Slime Girl

Chapter 112

- Shari -

It was quite a hassle to stop Liqu from reading things out loud the whole night.

While I don't need any sleep this doesn't mean that I wanted to pass on my last chance before the mission to relax in my tub.

Still, eventually, the night comes to an end I had to prepare for a longer mission.

The way there alone will take almost two days.

So I have to get ready for a long time with nothing but wilderness.

After packing all my equipment I meet up with my team.

While Jaren and Vela look mostly fine, the other three don't seem to be too keen to go on this journey.

At least they managed to recover that carriage we left behind on our last mission.

Otherwise, the mood would have worsened.

I sit down, as far as possible from the horse, and make sure Liqu does the same.

"Do you have your mask?" (Jaren)

­"Sure. I won't face people without it. Not everyone has to know." (Shari)

In particular, it's a good cover which makes my opponents believe they can kill me like any other human.

"Good. You will need it when we talk with the villagers." (Jaren)

"I thought you're going to talk to them." (Shari)

"You're the highest-ranking official. So it's your task to represent us." (Jaren)

"Do you realize how that sounds?" (Balion)

"Calm down. She did well those last weeks. Also, she's a convincing talker." (Vela)

Don't know when Vela's attitude changed but it's welcome.

We start to move and do so for quite some time.

Yet it seems I was a bit too early with my judgment regarding Vela

Eventually, the carriage's platform started to feel a little too small for all of us, especially with Liqu.

"Can't you just tell that thing to glue itself to the bottom?!" (Vela)

"Maybe you should calm down?" (Shari)

"Have I done something wrong?" (Liqu)

"It's the eighth time it bumped against me! I've got enough!" (Vela)

I get her.

Liqu still has too little awareness of personal space.

Nonetheless, we finally make it to the junction.

Yet at this point, it already got late.

So we set up camp.

I take the chance to ask Vela what's her problem with Liqu.

"So, why did you almost freak out back then?" (Shari)

"Do I have to answer that?" (Vela)

"Not really. I'm just curious." (Shari)

"She annoys me. Not necessarily what she is but her behavior. As if she wants to indicate that not all monsters are truly bad. Even if I already killed my fair share of them. It upsets me to see how she without any care engages in situations. After all the people she killed she tries to coax us to believe she's friendly. Even if she already showed what kind of homicidal maniac she is." (Vela)

It's understandable to a degree.

That Liqu told her she would kill all her loved ones is not the best base for a relationship.

"I don't need to worry here, right? Had bad experiences on that front." (Shari)

"No need to. I can follow orders." (Vela)

That doesn't mean she will.

Yet pointing that out won't make her like me more.

After this, I walk over to Jaren.

He has the greatest tactical knowledge in my opinion, so consulting him about our next actions seems to be the right call.

"Hey." (Shari)

"Ah, there you are." (Jaren)

"I wanted to ask how we should proceed from here on out." (Shari)

"In the first place, it's an unusual mission." (Jaren)

"Bandits are unusual?" (Shari)

In my opinion, there are far too many around on the road.

"No, not around Ekoras. That town is a shithole that attracts all the country's vermin. However, this group is. If they can still operate after the count sends his men they aren't to compare to the common ragged troublemakers. And to put us against such a large group. They might be individually no opponent for a trained soldier and the captain really counts on your abilities but after the first group never returned it seems off." (Jaren)

"Maybe they want to test how much chaos Liqu can unleash on a stronger enemy?" (Shari)

"Maybe. But we have to be on high alert. We should expect an ambush on the road we're taking. And this might at least kill our horses. Or will spook them away again. Anyways fighting humans is an issue. Both mentally and because they pose a significant threat." (Jaren)

"I see." (Shari)

"Also, we're going to reach the village of Dosin tomorrow, if it still stands. Do you think you can talk to the villagers?" (Jaren)

"I'm not sure if it should be me." (Shari)

"You have to be the one to represent us. We'll back you up but it's important to act consistently. It will raise suspicion if they notice afterward that you're the one who commands us. Also, the others should see you acting in your role for once." (Jaren)

"If you say so." (Shari)

I never thought I would one day be someone's boss.

I don't want to bother the others.

Especially as I'm not on the best terms with some of them.

Elin doesn't seem too keen to talk.

And then there's Niboku.

He has already finished refilling the other's flasks and now is in some kind of meditation.

So that's another no.

So I decide to go to sleep after asking Liqu to do the first watch.

Guess the second will be on me.

The others should thank us for this small favor.

The next day we move on early.

We grow tense as in this area we could be attacked at any moment.

Elin surveys the area more attentive than usual, and the others are as well alert.

Yet no attack occurs.

This doesn't make any of us less tense.

Especially as Elin occasionally spots remains of recent raids.

