Slime Girl

Chapter 116

- Shari -

The first thing I do upon arrival is making sure that Balion gets a healer.

And I send Liqu with him, in case they need someone to pull the slime out of his wound.

I, on the other side, have to make a report about our mission.

Yes, it's that, and surely not because I don't want to see their disgusted looks.

I take Vela as my prime witness and Jorad as my second in command with me.

To say it mildly, Peras isn't too pleased about this development.

"Damn! The lord has to know about this! This isn't just a slight annoyance, this is an all-out attack on our realm!" (Peras)

In my opinion, an all-out attack would be a bit more noticeable than some raids in the outback but in favor of my relationship with my boss, I decide to hold back on that matter.

"We were able to fight and eliminate them. I don't think many managed to get away." (Shari)

"That isn't the problem here! This was just the beginning. This document you brought shows that we might any moment be under attack!" (Peras)

"And panic won't help us to deal with this!" (Radon)

"Milord?" (Peras/Shari)

It seems Radon came, as always accompanied by Dion.

"Sir, you're here?" (Peras)

"I am not as isolated as I wouldn't notice when a troop returns from a mission. Especially not under such Peculiar circumstances." (Radon)

"The bandits turned out to be professional soldiers, milord." (Shari)

"Probably mercenaries or a private army." (Dion)

"We need to find out who sent them." (Peras)

"Could we maybe retrace the origin of those crossbows?" (Shari)

"How many did you say had one of these?" (Peras)

"Well, at least every other, maybe two out of three. That means around two dozen. Maybe more. As there were so many, shouldn't we be able to investigate who bought such an amount?" (Shari)

"This won't be possible." (Dion)

"Why?" (Shari)

"Because these weren't manufactured in Rakis. The style is different." (Radon)

"And I have a good survey on any weapon crafters in this country. This kind of professional crossbow craftsman doesn't exist here." (Dion)

"Wait, are you trying to say..." (Shari)

"These are foreign weapons. And coming from all the unnecessarily intricate circles and the smooth surface I would bet on Koreso." (Radon)


I can't claim to know much about them.

As far as I know, they are a very big nation in the west.

Aside from this my knowledge only amounts to hearsay.

But I don't even want to imagine what happens if I get caught up in a full-blown war.

"Tsk. Who else could it be? It's not like all our trade is running through them. Oh wait, it is!" (Peras)

"The question at hand is if this was just an acquisition by whoever is against us or direct support from a foreign power. I don't like what the latter would imply." (Dion)

"Do you think that we're dealing with foreign forces?" (Peras)

"No. This was an inside job. The knowledge and the influence required to set up such an operation are nothing a foreigner could accomplish without being noticed." (Dion)

"Whatever it is, this can't go on. The problem is that we have no specific target. No one we can blame. Even if we would relay everything to the capital, there is a chance the nobles would simply claim I made this up with the purpose of raising my funds." (Radon)

Seems like I underestimated the political situation.

At the moment, I'm not dissatisfied with my situation in life.

So it would be a bother if someone would come now and destroy this.

I made my report and don't believe I have sufficient strategic expertise to add to this strategy meeting so I'm going to excuse myself and take my leave.

But before I do this, I need to address Dion.

"Ehm, by the way. Could I maybe get a larger portion than usual? I had to forego quite a number of meals and Liqu dissolving each and everyone was quite a disturbing sight which left me losing my appetite back then. However, it has to be replaced." (Shari)

"Sure. You've shown good results from what I could gather. So you'll be compensated in accordance." (Dion)

I really hope he doesn't mean that I get rewarded with only a meal.

A real reward would be more appreciated.

However, at the moment I would take it.

Seeing how Liqu filled herself to the brim by dissolving people was terrifying yet at the same time, it made me feel... lacking.

Maybe this is this instinct or traces of our linking but seeing another slime getting her fill while I have to abstain is raising a feeling of jealousy.

Not that I consider people as my source of nourishment.

I only want to say that I became hungry and all the time endured this sensation of wanting to refill myself again.

I walk back to my room and wait.

After a while, I hear a sound.

The clanking of metal and realize that that's the sound of those fancy plates grinding against each other while being moved on the tray.

Then I hear voices.

"How can they do this? I'm used to a certain level of wastefulness but throwing all this perfectly good food in this lair to... that thing?!" (?)

"You don't know her. She is far more reasonable than one would believe." (Elara)

Seems like Elara and a colleague are bringing my food.

The sound was probably from carrying it downstairs.

"What is reasonable about a monster?!" (maid)

"Well, for one, that she's nice to those she likes. So it might be smart to try getting on her good side. By the way, she can probably hear us." (Elara)

She sounds already much more confident than she initially was.

Seems like things are working out for her.

"You're saying this now!?" (maid)

"It's not like she's going to eat you." (Elara)

"How can you be so calm?" (maid)

"Because there's nothing to worry about." (Elara)

At this moment, the door opens and two trays with large domes over them are brought.

Looks like something special today.

"Ah, thank you. I was already oh so hungry." (Shari)

I've decided to tease this maid a bit.

"Looks quite good. I hope you're satisfied." (Elara)

She raises the lid and I stare at a meal so superior that I'm sure I would've never got it in the kind of normal life I led before.

The irony is that now I can't appreciate the taste anymore as I'd have before.

"Ah, it looks great. It's just that it sadly doesn't matter to me. You know, it's all the same to me if I dissolve it. So it feels like a waste." (Shari)

While saying this, I make eye contact with the other maid who almost drops the second tray she brought.

"What did I say?" (Elara)

Since I don't like it if people watch me while I dissolve stuff I send those two away.

After that, I dig in.

I know it's a waste, but especially the leaking fluid of the flesh is a sensation I kinda appreciate.

Nonetheless, I have to contain myself when I notice that I had enough.

I am not even close to finishing my meal.

So it would be best to put the gained energy to use.


The thing is, I know that I could really need a better way to fire at enemies from the distance.

So I want to practice creating and shooting those special bullets Liqu always uses.

They're certainly harder to create and fire than the common ones.

The good is that this half-eaten meal in front of me serves as ammunition.

When I feel that I'm improving after my first attempts I've got another idea.

Without any delay, I proceed to devour the rest of the meal.

Yes, I know that I said I was already at my limit, but that's exactly the point.

I want to learn Liqu's overeating skill.

As soon I dissolve more than what I discern as my current maximum I notice how my movements become more sluggish.

And this is perfect for training.

If I can manage a clean shot in this state then it should work all the better in general.

I stop when I feel that using any more energy would mean falling below my current limit.

Even if that one is constantly increasing.

I'm a bit sorry for the wall, but it's just stone.

This much should be repairable.

Yet now it's time to get into my bed/tub.

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