Slime Girl

Chapter 70

- Shari -

After some time the door opens again.

"The count wants you to know that the preparations are finished. He asks for your presence." (soldier)

The messenger was obviously not informed about what he's dealing with.

This much I gather from the fact that he shows not the slightest bit of unease in our presence.

Even our two guards want to throw themselves on him, to keep this soldier from being too casual about dealing with us.

Yet it's not like I had any issues with his approach.

"Fine. We will follow." (Shari)

If I had no mask over my face, I would wink at our nervous wrecks of guards.

We are guided to the backside of the estate.

A giant field spreads there, yet it's rather plain and lacks the typical recreational decor I'd expect in a noble house.

I can't even tell if the forest farther behind is natural or just part of the whole thing.

At least the open field looks well maintained, and on it, rather close to the building, is a gathering.

Quite an assembly of soldiers, who whisper to each other when we approach.

Do they know about us?

I've got a bad feeling about this.

I spot the count at the center, apparently scowling at the lack of discipline.

It seems more appropriate to me to wait for the moment until someone announces us instead of casually closing directly in on him.

There are far too many armed men and considering what I know about nobles, it's that they are very picky about stuff regarding basic courtesy.

I am not sure where a monster stands compared to them, but my wild guess doesn't grant me an upper rank.

As soon it feels like I'm allowed to speak, I do so.

"So, regarding this test. What exactly does my lord wish for?" (Shari)

"Fairly easy! A mock battle with my strongest fighters." (Radon)

"Mock battle? You mean..." (Shari

"Yes! Each one here is already informed what he is up to. It took some time to inform them in a proper manner to make sure no... unexpected behavior occurs." (Radon)

So at least no one should panic and jump at us.

In theory.

Well, basically they shall jump at us, but instead in a more controlled way.

"And how shall this "mock battle" commence?" (Shari)

"I place my soldiers to fight and prove me your asserted strength." (Radon)

"Well, I can let Liqu fight. There should be no issues. But what are the rules?" (Shari)

"Naturally killing is prohibited and severe harm has to be avoided as good as it's possible. For the rest you can act to your heart's content." (Radon)

"Fine. I will inform her not to be too hard on them. But fighting takes energy, so I hope we can at least get a meal to replenish." (Shari)

"If you show satisfactory results you can order whatever you want." (Radon)

Nobles might be prone to lie, but directly in front of his men, this would probably be a disgrace so I hope that I can be a little bit at ease.

Assured like this I'm going to inform Liqu.

"He wants you to show off. Just beat his men up. No killing! I hope you understand that. Also don't forget to stay alert for unexpected moves from the outside." (Shari)

"Just this?" (Liqu)

"Yes! No one said that this will be hard. Can you immobilize them without causing an injury?" (Shari)

"Easy!" (Liqu)

"Then you can go. And please, don't destroy your clothes." (Shari)

"Don't worry!" (Liqu)

The field's size, Liqu is now moving to, is big enough to fight to your heart's content and likely used to train the soldiers.

For example, to train fighting in formation.

That I have to trust Liqu's thoughtfulness leaves me slightly distressed, but all I can do now is watch from the sidelines.

"You said she's the strongest, right?" (Radon)

"Yes. By far." (Shari)

He makes a gesture and three men in high-quality chainmail, all equipped with swords and shields are stepping forward and move in to oppose Liqu.

"Just three men?" (Shari)

Might be a little rude to question him, but I'm curious.

"You will see that they are very able." (Radon)

If he thinks so.

The men ready themselves by taking a combat stance.

Yet Liqu on the other hand simply lets go of her coverings by gliding through the top.

I was worried that that's the moment when everybody starts to panic, but they mostly just grow extremely distressed.

The general tension perked considerably in an instant.

But the worst off are the poor victims who have to fight Liqu.

At least two of them.

The one in the middle can still keep his calm to an impressive degree.

While Liqu makes some stretching, which considering her bodily composition shall just emphasize that this is mostly sport for her, the one in the middle approaches her in an act of bravery, flanked by the others.

Then they suddenly sprint with inhuman speed and surround her position from three sides.

If not for high-speed processing I would be troubled to keep up with their movements.

"Oh, did I forget to say that those soldiers can utilize body-enhancement techniques?" (Radon)


That's a joke. I only heard once from the sidelines about it when some adventurers talked about special skills in our tavern.

