Slime Girl

Chapter 13

- Shari -

After I made sure that Liqu isn’t going to destroy her clothes and wears them properly I take my time to ponder what exactly I am going to do now.

As I mentioned before, staying is not going to work.

Anyways, it would be better if I don’t get linked to this incident here.

It might be nearly impossible to convince anyone that I am not a killer, but it will for sure be like this if I stay where people vanished.

Also, without me around my parents will not get into trouble because of this, since then they simply went missing.

Regarding my future, I need to come up with a way to make a living.

Apart from living in the wilderness as Liqu suggested.

So a home close to a town!

That would be my long-term objective.

Inside one would be far too dangerous.

Also, this "cover your body with a cloak and the face with bandages" disguise will just bring me so far.

There is an idea floating in my mind for something better, but at the moment it is not possible to realize.

So my course of action is to be careful and limit any contact with other people as much as possible.

To realize a home of my own I will need money, moreover a generous sum.

The problem is even to start doing that, without having any contact with people.

This obstructs all forms of employment.

So a job I can do self-sufficient, without the need for prior investment of money I don’t have, and which does not solely rely on contact with people.

All of this while keeping an eye on a mentally unstable slime.

Why do I have problems believing that there is a conclusion to this problem?

In the first place, I have no greater talents that would help me with earning money.

All I can do is gather and differentiate herbs of worth you find in the forest.

Wait a moment!

That could be it!

If I gather objects that are rather difficult to obtain, I could make quite a profit.

In general, this kind of work is done by adventurers.

However, to gather and sell them, one does not necessarily have to register as an adventurer in the guild.

That would be hard to perform in general, without showing my face.

This kind of work might be dangerous, yet this goes for normal humans.

In my condition, those monsters that would be likely to expect, are no threat to me.

At least I can confidently say that I am unsavory to them.

Or any living being that is.

That stuff is really unpleasant to swallow.

And if push comes to shove, I have my bodyguard here.

If nothing else, her fighting ability is fairly proficient.

I’m not this inclined to cause people’s death, but monsters are fine.

Like this, all I need to worry about is getting the info on valuable locations and how to solve the necessary encounters with people without getting lynched.

So I have a plan.

I doze off a little in my room next to my bed and take my time to think of most situations I could come in, while at the same time giving my utmost to ignore the monster in the other corner.

After I’m done, I make my way to the living room.

This might be the last time in a long while, I can talk to my parents and I will take advantage of it.

The moment I touch the door Liqu immediately perks up.

I throw her a glance.

"Don’t make a ruckus here." (Shari)

"I don’t want to stay alone!" (Liqu)

Considering that she should have been used to being alone before, I am getting the impression that she is getting addicted to having company.

"Urgh, just be quiet!" (Shari)

Goodness, she makes a face like a hurt puppy!

When I enter the living room I see my dad sitting at the table with a dim expression, while my mum is scrubbing slime off the floor.

There are rather large remains in green and blue.

Especially big bulks where the adventurers died.

In remorse, I look down at my feet and observe the remains I leave with each step.

Looks like mum won’t be done so fast.

"Sorry mum, it seems I was oblivious to the trouble I bring to you." (Shari)

"You are not to blame. I just wanted to start before it piles up." (Hannah)

"I am still the reason for this piling up, so I feel sorry." (Shari)

"Don’t mind it anymore. It’s okay." (Hannah)

"You look… better, like this." (Jona)

"What an awful way to sidestep the hot topic. Yes, being naked was not so pleasant for my self-esteem. Even if there is nothing to see anymore." (Shari)

Yes, indeed my new body is rather androgynous.

In my current shape, there are no distinguishing features regarding gender.

If you don’t count my chest, which was never too developed and lacks the peaks, which apparently were of negligible significance to Liqu.

That’s a condition that I’m not sure if it's good or bad for my sense of shame.

And that’s even though Liqu is quite a show-off with her load.

Wait a moment!

She has those because she made them.

So I could…

No, no, no! Let’s postpone any modifications to my body for the foreseeable future!

Think human!

And back to the topic.

"Well, the only thing to see would be this oversized marble that contains my soul or mind or whatever else it is that got transferred inside there." (Shari)

"Huh, what are you referring to?" (Hannah)

"You should have seen it by now! That red-glowing stone, right here in my body." (Shari)

I raise the now rather blue shirt I’m wearing and expose my core, which is right now residing where my stomach would be.

