Slime Girl

Chapter 130

- Shari -

The next morning starts without any issues.

We pack our stuff together, load the carriage and wake the princess so she can get started with a thorough morning routine, which mainly involves washing up.

I dissolve the leftover breakfast from the kettle.

Some already hardened potpourri.

I certainly don't want to be the group's trash dump, but it would be a waste not to dig in and I need to be full in case something happens or later when I'm going to expel Liqu.

On the other hand, I need to use the scoop to get it out, and even that's a problem since the others find "issues" with me touching the cooking utensils.

This is also the reason why I don't have to help with loading the carriage.

Well, this kinda works out for me.

Instead, I already sit down on my seat while the others slowly trickle in.

The princess is the first to come, naturally accompanied by her maid.

She directly smiles in my direction and deliberately sits down next to me.

I feel something like a positive emotional response signal from Liqu.

And I guess she's a sweet child.

At least I didn't notice any character flaws one might expect at the respective level of power in her family.

The next to come are Alec and Zeon, who still look a bit tired from the night watch.

But also Alec looks a little sleep-deprived.

Also, just in general a bit off, looking apprehensively in all directions.

All of this can be summarized under having a bad morning.

Slowly the others come as well.

"What's wrong with you, Alec?" (Zeon)

"Tsk. Couldn't sleep last night." (Alec)

As I said.


I didn't notice anything, but suddenly I'm confronted with an odd sensation.

"Ehm, is this an arrow embedded in my head?" (Shari)

"Cover!!!" (Vela)

I instinctively set into highspeed processing.

I need the first microseconds to figure out that I'm not really dead, as I've got no brain to get punctured.

Following the just made suggestion, I let mine and Liqu's core sink down, to be less of a target in case the next archer isn't going for a headshot.

I use the next instant to follow the trajectory of the projectile back to our attackers.

They took position at a treeline, aiming with bows at us.

The other thing I do is start dissolving the arrow so that both ends simply fall off on each side.

I want to make sure that Anvenia is safe, as she's probably the reason for this attack.

But when I turn my hood in her direction, I can just stare in shock.

Highspeed processing isn't making me faster by any means, so I see with slowed time how Alec suddenly draws a dagger from beneath his traveling cloak and thrusts it at the distracted Zeon.

For a moment, I see sparks at Zeon's joints, and with a speed, I even in this state of slowed perception can barely recognize, Zeon's arm obstructs the weapon aimed at his chest.

However, Alec, with his strength, easily breaks through the hasty defense and manages to thrust the dagger into the arm.

"Aargh!" (Zeon)

The next moment Alec abandons the weapon, jumps, and pulls Anvenia out of the carriage in the direction of the enemy.

As fast as I can, I suck all of my blades from below my seat into my body, careful not to scratch any cores.

But I can't manage to reach Alec with my slashing dagger before he's gone.

Vela is already shooting arrows at the archers and actually manages to force them to take cover but can't fire at Alec who shields himself with Anvenia and has already crossed half the distance to the woods.

But then, like living lightning, Zeon shoots out from his place in Alec's direction and slashes with his good arm at the obvious traitor.

Yet Alec pushes Anvenia in his direction and through this narrowly escapes the attack.

After this, Zeon takes position between Anvenia and Alec so that she’s covered by him from the arrows, ready to intercept them with his sword.

Alec on the other hand draws his.

When he does so I notice an all too well-known vibration effect around it.


"You damn asshole! I knew something was off! You didn't even partake in the fight!" (Zeon)

"Who do you think told them about the girl? Got rid of the guards at the entrance? Gave them the layout of the estate? I even told them about those things, but these idiots failed to take proper measures!" (Alec)

Zeon sends Anvenia back to the carriage before engaging Alec.

His blade bursts in sparks and with a speed barely perceivable he strikes at him.

But it's not quite as fast as before and Alec can clumsily manage to bring his own sword in between.

Only his enhanced strength allows him at this poor angle not to budge.


Promptly the sparks around the sword intensify and should thoroughly shock him.


"Oh, Zeon. You should know what voidstone coating does to magical attacks." (Alec)

With a vile smile, he reinforces his stance and seemingly effortlessly pushes against Zeon's weapon.

He lashes out and forces Zeon to retreat.

The second strike almost crushes his defense and leaves a small gash on his chest.

"And I know that your general strength declines quite severely after you used your top speed." (Alec)

He prepares another strike that will almost certainly shatter Zeon's defense.

With all the speed I can muster I rush in their direction.

Midway, I extend my shortsword and thrusting dagger and guide them with all I have towards Alec.