Apparently, it's a technique that allows a human without any magical aptitude to make use of their inner energy by temporarily increasing certain physical abilities.

However, that's extremely uncommon.

Back then when the adventurers asked their swordsman why he won't use it he resorted to quite a rude gesture.

If it would be so easy, everyone would do this.

I mean, who wouldn't want to be able to jump three meters, run like the wind, or heave things twice as big as oneself?

But it seems just a very rare elite is able to do that.

And now the count says that all three of these men are such elites.

That's crazy!

Now they all rush at Liqu, who answers by dashing backward and directly at her stop lashes out with both of her elongating arms.

This is at least enough to stop their advance.

They try again to speed up, but before they can do so, Liqu forms a giant hand and throws it at the left soldier.

Before it connects the other two slash at the appendage to cut the connection.

At this moment, Liqu's eyes widen and abruptly the arm explodes.

It doesn't just splatter but throws all three soldiers who were far too close off their legs.

Yet they all roll directly back into a stance.

Nonetheless, they look now a little exhausted while Liqu is at it to gather some of the scattered batches of slime.

"Huh, interesting. Seems as if she knows some tricks. Yet mine do as well." (Radon)

The soldiers again take their formation to rush at Liqu from three sides, but now the middle one steps forward.

He holds his sword for a moment in front of him as if he prays to it and then swings it to his side.



The weapon of that soldier suddenly emits countless sparks.

The count by my side just smirks at my stupefied expression.

"I won't lie, Zeon is my best man. He is one of the few mages who aren't afraid to dirty their hands and makes the effort to train both swordsmanship and his magic. While his devotion to his style keeps him from obtaining a leading rank, he is unrivaled in direct combat." (Radon)

I am starting to get worried.

Even I know that the lightning element can stun slimes like any normal living creature. And this man looks very determined.

On the other side Liqu...

Okay, now I am worried!

Liqu's artificial eyes twitch vigorously.

The glare she throws at that lightning user would induce any sane person to run for his dear life.

"...te" (Liqu)

Huh? Did she say something?

"... hate lightning! (Liqu)

She grumbles louder, while her opponent slowly draws closer.

I guess she said something about not liking lightning?


This might have been even louder than a human can possibly shout.

Anyways, this goes past simple aversion and deep into absolute scorn.

And with that, she rushes over.

She storms at the man and stops directly in his reach.

Naturally, he strikes out.

And hits!


Directly where Liqu's arm would be the sword connects and I can basically hear how the lightning burns inside, while her arm turns into slime mass without concrete form.

The other two fast close in, to take advantage of the stun.

This may even be a trained maneuver.

But at this moment Liqu surprisingly moves her other arm.


You might even say casually a slime bullet is released at one of the soldiers coming from the side.

And hits his head, sticking to the surface.

The other one stops at Liqu's unexpected movement and has to retreat when she lashes out at him with a newly grown tendril.

But it doesn't end with this.

While the lightning wielder gives his all to free his weapon from Liqu and at the same time releases more lightning into her, yet without visible effect, she on her side lays her hand gently on his chest.

For a moment, I can see an intent stare towards him and this is followed by one word spoken so calmly, almost serene, that I barely could hear it.

"Impact." (Liqu)

Her whole body trembles and at once a wave from the farthest point away from Zeon to where she touches him emerges.

The wave moves through Liqu in a blink and the moment it reaches the endpoint...


The man is sent flying!

Okay, I have no idea how she did that, but her attack was hard enough to shoot this man straight to the other side of the field.

I really hope he's fine, regarding the good impression we want to make.

The result of Liqu's actions is one soldier frantic grabbing at his head to get off what this slime shot there.

Poor guy, he must have gotten some into the eyes.

Meanwhile, the lightning user won't be able to stand up again anytime soon.

And at last, a soldier who maybe would be physically able to keep on fighting, but mind-wise was rather put off by his comrade flying through the air.

Nonetheless, Liqu now concentrates on him.

For each slow step of hers, the soldier retreats one of his own.

Then she stops.

And shows her most creepy smile.

Shortly followed by a terrifying transformation.

By now I can keep my calm, but seeing Liqu expanding to her full size is a distressing sight.

Since when is she five meters tall?

Okay, she mostly focused her shape on height, but I am sure that she grew.

The last remaining opponent stares at her with a blank expression.

And lets his weapon fall.

I give a glance to the scowling count on my side.

Does he really hold it against him?