Here an arrow in a tree, there some spilled blood, a burned carriage.

Not the most soothing things to find.

But they're always relatively old.

So we decide to stick to the plan and head to the village instead of trying our luck by following those trails into the undergrowth.

Eventually, we reach that village.

Surprisingly, it still stands and even looks unscathed.

However, I see no people.

"I guess we should watch out. Could be an ambush." (Shari)

"There are people behind the windows. I know that from Ekoras' slums. Too afraid to come out." (Elin)

"Does that mean no ambush?" (Shari)

"Don't know. Could be the reason why they hide." (Elin)

"Just stay alert. We're going to the biggest building we find. Might be the head chief's. Galos, Jaren; shields up! If arrows come flying we need some cover before Liqu can take care of them." (Shari)

"Hah. Almost like a real officer." (Galos)

No time for that.

Fortunately, nothing happens.

On the other side, I notice more and more looks from inside the buildings.

It's good that I have my mask on and forced Liqu to wear hers as well but I guess it doesn't make us look trustworthy to these people.

"This doesn't make any sense." (Vela)

"What do you mean?" (Shari)

"With the enemy numbers we're expecting, such a small village should be no obstacle for them. If the bandits' aim would be to get any riches it should've been raided a long time ago. So why does it still stand?" (Vela)

"I don't know. But maybe the village chief can enlighten us." (Shari)

At the building, I decided to approach I jump out of the carriage and wait for the others to follow.

Specifically, I'm waiting for someone who can knock at the door for me.

Sadly they don't understand my obvious issues and it takes far too many gestures till Vela gets it and steps forward.

"Knock, knock"

What would I give to be able to produce that sound?

It needs some repetitions until finally, an elderly man opens.

"Y-yes?" (elderly man)

"Sir, we are soldiers sent by count Kahan to aid your village with that bandit problem. Can we enter?" (Shari)

At this, his eyes snap open and he looks completely aghast.

"A-Ah, is that so? How wonderful. Sure, come in. We were waiting for so long for help." (elderly man)

I take that opportunity to enter.

"Am I right that you're the village chief?" (Shari)

"Y-yes. My name is Holan. I am so relieved. No one could sleep here anymore because of those bandits. But now there's help." (Holan)

"Speaking of which. There was another group before ours. You wouldn't know what happened to them?" (Shari)

Again a sharp breath.

Before he focuses on me.

"Ah, those. I'm sorry to tell you that they died. It was a fierce battle. The enemy outnumbering them by far. Still, they managed to break through and cause them heavy losses. Still, those who survived sustained severe injuries and died a short time later. We buried them at a field nearby." (Holan)

"Oh. Then what about the bandits? You said they're still a problem." (Shari)

"Some escaped back into the woods. I can show you the direction. They are still very dangerous men but you should be able to deal with them if there is any comparison to the last troop." (Holan)

He points roughly the way with his arms.

I take an for me unnecessary small breath before I point my mask's eyes directly at him.

With the friendliest voice I can produce, I start to speak.

"Thank you for your cooperation. If it's not asked too much, would you please answer me another question?" (Shari)

"Yes, s-sure." (Holan)

"Great. Then, would you please tell me what really happened?" (Shari)

As if I would believe even one thing coming from this guy who shows all the classical symptoms of lying.

I mean, extreme sweating, nervous twitching, averting to directly look at me, and a pulse that could indicate a health issue.

And yes, I'm well aware that some of those hints I only notice because of my weird slime senses.

Furthermore, this story is far too convenient to explain why no one is left from the old group.

Everyone died but there's no significant enemy force?

Come on.

"Wh-what do you mean?" (Holan)

"I want to know now what happened to our predecessors. Did you and your people kill them?" (Shari)

"What!? N-no!" (Holan)

Hmm, that sounded genuine.

"Then here's your last chance, before I go back to the lord and tell him that you're responsible for his lost men." (Shari)

I am rather sure this featureless mask of mine doesn't make him feel better.

"I, wha-, no! You can't leave! No!" (Holan)

Why would they want to keep us here?

He has to be aware that we're suspecting them and might turn hostile.

"Why can't we leave?" (Shari)

"I-its... god! I can't tell!" (Holan)

"You can't tell us how you killed our comrades?" (Shari)

"We simply don't know what happened!" (Holan)

"Care to elaborate?" (Shari)

"The bandits pestered us for a while without causing greater harm to us. When the soldiers arrived we were relieved and thought that soon everything would be over. But after the first group departed into the forest where we suspected the bandits to be we didn't hear anything from them. Then suddenly two days later men we didn't know came into our village. They said everyone who tries to leave the village would be killed." (Holan)

That explains why they're still here.

