Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 329

Ying Lili crossed her legs. Because of the heating, she didn't wear too much thick. She was just a simple short skirt and long gown. The smooth, smooth legs and the slightly raised skirt made it difficult to divert attention. In the mysterious zone, the youthful and lovely face seems to be dripping red, and the eyes are rippling, always feeling... the ambiguous atmosphere of that night is back.

In fact, the shallow couple have an inexplicable feeling when they spend time alone with each of them, which is a very contradictory idea.

"Can you say that again?"

"Sure enough, I wasn't listening just now!"

"I have it! It's that you got the dad of the vixen by NTR and let someone help you raise the kid, and in the end you plan to fly three times in a row, right?"

"It's over. I think I'm ready to end it myself. I actually came to ask a book painter about ethics and morals. I'm not saved."

In fact, Eiri is also a bit embarrassed, right?That's why she is like this.

"Well, that is you want to make the urban superwoman, the former childhood sweetheart, into your RBQ through strong O, and then you can embark on the road to success?"

"It's too much to eliminate embarrassment anyway!"

And what is this perfect twist...

"Well, I'm serious, do you really want me to answer the question? If there is no problem, don't make any sound for the next 10 seconds."

Ying Lili looked at the corner of the room and said loudly.


"Don't make a noise!"


Holding his breath, he was so quiet that only the slight operating sound of the host could be heard.

"Well, it's really troublesome, it's obviously not my business."

Ying Lili sighed and said what she was bored, but she didn't look tired at all.

"First is the first."

Why suddenly became so formal, even Qianichi couldn't help but sit upright.

"Are you talking about the lover of Father Vixen?"

"No, no, that's not Father Vixen."

"Ah, it's troublesome. It's no wonder that such a bad person will have such a nasty daughter. In short, whether it is a lover's matter or that the vixen is about to become a vixen's sister, the solution is simple-- "

I always feel inexplicably stressed many times that'vixie' is an illusion?

She took a deep breath and was a little nervous.

"Maybe Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu already knows what you want to say."


It's such an unreliable answer!

"Wha, what do you mean!"

"She may already know what you want to say, or she already knows what you want to say about it."

"I'm getting confused about what you are talking about..."

Facing the confused Kanichi Ying Riri, she scratched her cheek in anguish.

"Hey! Don't worry about it! After you get out of my room, go directly to the balcony, and I feel that you can solve the problem!"

"There is such a saying?!"


Is there something wrong with your head?

"Don't you believe me?"

Ying Lili raised her delicate eyebrows.

"...I believe it."

"Hmph, don't worry, that vixen knows more than you think."

Yingliliru Baiyu's earlobes were flushed, and her hand touched the A4 bound paper lying on the computer desk involuntarily. Her tone was a bit embarrassing.

"There is more than you think...incurable."

I think you are half a cat.

Qianichi didn't dare to say anything, so she had to vomit in her heart. Maybe girls know more about each other.

"Ah, the second thing, um, about this, let me think about it."

Ying Lili put on a delicate appearance of thinking hard.

"I got the letter from Miss Hongsaka suddenly."

"Then your memory is back?"

This matter is no longer a secret.

"No, although some small memory fragments are gradually connected, but it is obvious that there are many vacancies, Miss Hongsaka... Sister Oto, she was my childhood sweetheart playmate when I was a child. Yes, but I don’t remember the very important "that incident" in the letter."

Qianyi remembered the day when she just watched Zhu Yin cry but she couldn't do anything.

"Wait, why do you put on a downcast and sorry heavy expression? Hey! Don't you tell me that my guest room will become a long-term residence! I will, I will, I will move to the attic to live with you of!"

"Puff, this is a really tempting threat."

He was amused, and the blush on Ying Lili's face has not disappeared, and it feels that there is no big problem even if the two of them make such a joke now.

"Long wordy! I'll be there tonight!"


Ying Lili took a breath, looked towards the corner, and the heartbeat just now faded a bit.

"Idiot perverted porno! Don't look at me doing strange delusions!"

"...Be at ease, I don't have the habit of trying to make things more complicated. Moreover, it is still the same way of saying that the matter of Otome-Ms. Hongsaka is the previous "Shanichi" matter. Big relationship."

Asahichi is very clear.

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