"The fight is over! It's obvious who has won!" (Radon)

"Liqu! You can shrink back!" (Shari)

Fortunately, she reacts to my voice and forms back to her usual appearance.

"Aww, it just got fun." (Liqu)

The lightning user gets helped up by his comrades, so I think he should survive.

Is the one with the slime glue in his eyes going to be fine?

He might be blinded!

I am not too sure about this. On the other side, I told Liqu not to cause greater harm.

The slime should dissipate in the air, even if it's rather dense.

Yet it might take around an hour.

However, with this fairly impressive demonstration, I think I can promote our deal.

"And? I think we didn't promise too much." (Shari)

"She certainly has some prowess. Yet now we will see yours!" (Radon)

Excuse me?!

"Sorry, I think I misunderstood!" (Shari)

"Wasn't I clear enough? I want you to fight the next battle." (Radon)

I panic internally.

"I-I think I said that Liqu is the fighter of us two." (Shari)

I mean just because I knew that she could easily overpower them I let her engage.

"You said she is the stronger one, but if I'm right you offered that both of you serve me. So an evaluation should be just right. I want you to fight." (Radon)

"I... have to say that this is not a good idea. The only thing that contains Liqu is me. So if I would get harmed this might turn out poorly!" (Shari)

I didn't want to pull this argument, as it reveals a weakness in the sense that one can exploit Liqu's obsession.

Like this, it would be best to stay vague about our relationship.

On the other side, it's simply too dangerous for everyone to obscure this fact and make me fight.

And it's pretty obvious in the first place.

Yet this man...

"I don't see a problem there. Your opponent is instructed not to attack you in a lethal way." (Radon)

"And how shall this work? It's not like you can say that I am done when I'm about to get sliced or stabbed. I'm a slime!" (Shari)

At this I demonstrative draw my finger through my throat.

"Why not simply define a rule after which you accept defeat?" (Radon)

I hate being cornered like this!

Angry, I take some steps to the side, let my cloak and clothes glide down, grab a nearby stone and push it into my chest while letting the real thing dwell down to my waist.

"Here! This will be the substitute for my core. If it gets successfully attacked we can say I am done for. If my core is targeted I won't guarantee for anything that will happen." (Shari)

"Very well. I will make sure your opponent knows that." (Radon)

I really hate to be naked, but I can't afford to give up the necessary surveillance here, just for the sake of my sense of shame.

And hell! Do people really have to gasp every single time I remove my clothes?!

On the other side, the fact that this becomes slowly less of a problem for me is a development in the wrong direction.

There might be nothing to look at, but it shows a decrease in my common sense as a human.

Before it starts I make sure to get all the weapons and coins I might need.

Each one of them is a possible attack I can use to gain an advantage.

As Liqu is done with her part she naturally came back to my side.

"What are you doing?" (Liqu)

"Seems like I have to fight." (Shari)

"They aren't weak. Are you sure about this?" (Liqu)

"Not really. I will give my best! How did you deal with the lightning? I thought that slimes get stunned by this." (Shari)

Her expression shows open disdain.

"Lightning is the absolute worst! I hate them! You totally lose control of your body! In the worst case, it can even destroy your shape! The only possibility is guiding the energy to the ground without letting it pass through your body." (Liqu)

"And how do you do this when you are stunned?" (Shari)

After all, I might as well have problems with that sparky sword in the future.

"You prepare beforehand. I made my arm appendage touch the ground! Also, you can make yourself denser in the area where it shall pass through. With this, the rest of your body stays unaffected and free to use!" (Liqu)

For tips, she's always good to go.

Maybe I will ask her later how she pulled off that throw.

That one looked quite impressive.

"Ehm, I am worried about you fighting. What if something happens?" (Liqu)

That's what I'm asking myself as well. And by now I came just up with this.

"Listen, I want you to stay next to the lord! In case they planned anything, we are safe when they know that you can take him down, should anything happen." (Shari)

She still looks worried, but I want this deal.

So a bit of risk is within the limits.

I reluctantly place myself on the same field the last fight commenced.

There are still some traces of slime referring to what just transpired here.

If I have no choice, I might even use them to my advantage.

And then my opponent takes position.

This... is a joke!

"Now we will see what you have in store, fiend!" (Peras)

World! Did I ever have done something to you?

If there are any issues between us, I am sure we can sort them out!

But would you please refrain from lashing out at me at any given chance!!!

Why is it always me?

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