"Oh, that’s what that thing is about." (Hannah)

"Yes it is something like my brain now. Rather unnerving if you think about it." (Shari)

"If it helps, it looks pretty! Like a ruby! As if you would always wear jewelry." (Hannah)

"Sorry, but to be honest, that’s exactly what Liqu said to me. So it leaves kind of a foul aftertaste." (Shari)

"Oh, forgive me. I Didn’t know about that. I hope you aren’t hurt." (Hannah)

"No offense and thank you, it is nice that you are looking for something positive in this mess." (Shari)

It shows that she is still concerned about my mental health, even if the past few days were a heavy blow to it.

It is just nice that she still tends to me.

"I know we asked before, but are you really feeling alright like… this?" (Jona)

"Now; it’s a little weird how I feel. But the movement of this body comes quite naturally. At first, I didn’t even notice that something was wrong. But, my senses are peculiar. Some I don’t have anymore, like smell or taste in a way." (Shari)

Well, I have some kind of dissection, but that’s creepy.

"Touch is there, but obviously a bit different than before, for example, pain is turned off. Then hearing and seeing are normal, as they are somehow influenced by my mental image. Also, I can see with these eyes just fine, even if it shouldn’t be possible, since they are fake. But, at the same time, I see things all around me with a weaker impression. It’s all very strange, but nothing unbearable." (Shari)

After I said this father holds his hand out on my backside, while I am still turned to my mother.

"Yes, there are three fingers. Enough confirmation?" (Shari)

"That’s a fascinating ability!" (Jona)

"At the moment it is dulled. I assume because of the clothes that shroud me a little." (Shari)

"You don’t have to force yourself because of us." (Hannah)

"No! Humans wear clothes and I will not give in on this." (Shari)

I might be delusional, however, although my body has no longer any human traits, I at least want to be one in mind.

Whether this is just "pretend play" or not.

While I am elaborating on the importance of clothes for the preservation of a civilized persona to my parents, Liqu comes out of my room.

"You made that creature wear clothes? Furthermore yours?" (Jona)

"I can’t take them all with me. And am I really the only one who is disturbed by her naked body?" (Shari)

Just to say, they are big and she has the "peaks".

"I was more concerned about her general presence." (Jona)

"I can safely say that she is not going to attack any of you." (Shari)

"How do you know?" (Jona)

"Because my Shari said I can‘t!" (Liqu)

Oh god; she is hugging me again!

"Keep your distance! We had this talk just moments ago!" (Shari)

She lets her shoulders drop down in evident disappointment.

"See? She is not hostile to me or those I hold dear. Or am I wrong?" (Shari)

"No! You would hate me if I do so." (Liqu)

I suppress the urge to tell her that this would only add one more point on a long list since it wouldn’t be beneficial for my control of her.

Trying to roll my eyes at my parents I think I fail great times, due to the lack of muscles and apparent features on those spots.

Message to me: Just use gestures you can do with this body.

"So yes; not hostile! Duh!" (Shari)

"And what do you want to do now?" (Jona)

"I’ve decided to stay the night and depart tomorrow morning." (Shari)

"Are you really sure about leaving?" (Hannah)

"I have at least a plan on what I will be doing, but I am absolutely sure that I need to leave. Nothing good would come if anyone would connect this incident to my existence, neither for me nor for you. And sorry, but you can't accompany me. It would just make things more difficult for me." (Shari)

"If you say so, but I feel about anxious letting you go like this." (Hannah)

"As a man-eating monster, which is nearly invulnerable and has an even more dangerous monster as a bodyguard by its side?" (Shari)

"You are no monster! You are my daughter no matter what happens to you!" (Hannah)

"Thank you, but what I did want to say was, as long I can maintain some cover I shouldn’t be in any danger. Assuming a certain someone isn’t provoking it." (Shari)

I throw a glare at Liqu who seems completely oblivious to the statement.

Well, I already knew that she is socially inept and that’s an understatement.

"By the way Shari, it is soon midday and we should have dinner. Ehm, does this work for you? Or do I need to prepare something special?" (Hannah)

"I am sad to admit that I can seemingly ingest everything. But flesh works better." (Shari)

"Oh sorry, we don’t have any meat. You know our provisions are rather scarce right now. Maybe I should quickly go and buy a little." (Hannah)

"You don’t have to. I said everything is fine. Besides, it is nice that you suggest sitting together with me to eat, but it might get a little weird regarding manners." (Shari)

"We are still a family, so we eat together when everyone’s present." (Jona)

My father was never too great at showing any emotions, but his trust is getting through right now.

This is a really heartwarming family moment.

If not…

"Yeah, family dinner! I’m so happy! Where’s my place?" (Liqu)

Goddamnit! Read the mood stupid slime!!!

My father throws her a hefty glare, while my mother seems a little put off by Liqu’s complete ignorance of the fact that she is not welcome here in general.