The sword intercepts his strike, while the thrusting dagger forces him to abandon his position, which is good as my tendrils would never have the durability to withstand his brute strength.

It's just enough to enable Zeon to dodge.

And in the gained time I can join his side.


I look in the direction of the voice.

From the street, someone who I presume is the commander, takes position with a larger group of soldiers behind him, closing off our escape route.

He waits till everyone looks at him and makes an exuberant gesture.

"We just want the girl! Cease your attacks and we can end this without further bloodshed!" (commander)

Give them Anvenia and no one has to die.

No one gets hurt and the fight will be over.

I point dramatically at him.

"Even if I could decide such a thing on my own, using a little girl to buy myself out doesn't sit well with me! So, sorry but the answer is no!" (Shari)

"Then there's nothing left to discuss." (commander)

The soldiers unsheath their swords and advance.

They walk straight towards the carriage.

"Zeon! Fight them!" (Shari)

"But you..." (Zeon)

"Now! I can handle him! And different to me you have no all-around view to dodge shots from the side!" (Shari)

He's certainly more needed at the carriage.

Vela can suppress the enemy archers but against so many soldiers she has no chance.

And although Dion has armed himself, he won't be able to do much.

If they don't have more expensive voidstone coatings Zeon's shocks will prove effective.

It seems he can accept this and runs back to the carriage.

I remove my hood.

Now it's just me and Alec.

"I thought I would be disgusting on the inside, but you're beating me by miles! So, care to explain why you chose the dazzling career of traitor scum?" (Shari)

"I'm honestly sick of playing along. If not for your slime abomination constantly getting in my way I'd already taken the girl and delivered her." (Alec)

"Why? Why are you doing this?" (Shari)

"Are you stupid? The distribution of power in this country is going to change and I'll be on the side of the winners if it comes to that. For this little service, I'll become commander of my own order of knights to a great lord. Or maybe, even a lord myself." (Alec)

He's clearly delusional.

It's much more likely that he'll be silenced soon after he lost his value.

I consider leaving my body to Liqu.

She's a calamity and I'm not.

In a fight, she would be infinitely better than I am.

But I decide against it.

Maybe partly because it's my body and not hers.

But also, because she's not at her peak and her usual tactic is overwhelming with mass, while I have not even close to the same amount as her.

In this situation, I simply don't want to let go of what little control I have left.

"You've no idea how long I waited for this! When I'm done with you, I'll take my time to slowly crush the core of that other piece of filth." (Alec)

I can barely contain my anger.

Since everyone else is engaged differently it's just the two of us now.

Time to give him the fight he wants.

Okay, I can do this.

I already beat him once, I can do this a second time.

The main issue in this fight is that he as well already knows my tricks.

This is a much greater disadvantage for me than for him, as I benefit very much from my unusual fighting style people are troubled to adapt to.

Another bad point would be that I have with Liqu's core a second weak point I have to worry about.

And I cannot dump her anywhere, as he would target it immediately.

But the worst is this sword.

Already this ominous aura around it disturbs me deeply.

But knowing what voidstone can do as it even almost got Liqu killed, I am worried.

With this thing in his hands, I can forget about fighting a war of attrition by tiring him out.

Instead, I need a quick victory.

A single wound might be enough.

An arrow hits me, but the force isn't even enough to pierce past my cloak.

Alec waves the archers off.

"I can do this on my own. This dirty creature doesn't stand a chance." (Alec)

What an asshole.

I decide on a quick opener.

So I raise my arm at him, aim and...

I use the short distraction the shot causes and directly dash behind.

While he naturally can dodge the projectile, I sprint in its shadow and midway extend my arm.

So I let my piercing dagger rush straight at him.


But before it connects Alec quickly recovers his pose and simply cuts the appendage I used.

Instantly I feel the voidstone's draining effect.

While I lose a bit of energy, what's far worse is that through the disconnection of my energy I couldn't control my arm any longer and lost all the rest together with one of my four blades.

And I like this one most.

My situation became a bit dire.

I try to poke at him with my knife from afar, yet without any results.

He simply keeps his position and calmly slashes at them because he perfectly knows that every time he manages to even graze me I'll lose more energy.

So he doesn't need to take any risks.

Even more so, as it's doubtful that my comrades will manage against the greater enemy numbers completely on their own.

Zeon is injured and tired.

Vela manages to oppose the enemy archers, but won't have a chance.

And I doubt that Dion as the lord's aide is a secret master fighter, not to speak of the maid.

This means, my opponent has just to wait, and eventually the battle will turn out in his favor.

