Slime Girl

Chapter 59


Surprisingly enough, getting our clothes was far less complicated than I worried.

We just went back to the shop and could directly stuff everything inside the bag.

Which we, funnily enough, bought there as well.

I had the money and so it went fine.

We didn't even run into other criminals.

It might be that these avoid the rich part of the town since here the guard actually punishes them.

After we were done, I hurry as fast as I can back to Tamarah's shop.

It was probably not my brightest moment when I decided to have Liqu assigned to guard duty.

Just to think about it:

Her being a babysitter?

That's spelling chaos!

And like this, it is the main reason why I really have to get back there.

When I am there, the atmosphere of Tamarah's shop with all its special ingredients and concoctions runs directly over me.

And only a blink later a certain slime.

"You're back!!!" (Liqu)

"Liqu!? You are exposed! This is the front room! Back with you! Before a customer comes!" (Shari)

"But I missed you so much!" (Liqu)

She absolutely shows withdrawal symptoms.

"Then miss me from behind the counter! Where people cannot see you." (Shari)

"But, but, but..." (Liqu)

I won't even talk about the cloak she drenched just now.

"Let me please get in the backroom, okay?" (Shari)

This is enough to release her grasp.

She's still utterly clingy.

"I even brought something for you!" (Shari)

Exactly the reaction I anticipated. She trembles in excitement.

"Don't expect too much! I am sure you won't be too interested!" (Elin)

"Doesn't matter! My Shari brought it!" (Liqu)

"Whoever was at our place, they destroyed our stuff, so I had to replace it." (Shari)

"Uh?" (Liqu)

"Just, here. This is yours!" (Shari)

"Green?" (Liqu)

"I thought it would be more fitting for you and help not to show this much of the color beneath." (Shari)

She stares at it in a strange way.

"I know you don't like clothes, but deal with it. We can't afford to get seen!" (Shari)

"Look! My Shari bought me a present! Woohoo!" (Liqu)

Well, could have been worse!

"So, how did you fare with the boy?" (Shari)

"He was irritating! Always trying to scream, saying nonsensical things, and claiming he is scared, even if I said it's alright." (Liqu)

Oh god, the poor child!

I absolutely should look for him.

On my way, Tamarah shows herself.

"As much as I enjoy your company, could I ask how long you're planning to stay? I would need to open my shop." (Tamarah)

"It's a little difficult. Apparently we are now without shelter." (Shari)

"That's unfortunate but my shop is no inn." (Tamarah)

"Sorry, we'll try to get it done." (Shari)

"I'd appreciate that." (Tamarah)

I can understand her.

Tamarah doesn't seem to be the most social person.

And if we get caught she might as well face very unpleasant consequences.

Under those conditions, running her business as usual seems like a bad idea.

Especially as Liqu isn't too secretive as one just could see.

With this, I leave her behind and head for the room we left the boy in.

Not surprisingly Liqu is directly behind me.

I enter the room and immediately sense how someone in the bed perks up.

Well, how do I do this?

The last thing I remember regarding this kid is...

Yep, I've traumatized him with probably lasting issues.

Liqu too, but that doesn't make things better.

But dissolving bodies are really no view for a child.

I really could have a better premise to gain his cooperation.

Under those conditions, I just can try to play nice.

The best approach would be to introduce myself first.

"Good day, I am Shari! And you are?" (Shari)

He again perks up, but no further reaction.

"Hello, nice to meet you!" (Shari)

I send him a smile, extremely cautious to make sure it doesn't stretch too far.

Yet he still hides under the blanket.

God, Liqu!

Just what have you done to him?

"I really would like to talk with you, isn't this fine?" (Shari)

He really is hard to deal with.

"I cannot help you if you won't let me!" (Shari)

"H-help?" (boy)


A response!

"Yes sure, help! If you just tell me what you want!" (Shari)

"Can you just let me go?" (boy)

Damnit, that's going in a bad direction!

I need to stay in control if I want to get anything out of this.

"How about this, you tell us where you want to go and we bring you there? You know, the bad men are probably still out there!" (Shari)

Uh, he trembles.

Seems I hit a nerve.

"Why don't we introduce ourselves first? I already said, I'm Shari and you are?" (Shari)

"L-Lidan!" (Lidan, as it seems)

"Ah, Lidan! A nice name! Anything else? I just have one! Do you have more?" (Shari)

And now we find out if we really have a little noble here.

"Kahan." (Lidan)

Seems Elin was right.

Good that we didn't bet.