"And what about the direction you wanted us to go?" (Shari)

"That's... They also said that we should tell any troops from the count to go that way. We don't know what happens there, but they also said that if the next group of soldiers returns to the count to call for reinforcements, then we would all die before they have the chance to arrive. Please, we had no choice!" (Holan)

"I get you. Survival is a thing." (Shari)

Naturally, I do mind the fact that they were willing to get us killed and certainly won't forget to mention it in my report.

But it wouldn't help to corner him now and make more enemies.

Also, I have no intention to wipe out villages.

"T-thank you. What do you intend now to do?" (Holan)

"Naturally we walk in the direction you were so nicely pointing us." (Shari)

"But that's obviously a trap." (Holan)

"It's also the place they're waiting for us. So we don't even have to search." (Shari)

"W-why?" (Holan)

"Do you really think the count would after his men were defeated just send the same amount of force? I'm saying this now. We are much more dangerous than you believe." (Shari)

Again a sinister smile creeps along my face and without the mask, I would now have a problem.

"We're going to take care of that matter tomorrow. Are you able to offer any kind of accommodation.?" (Shari)

"Yes. There... are some vacant buildings." (Holan)

Would have been weird if not.

They must have lost some people because of the bandits.

"Great. Please bring us there. And while you're at it show us the way you wanted us to take." (Shari)

At the moment I should treat this village as enemy territory.

As much as I want to help them they could sell us out at any moment.

Leaving the house I notice some more downtrodden but inquisitive looks from the general populace which got curious.

Many of them are questioningly directed at me.

Probably because of the mask.

At least it helps to hide my unease.

As agreed we are led to an empty house that we can use as our base.

I fast go in and shove the village chief out.

Every piece of information is likely to get transferred to those bandits.

Just after this, I can sit down at a table to think this through.

I address the others.

"What do you think about all of this?" (Shari)

"This mission gets stranger and stranger. What do those bandits want? What are we against here?" (Galos)

"I had my suspicions from the start. But now it's clear that those aren't common thugs." (Jaren)

"Could you explain this in detail?" (Shari)

"Do you remember that arrow we found earlier?" (Jaren)

"Yes. That one stuck in a tree." (Shari)

"That was no arrow but a bolt. That means someone here has a crossbow. This kind of weapon isn't uncommon but it's hard to miss with it if you're trained. Like this, it's very unlikely that any villagers could escape from the raids. Yet some did." (Jaren)

"It's as if those bandits let them escape on purpose. But that would mean they want that soldiers come after them." (Vela)

"Who would dare to challenge our forces like this? That's utterly stupid." (Balion)

"I don't know but it seems as if they laid out an elaborate trap just for this." (Jaren)

"Do we have anything with us that would be worth the effort?" (Shari)

"Well, our equipment is top quality and we often carry our pay with us. But you're right. It would be more understandable if they target rich merchants." (Vela)

"So they're not normal bandits. How're we dealing with this then?" (Shari)

"We have to at least expect a much more organized force than we assumed. Maybe we should consider retreat?" (Jaren)

"Why do you make everything so complicated? Can't I just go and dissolve them all?" (Liqu)

Everyone stares at Liqu at this.

Yet this would be a solution.

"So... I'm not saying that it's decided, but who votes for Liqu's proposal? I mean, we already brought a living calamity all the way out here, so why don't make use of it." (Shari)

"She has a point" (Elin)

"You're the boss. But this is going to be a hard piece of work." (Vela)

I can just nod at this assessment of the situation.

"What is our strategy?" (Jaren)

"We need to somehow get Liqu to their base and have her quite literally wipe it from any enemy presence. The problem will be to get her all that way before they notice what is up and decide to retreat. Our efforts wouldn't change anything if they're still alive afterward." (Shari)

"I see. Like this, I would advise against going there in full numbers. They would notice us before we can come close, and especially Niboku isn't of much use in a fight." (Jaren)

"I never said I am. I'm primarily there for support." (Niboku)

"Okay, we do it like this. You, Niboku, and Galos stay here in the village. You secure this shelter as our base and watch out that no one attacks. Also, we need someone to watch our carriage. I've got the feeling this village is under surveillance and they would eagerly take our means of transportation from us. Which would be annoying to deal with, even if we succeed." (Shari)

"Understood. But do you think this will work out?" (Vela)

"Let's see. We have Elin, who hopefully can guide us around any traps. Then there is Vela, who can suppress them with her arrows. Balion's role is the only one I'm not sure of. His two-handed sword isn't suited to defense. However, I'm sure we would be hard-pressed to separate him from Vela." (Shari)

At this Vela's head grows red with alarming speed, while Balion coughs embarrassed.

"Nevermind. We should now go to sleep. However, because of the aforementioned reasons we need a guard. Just good for you that we slimes don't need any rest." (Shari)

I guess they don't want to show it but some emanate relief.

So we can finally take our rest.

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