obviously so hard.

Obviously so kind.

Why did this happen to him.

No one will come to contact him and solve him.

There is no one.

Why... He was born in this world like this.

Like the fear that the devil chooses to devour, it is being scrutinized all the time. Everyone seems to care about him, but in fact, he is the only one who is independent.

Therefore, he must be independent and become an outstanding success no one can be pitiful.

This group of people, all, disappear, it's fine.

Occasionally, this kind of thought also appears.

Must live.

No matter how difficult it is, Qianichi will never think of suicide. There is a will in his body-no, not so much as will, but voice.

A handful, very nice, very vague, voice engraved directly on the soul.

'Live it.'

'wait for me.'

It may be ethereal, but this is true.

'wait for me'.



White.album season.

There are couples on the street, and the shadows of the couples are constantly passing over the shadow of the lone person.

It's been a month since Qian Yi came here, and I found several part-time jobs. It is impossible to leave him here at times like Christmas Eve. This is the best opportunity for major merchants to use the holiday effect to conduct transactions.

Walking through the crowds alone, the giant Christmas tree in the square is full of lights. I heard that there will be a wish-making service. Friends from Qianyi's work office also symbolically invited him.

It's just... Qianichi is not good at accepting other people's kindness.

So far, he still hasn't made a friend, even if it is a general nod, only the store manager can remember the name-because the other party is paid.

To get home from here, you need to cross the tram driving route, which is under the viaduct.

As he walked, a hint of coolness fell on Qian's face.


He reflexively raised his head and looked at it. As a result, the spot Bai Wu was swirling in the air.

Soon the entire town will be covered with snow, and pedestrians are full of surprises, trying to hold the falling snow with both hands.

I heard that anyone who encounters snow on Christmas will encounter good things.

If you can really encounter good things, please give me a new future. It is worthy of the motivation for me to work hard, so that I can find the value of my existence, prove that I am alive, and prove that I am alive. And live tenaciously.

Not a substitute for anyone.

Qianichi curled his neck with a prayer heart and accelerated forward.

Walk a little further around the corner to reach the viaduct.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew, Qian Yi's knitted hat and scarf were blown crooked, and his hidden face appeared.

"Goodbye, Lord Ethics."

Sad words drifted into his brain with the wind, beautiful and sad female voice.

Before Qian Yi had time to sort his hat, the sleet made him unable to open his eyes. He seemed to see a figure approaching him in the blur, and he subconsciously moved away to give way.

did not expect.

The figure suddenly hooped his arm!

Although it is winter, the girl wears very thin clothes, and her sexy and proud figure looks thin like a trembling stray cat in this severe winter.

"You- uh!"

Qianyi was about to say something, but saw the girl raise her head. What a beautiful face she was. Her face instantly made people forget that she was in the severe cold. She was so fat that she was in the snow, her eyes were like stars, and her delicate features were matched with melon seeds. Face, God has a preference for her, giving her a thrilling beauty.

However, what Qianyi felt was amazing—she was crying.

It was a deja vu look.


'A person'.

'No one wants her.'


Qiang let go of her movements and subconsciously slowed down.

"Mr. Ethics, my boyfriend came to pick me up. I just wanted to play with you just now. You should go back and wash and sleep."

Only then did Qianyi notice that there seemed to be a young man standing at the entrance of the hotel. Both of them seemed to be close to him in age. The boy just stood there staring at the woman without paying attention to Qianyi. .

Although Qianyi is much stronger and taller than him.


He said nothing.

After a few seconds, the woman hugging Qianichi used extraordinary power to directly drag Qianichi back in the direction of her return.

Hey!Why are you pulling me back!and also!Where does this amazing power come from!

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