"Now, let us first clean the floor as well as it is possible with us here! Liqu! You made this mess, so you help too. Understood?" (Shari)

"Okay!" (Liqu)

With impressive speed, Liqu floats over the ground to the biggest bulks and takes them in.

Haven’t thought before on this, but slimes probably leave these puddles because they contain no energy and are thus just dead weight, in the literal sense.

But that is not keeping her from taking it in.

And after she has collected them, she moves outside, to dump everything there as I guess.

"Put it in the greenery. I don’t want anyone to get the "right" idea!" (Shari)

While she roughly removed a great deal of the current in the room, she also left something like a snail’s trail wherever she was.

And so I still do as well.

Before doing anything else I move to take a second pair of shoes I own for emergencies.

For example when they get dissolved by an abductive slime.

By doing so, I can move without leaving too much on the ground and be of minor help, instead of being a nuisance for my mother while cleaning.

Keeping them on is a little tricky and affords some continuous adjustments I have to do, but I can manage.

I take a pair of gloves too, since using a rag wouldn’t work if it’s soaked with my body.

I’m starting to realize that getting things dry will become a strenuous task in the future.

"Let me help you mum since it’s partly my fault that the floor is in this state." (Shari)

"Thank you, it’s appreciated." (Hannah)

"Now that she’s out, what do we do regarding the dinner?" (Shari)

"I thought about stew." (Hannah)

"I see. That sounds fine. Since that's now sorted out, how about we talk about the monster that is set on eating with us?" (Shari)

"Are you even considering it?" (Jona)

"I don’t know. It’s not that much would change when she’s there. And if we don’t, she is going to cry the whole time and that would be annoying." (Shari)

"Still are you really okay with this. I mean you said that, but after what she has done to you, don’t you hate her?" (Hannah)

"You know, the most frustrating hereby is that the more I talk to her, the more difficult it gets to throw any blame at her. The way she puts all her effort into everything I ask of her, desperately trying to earn my favor, or that she is absolutely socially inept. And the worst is that she has no idea that she has done something bad or at least doesn’t understand the gravity of her actions. How do you blame someone who has no way to understand that there was anything wrong with her actions?" (Shari)

"If you put it like this." (Hannah)

"She is a child! A stupid little child that has no idea of anything! And it is just vexing to deal with her being so oblivious!" (Shari)

Yes, this rant was desperately needed.

"So is it okay if she sits at the same table?" (Hannah)

"Just let her, before a wailing slime will drive all of us nuts." (Shari)

"I am not sure if I can agree with this. (Jona)

"See dad, it’s not like you need to talk or make up during that ordeal. I for sure won’t forgive her so easily. But it’s not worth it to ban her. Also, I kind of need her as a bodyguard if things went bad for me." (Shari)

"Tsk! Fine! For you." (Jona)

"Thanks, Dad." (Shari)


And like this, the most bizarre family dinner ever started.

We stayed quiet most of the time.

If not for an extremely excited slime, which I first had to introduce to proper table manners.

Instead of her almost head-dive in her pot, to dissolve her portion.

As I am spooning the stew, I observe that the broth, made with grease and oil, fares marginally better than the berries, while the vegetables are rather feeble.

While I am drinking, I wonder how the liquid changes the composition of my mass.

Since Liqu is eating it normally (Now!), I don’t think that I have to worry.

Nonetheless, confirmation can’t harm.

"By the way how is water reacting to slimes?" (Shari)

"Huh? Not too bad. You aren’t getting anything out of it, but if you are very carefully keeping yourself together, you can even go into a lake without completely dispersing, as our slime is not soluble." (Liqu)

So I should treat water carefully and swimming will stay possible but less pleasant, if not extremely dangerous when I don’t hold on to myself.

"Anyone else any questions about slimes to get answered by the real deal?" (Shari)

"Uhm, M-Miss Liqu was it?" (Hannah)

"Yes, that’s my name! Came up with it myself!" (Liqu)

I know she is oblivious to others' opinions about her, but how does she accomplish to always wear this joyful smile whenever she interacts with someone?

"You surely lead an interesting life, no?" (Hannah)

"Not really, it was mostly boring!" (Liqu)

"I-Is that so?" (Hannah)

"Yep, mostly hiding and evading those people who are out to kill slimes, always the same striving through the forest, similar patterns of fights against creatures for food, and all the time you are alone and have no one to spend your time with. But now I have my Shari!" (Liqu)

Oh no, she turns to me with this lurking “induce-skinship” attitude.

"Stay put!" (Shari)

Crestfallen she slightly lowers her head.

"How does it come that you behave so… human?" (Hannah)

Good question mum!

Didn’t come to investigate that yet.