Yet the problem with being no native to this city is that I have no idea of the noble houses in this realm.

But before I go back down to ask Elin I'd rather ask the person at hand.

"Kahan! Then your dad must be very important, right?" (Shari)

"H-he is. My father is the greatest person in this land and he will come and save me!" (Lidan)

Don't make it sound like we are the monsters he has to slay on the way!

"That won't be necessary!" (Shari)

"Why!?" (Lidan)

"We will simply bring you to him!" (Shari)

"Bring me? Why?" (Lidan)

Utter confusion we have here.

"I think you've got the wrong impression of us. We aren't bad people. You can trust us." (Shari)

Let's hope he will buy this.

"B-but the monster! And you! And, and..." (Lidan)

"I am terribly sorry, did Liqu do anything to you?" (Shari)

I give a very meaningful stare back to the door where a certain slime is waiting.

I'm all too sure that that one has messed up in some way.

"She, she did..." (Lidan)

He seems to look for something.

But as I see no visible marks on him I am sure, albeit scaring the shit out of him, Liqu hasn't done anything truly harmful.

"She gagged me!" (Lidan)

"Oh, did she?" (Shari)

I stare once more in the direction of the door.

"He screamed!" (Liqu)

It's not like I should have expected any more proficient actions of hers.

She really isn't the best at establishing relationships.

"And she touched me all over and covered me in this goo!" (Lidan)

"I just wanted to soothe him!" (Liqu)

What did I just get into here?!

And how oblivious is this slime about the fact that she is a deadly monster?


For now, I'll concentrate on de-escalation!

"I am terribly sorry for her actions. Liqu has simply no proficiency in dealing with people. You can absolutely trust me here, you are not in any danger." (Shari)

"But, but you said I would die if I do something back then!" (Lidan)

Why do children always have to remember the wrong parts?

De-escalation, de-escalation!

"It was a very dangerous situation back then. If you would have slowed us these men might have got you and done very bad things." (Shari)

Blaming criminals should be absolutely fine.

This was fairly much for him and he has to process it.

"Now to come back to the topic, we would like to escort you back home." (Shari)

He isn't reacting directly.

Instead, he ponders further and seems very invested.

"It's an absolutely sincere offer." (Shari)

"You, you aren't human, right?" (Lidan)

I hate this question!

"Sadly no. But I am nice." (Shari)

"Yes! My Shari is the best!" (Liqu)

"Liqu! I'm talking here! Don't always barge in!" (Shari)

And now she's downtrodden.

"But, you're a monster! Monsters eat humans!" (Lidan)

Always these prejudices!

"I can eat many different things.  You don't need to fear us getting hungry!" (Shari)

"But why would you bring me home? What do you want?" (Lidan)

Far too perceptive for his own good at his age, this boy.

"How would it be with telling your father that we were the ones who came to your rescue? And while you're at, could you forget about what Liqu did? Would be really appreciated!" (Shari)

I have no idea if this will work out, but it's too good of a chance to let it slip by.

"This is all?" (Lidan)

"This is all! It would really help us to know your dad won't be angry at us." (Shari)

I don't want his guards to attack us.

He looks still confused, but I guess this time more thinking about his situation instead of being overwhelmed.

"And you really will help me?" (Lidan)

"Sure! Why not start with this? Here. I bought you some clothes. You might be used to better but with your old, there might be.... issues." (Shari)

In the form of far too much slime in the fabric.

He takes the clothes and starts to put them on under the blanket.

Should I leave the room?

Are there issues if a slime sees naked underage people?

Don't know, yet honestly don't want to deal with it.

It's just a simple outfit.

A basic white shirt and black pants.

I bought them from some fancy shop, so they were a little expensive.

But I see this as an investment.

And his old ones weren't suited for going out.

It might raise the question, of why he walks in ragged ornamental clothing.

Besides, the criminals might search the city for him.

Not the best conditions for going on a stroll.

Nonetheless, I think we made some progress.

"So, do we have a deal?" (Shari)

"You, you will bring me home?" (Lidan)

"Sure, but we need to prepare a bit for our departure. Do you know where your home is?" (Shari)

"Uhh, away from here!" (Lidan)

"Is it possible to be more specific?" (Shari)

This look already conveys enough.

"Don't worry, I'm sure we can find it." (Shari)

I should now try to find the location and so on.

His family is important and Elin is knowledgeable so this doesn't pose an issue.

"You can move freely here. But you shouldn't leave the house. You know, the bad men." (Shari)

With this, I leave.

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