"Are you realizing that you have no chance? If you give up now I might consider only smashing the other one." (Alec)

"You know, for a treacherous asshole you're quite confident. Must be the weapon, as you're not bringing much into the equation." (Shari)

Maybe I can provoke him into making a mistake.

"Whatever it takes to slay monsters. What do you think this sword was originally intended for?" (Alec)

I rush at him, hoping that listening to his own voice lulled his mind a bit.

I move forward, swinging my shortsword at him and simultaneously thrusting my knife, aiming for his side.

But he already awaits me.

With a swift swing, he repels the shortsword and I can only cling as good as possible to the metal.

He doesn't even attempt to dodge the knife.

I simply feel the uncomfortable ring of chainmail when the attack connects.

When did he equip this?

During his "piss"?

Or did he contact his helpers back then?

Even with highspeed processing, I can't squeeze a single further thought in there before Alec prepares his follow-up attack.


Even with all the speed I can muster he draws the blade through my chest, cutting my cloak and uniform.

Fortunately, the trajectory was a bit above the two cores inside me.

As if we could do that now.

Switching who's in charge would require some time.

Receding my control and letting Liqu's spread will require several seconds we don't have in this fight.

I've lost a good chunk of energy just now, but can't allow him to know about my growing distress.

"Oh, that didn't work. Maybe give it another try? But my next strike could hit something different than your armor. This would be for you worse than for me, right?" (Shari)

"As if you have a chance! You're useless in a real fight! Arbitrarily setting rules and limiting yourself. I'm honestly glad I have to fight you. Against your friend, I would have to be much more careful. That one would at least threaten to follow up and injure me with this goddamned acid, but not you with all your complexes. Hah! Such a joke." (Alec)

I'm really in a pinch.

All my weapons are useless.

As soon as he cuts my appendages I lose the connection.

It's impossible to oppose his superstrength and superior swordsmanship.

I need to find a way to overcome his defense.

I need to overwhelm him and do some damage, with an attack he won't be able to block.

Or... I trick him with a move he won't expect.

Fine, let's do this.

I back off a bit.

Alec smirks, obviously seeing this as fear or an attempt to escape but it's part of my plan. I need the distance.

Before he can decide to close the distance I start running in his direction.

Alec already takes a stance, preparing to vertically slash me in two.

But this time I want to surprise him.

Different from his expectations my dash isn't directed in his direction, but upwards.

I needed to get over him.

Then I let all my slime contained in my cloak swirl downwards, which leads to a vertical spin.

I use the gained momentum to extend my foot and deliver with my army boot in a whip-like motion a very fast spin kick directed at his head.


My whole leg is gone before I'm even close to his face.

But I already expected this.

While I reshape my leg mid-air another appendage armed with my knife flies in a curve towards his neck.


Yet a moment before I get him his sword already severed this tendril as well.

But this doesn't matter since everything until now was only preparation to keep him distracted for this moment.

All I needed was this position so close to him.

The moment my feet touch the ground and naturally collapse a bit from the impact, I'm already in the required stance.

My left arm is holding my right arm at mid-length and the latter has contact with Alec's chest.

And because he just swung his arm so hard to the side to protect his neck he can't directly revert.

For this last attack, I'll use all I have.

I've got him!

I can do this!

"Imp-" (Shari)


Both my arms are gone before I could really record what happened.

"As if I'd let you!" (Alec)

Did he force the sword midswing the other way with pure strength?

Damnit, I thought I had more time.

But I can't let it end here.

My shortsword emerges through the hole of my severed left arm and I strike out with a freshly created limb.


Which is promptly cut off.

Without any delay my right arm emerges, holding my slashing dagger, directed at his leg.



Out of options, I rush the mass from my foot up to throw my other boot between his legs.


But naturally, he can deal with this as well.

I have nothing left.

Alec tries now to deliver a heavy slash at what remains of my main body.

A moment before his sword reaches me I manage to dash backward.

Because I also adjusted the trajectory downwards to escape his diagonal strike I roll on the ground, contained inside the cloak that got with all my lost mass now too big for me.

A short distance away I am able to recover and slowly erect a thin and wobbly humanoid frame of mine.

Alec stayed at his position, totally triumphantly reveling in his superiority.

"Seems like that was it. Just so you know, from the start I intended to crack both your cores. As if I would let this chance slip away." (Alec)

I answer with, due to mass loss, hollow eyes and slightly hanging voice.

"Yeeeeeessss, Aaaalec. Youuuuu're riiiight, iiiit's ooooveer... " (Shari)

I give my all to rearrange my vocal cords so I can deliver this line properly.

"It's my win." (Shari)





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