"Ah yes, sometimes I sneaked into villages and observed how they interact, to understand how self-conscious beings act together. It was fun to observe something more interesting than animals and beasts!" (Liqu)

"So, you were at our village before?" (Hannah)

"No. Never." (Liqu)

"Then why did you take our Shari if you didn’t even know her?" (Hannah)

Not good, mother is getting irritated.

A common reaction if you engage for too long with Liqu.

"Huh? Because I like her!" (Liqu)

That literally explains nothing, stupid slime!

"Why did you like her if you’ve never seen her before?" (Hannah)

"Because her soul looked nice!" (Liqu)

"Her soul?" (Hannah)

"Even I can’t understand this answer, Liqu!" (Shari)

"Oh, then I try to explain! It’s like this: On us slimes, you can see the general nature of the character by examining the core. Mine is rather dull and gloomy so it’s a little depressing to compare it with others, even if they have no real thoughts or do nothing of interest. I mean in which way are they better than me? Those blobs are barely aware of their own existence. Yes, they are shining less but instead have warmer colors than me who has only an odd cold violet which…" (Liqu)

"Liqu! Focus!" (Shari)

This slime-head is ridiculously distractible.

"Ah, sorry. What I wanted to say was that Shari’s soul shined so bright I could catch a glimpse of it through her eyes." (Liqu)

I didn’t know that she could see souls.

Is that normal for slimes and will eventually come to me too or did she learn it somehow?

"And it was so enchanting that I just couldn’t let go and leave her like that!" (Liqu)

God, Liqu!

It doesn’t really matter to my parents what your reasons were for abducting their daughter and changing her.

On the other hand, there isn't much one could respond if she most sincerely states that their daughter is a wonderful person.

It seems that Liqu’s statement caught my mother off guard, as she seems pretty perplexed, while I hold my head trying to deal with all the absurdity of this situation, making sure not to let my hands sink in.

Meanwhile, Liqu tilts her head not understanding what the matter is.

"See? I barely had a choice! I was captivated from the first moment. And does she not look beautiful now?" (Liqu)

Suddenly my father jumps up advances on Liqu and punches her face.

The impact is apparent, yet not even close to what there was to expect.

I estimated with this force her head, made of liquid would scatter around, however, it stays firmly intact and shapes nearly undisturbed back to normal.

While my dad’s hand is still embedded inside her!

Baffled he even forgets to extract it back.

Therefore Liqu raises her hand, grasps his wrist, and draws it slowly out while focusing on his face with the remaining unaffected eye.

She does let go quite gently of the hand if you consider that she was just attacked.

I try to let the breath I caught go, before realizing that I don’t breathe anymore.

Yet, I was extremely tensed up, as Liqu could have done anything to my dad.

If she would have retaliated, like with any other creature that attacked her until now, best case my father would have lost his hand.

Worst case: Both my parents die since my mother would have rushed to help and gotten caught up in it.

But Liqu was astonishingly composed.

That shows that she is not simply a normal monster.

However, this implies not that it’s over, as my dad is still loaded.

"You did this to our daughter and speak about it as if there’s no harm! Do you even understand what you did to her?" (Jona)

No, she doesn’t!

That shows already her confused expression and the fact that she never delved deep enough into emotions, to comprehend the impact of a race change on one’s personal feelings.

Or whatever a creature without any real living aspects is considered to be, if not a species.

"Everything’s fine. I will take care of her." (Liqu)

And that’s what you came up with?

"Dad! please calm down, I will explain it to her later on!

And stop attacking the deadly acid creature with bare hands!" (Shari)

The last part I whisper, trying to point dad at the perilousness of the situation.

My mother tends to dad who rubs his hand where it touched Liqu, which gratefully seems unscathed, albeit drenched.

"Okay, seems dinner is over, we go then back to my room!" (Shari)

I grab Liqu as good as it is possible to grab slime and drag her back into my room, to end this argument.

Not that I have to try very hard, as she is just too keen on following me.

I was always more the type who evades direct confrontation instead of plunging into them.

While my talk with Liqu regarding certain ethics will occur, it will happen on my terms and not as a part of a family quarrel, in which Liqu seems more and more to aggressively integrate herself.

I place her back into her corner and am initially just glad that I got out of this.

"You know, I am grateful that you didn’t hurt my dad!" (Shari)

"It’s okay he wasn’t dangerous and most importantly you said that I should treat them well. You need to be as nice as possible if you want to get along." (Liqu)

So because I said that to her.

Yes, I knew that she has no general aversion to killing, so it’s on me.

I should enact strict control and mark my words to prevent deaths.

This responsibility!

What a hassle!

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