Slime Girl

Chapter 124

- Shari -

Suddenly, I notice how Dion is approaching.

"Good, you're awake. Come, the count wants to see you." (Dion)

We're heading to the upper floors of the building.

There at the highest level were formerly the offices of the highest-ranking officers.

Yet now they got provisorily repurposed as temporary lodgings for the most important people.

This primarily means the count, Dion, and naturally, the princess, who no one can expect to sleep in the barracks.

Yet for some reason we're going to Peras' office.

In there I find all three of them.

Peras is still bandaged from head to toe.

It doesn't look too bad but he's certainly not ready to get back to work, not to speak of fighting.

My guess would be that he voluntarily abstains from receiving treatment while there are so many others in dire need.

I give him high credit for this.

Meanwhile, the count is again in his favorite position, sitting behind a desk.

"Good to see you're well. How is Liqu?" (Radon)

Sigh, it's really hard to think and at the same time not to start a conversation.

"Quite well. A bit too chatty. However, she’ll probably need a while longer till she can move again." (Shari)

"Sorry to hear that. It would be better if she could." (Radon)

"Could I ask why?" (Shari)

"Because you're leaving the estate today." (Radon)

Unblinking, unwavering he simply states this.

"Excuse me, what!? Are you going to throw us out?!" (Shari)

"Mind your manners! You're still speaking to our lord." (Peras)

"Didn't we more than prove our value?! Yes, I know it was a bit excessive but just as demanded! Wait. Our lord?" (Shari)

Did the count just... chuckle?

I didn't even think that he's able to make that kind of expression.

"Ahh, no you're not dismissed, yet. On the contrary, your actions were quite commendable. You even exceeded my expectations." (Radon)

"Then why are you saying we have to go? " (Shari)

"Because it's your new mission. You're going to escort princess Anvenia back home. I've lost too many men for me to confidently continue protecting her. Also, since the mansion burned down, I am simply not able to accommodate her any longer. So we have to deliver her back to her father, and while we're at it, could inform him about what transpired here and that I need backup." (Radon)

I get where he's coming from.

But transporting a princess isn't necessarily a simple matter.

"However, as you surely have realized, the princess was the target of this last attack. So we can't draw too much attention, nor can we risk informing the palace in advance as our opposition has a foothold there. While I don't doubt your abilities to deal with any attackers, it needs just one aimed shot at the princess to end her life. We can't risk that. So a small elite force will have to make do and you need to travel incognito." (Radon)

I get that the palace could be infiltrated when there were already assassination attempts on the princess.

However, this is exactly the reason why this sounds so irrational.

"But if the enemy waits in the palace shouldn't we totally avoid bringing the princess there?" (Shari)

"We simply cannot accommodate her any longer and this place is compromised. It's better to transport her to the palace now while we still can, where there are at least resources to protect her, instead of waiting till the enemy can prepare." (Dion)

"And you're sending us two on that mission because..." (Shari)

"Because you're my strongest assets and there is nothing more important than this mission. We need to inform the king and the princess will testify our impervious alignment." (Radon)

Basic she says.

This means I'd let her invade my own senses, which is honestly creepy.

If I'd still have a body the answer would certainly be no.

But as my eyes are as artificial as everything else it would be nothing but a minor adjustment.

However, while my conversation with Liqu proceeded relatively fast due to the fact that our brains are far too intimately connected in my body, this means in practice that all the emotions I experience are in a fast sequence displayed on my face.

Which explains all the aghast stares I receive.

"Uh, sorry but I had to discuss something with Liqu." (Shari)

"Something of interest?" (Radon)

"Uh, I'm going to grant her vision." (Shari)

As instructed I place Liqu's core close below my neck.

I might have stored her in my head, but I don't like that image.

After that, I feel how something happens inside my head.

The strands leading to my eyes shift in an odd way.

It's kinda the reverse feeling I have when she feeds me.

Instead of receiving more slime to control, it's taken.

Losing even a part of one's body control is a bit unpleasant I need to say.

Ultimately, the shifting spreads along the strands and comes to a halt at my eyes.

Still not a great feeling, but bearable.

"Great for you." (Shari)

I become too late aware that I spoke out loud.

This permanent telepathy is rather confusing.

Yet when I look at the others' expressions I doubt that's the only reason.

"Is something the matter?" (Shari)

Without saying a word, Dion takes a small mirror from the next table and holds it in my direction.

My head and face still consist of blueish formless mass.

If not for my eyes.

Around them there is now a green circle, leaving me with quite the peculiar gaze.

She stays quiet because she wants to avoid agitating me.

Her motivation is absolutely openly conveyed though as we are still linked.

But I have to ignore that since I have to interact with the people in the outside world before I look completely insane.

"Fine, Liqu eyes. She can see you now. I hope that's no problem." (Shari)

"Can she hear us?" (Dion)

The next moment I perceive a similar shift at the side of my head and am rather sure I have now a green hole in my ear.

Though her hearing should be dulled since my ears are mostly for appearance's sake as slimes hear with their whole body.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to hear in blob form.

Yet the unique form of ears lets them gather sound to a degree, so it might work out.

"Now she can." (Shari)

"Might be better this way. Liqu, I want to commend you for your efforts during the latest crisis. I won't forget your contribution. However, we are in a dire situation and need the strength of both of you. " (Radon)

"While I'm not a fan of partaking in dangerous missions in quick succession, I know it's part of our deal. Yet, what we didn't discuss thus far would be how we are compensated for a performance that is clearly far surpassing what the average soldier is usually doing. And this, if I remember right, while we still haven't seen a single payment yet." (Shari)

I don't want to appear ungrateful or rude, behaving like a mercenary.

I know till this point we've got quite some lenience and special treatment.

However, the difference between an employee and a slave is the fact that the former gets paid.

If nothing else, money is a useful asset in negotiations and like this of intricate value to me.

So if we're now going on that mission I'm sure that payday will come and go without me seeing a single coin.

And this while it's not clear when we will return in this chaotical situation.

He could even get completely annihilated during my absence and all I'm left with are wasted time and too many new enemies.

I am fine keeping my part and following his orders after I gave my word to do so.

But that doesn't mean I'm willing to allow anyone to take advantage of me.

Especially if someone might believe I'm just a stupid monster.

Radon's scrutinizing gaze wanders over me who firmly stands her ground.

Then he rummages a bit under the desk, procures a satchel, and throws it to me.

"Ten gold coins. This should cover your traveling costs." (Radon)

I don't look inside to avoid offending him.

But I released some slime and drift it through the fabric.

The probing confirmed the amount.

Ten gold are good.

A small fortune.

Probably not even close to what buying something even remotely as powerful as Liqu would cost.

"Remember that you didn't have to pay for any necessities. This was logically taken into the equation." (Dion)

From the viewpoint of a commoner like me enough to live comfortably for years.

If I wouldn't have now the consumption of a slime along with all the incidental costs for concealment and equipment.

"Fine. I'm in. When will we depart?" (Shari)

"Within the next hour. We cannot afford to draw attention and allow that anyone can take measures." (Dion)

"As it is, we shouldn't wear our uniforms, right? Those are basically screaming ‘official mission’." (Shari)

"You're right on that matter. We will give out civil clothes to the participants. " (Dion)

"Then I would like to use my own equipment. I'm rather sure you don't have customized cloaks to hide us, right? And I left most of my weapons there." (Shari)

"Tsk. Good luck with that." (Peras)

"What is it?" (Shari)

"While it's unlikely that the cellar was completely destroyed by the fire, its entrance is completely buried by the debris. So gaining access could prove difficult." (Dion)

"While it's certainly a peculiar sight, would you perform your rapid grimaces outside? Just be at the mentioned time at the carriage." (Radon)

"Sigh, yes. I'm just going to fetch my stuff. Any way to clear the courtyard from people?" (Shari)

"No. The repairs and the cleaning are in full work and have to continue." (Radon)

"Fine. Then I'll need a bit of extra food. This is gonna be draining." (Shari)

I leave and walk to my demise.

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