Slime Girl

Chapter 8b

- Liqu -

It took her very long to reassemble herself.

But finally, it seems like she is regaining consciousness.

I am so excited that my mate will, at last, be finished.

She is glistening in her vibrant blue, complemented by the red glow of her core.

Understandably she is at first confused and throws up a bit of substance.

That is linked to the fact, that her throat is a very complicated construct and it is easy that mass flows to the wrong places.

Still, it occurred to me that speech might be a rather important ability to her and there was no reason to deny it, albeit from the complexity.

However, if you do something, you can do it the right way from the start.

After throwing up she tries for some reason to rub it away from her arm, despite the fact that there is no real difference between the mass she added and what was there before.

Yet, strangely she seems very determined to do so.

That goes on until she has separated the whole arm.

Maybe that is normal if you get accustomed to a new body.

To be honest, my experience in that matter is quite limited too.

You know turning a human into a slime.

"What is going on here? M-my arm just… What happens here?" (Shari)

Oh! She speaks of her own volition with me!

Yet it doesn't appear like she is fast to catch up.

"Huh, isn’t it obvious?" (Liqu)

Seems like I need to point it out to her.

"You’re a slime! As you can clearly see!" (Liqu)

Hmm, that seemed to put her off a bit, but there's no need to argue about the obvious.

"Well, taking a closer look at you would be enough to confirm." (Liqu)

She seems to have some problems accepting the change, so it might be good if I praise her new body.

A bit of flattery might be helping her to become comfortable with her new looks.

"I think I did a good job when I imprinted that mold in your mind, don’t you think? If I can say so that blue color of yours is absolutely gorgeous." (Liqu)

Her behavior indicates that she is still agitated, so I proceed.

"Even more your core is so beautiful. It shines in such a bright red. Like a ruby." (Liqu)

"My what?" (Shari)

When it was in her old body I couldn’t see it but had a faint feeling.

Now it is as if I could directly look at her soul in all its beauty.

"Your core! The gem there in your body. You won’t be able to imagine how happy I was when I found it in you." (Liqu)

I really was, when I touched it in her stomach I knew that it worked.

I literally had the fruit of all my work in my hand.

"This is…" (Shari)

"Your core! The center of your consciousness. In fact you. The proof, that you are a genuine slime." (Liqu)

I should explain the importance of that object to her. One should treasure its core.

"No!" (Shari)

"Don’t worry there was no magic or curse involved. The process was completely natural so you are an absolutely normal slime and there will be no side effects!" (Liqu)

I worked so hard for that!

Now she is exactly like me and there is nothing that can separate us.

"No! I’m no slime! I’m a human! A human! And this is just a stone! That is not me!" (Shari)

There are still huge problems with acceptance and she tries to pull her own core out.

Her hand naturally loses shape when it merges with the rest of her slime, but it's about the mental idea which will still move the slime according to her wishes.

Even if it's not good for her.

"You really shouldn’t do this!" (Liqu)

I am getting a little worried.

She should be more careful with her core.

When she manages to remove it the inevitable happens.

Without her consciousness, her slime body crumbles instantly and her core falls on the ground.

Fortunately, the entire ground is covered with my liquid due to me living here, so the fall gets cushioned.

Because her own mass falls directly on it she can fast reshape herself.

Still, that was a shock for me.

Who knows what might have happened otherwise.

Even scratches can be a terrible damage to the core.

"Huff, it’s good that the ground is covered! It would have been terrible if your core got damaged!" (Liqu)

The first thing I need to teach her is to create a permanent membrane around the core, to prevent this.

After a while, she apparently calms down and I sit next to her to support her in getting accustomed, while she examines her body.

Then she addresses me.

"Please can you not turn me back somehow? There must be a way!" (Shari)

"How would I? A core is much more stable than a brain. There is no way to get a conscious out. Also, your body is dissolved! Where I would get one? And it wouldn’t be yours!" (Liqu)

I really don’t see a way.

In fact, I made sure that there is nothing to separate me from my chosen one.

You just can’t go back after the whole body got destroyed.

I can’t even imagine what is necessary to make a new body and much more difficult to get her mind out of her core.

There is nothing more stable than a core when it comes to holding a conscious.

At least we can talk now a bit.

Even if she is upset that is more than I’ve ever got before.

And it makes everything worth by itself.

"Why did you do this to me?" (Shari)

I have nothing to hide from my special one, so let’s speak open.

"Because I did want a friend! And the moment I found you, I saw it instantly in your eyes and knew you would be perfect!" (Liqu)

She had such lively eyes and was open enough that she maybe can accept me.

I’m sure even if it needs time.

Her core now does tell the same.

"You abducted me, tortured me, and turned me into THIS because you were thinking I would become your friend?!" (Shari)

That might not have been the most elegant way to handle this, but I couldn’t think of something else.

"I thought if I ask you, you would just run away!" (Liqu)

What else should have been more important than making a friend?

"What shall I do? I can’t go home like this!" (Shari)

Why would you want to leave?

I can take care of you!

"It’s ok, you just stay here! I can provide anything you need. And I can show you everything. And we can talk and have fun and be happy! This is so nice! I have finally someone like me now!" (Liqu)

I’m becoming a little ecstatic, but finally at my goal that seems fine.

And perhaps the same those two did is now possible for me.

"And m-maybe we hug?" (Liqu)

Yes, I want to have someone to love and would do anything for this.

After calming down Shari turns to me.

"How long?" (Shari)

"Hmm?" (Liqu)

"I mean how long took all this? How long was I here?" (Shari)

Ah, that’s what she meant.

"Oh, it’s the fifth day, you’ve slept quite long." (Liqu)

"Did no one look for me?" (Shari)

"Nah, around soil, dry air, and plants the liquid we leave while moving vanishes rather fast, so no tracks to follow." (Liqu)

As if I would allow that anything might disturb me and leave a trail behind.

The liquid residue gets absorbed fast by plants if nothing controls it and the rest merges with the earth.

"Good thing it’s so stony and humid here or it wouldn’t be so homey." (Liqu)

Without plants and soil, the liquid remains and it is clean here since all the small living creatures cannot survive in it.

After answering her questions she thinks for a while.

Suddenly she stands up and walks to the exit.

"H-Hey, what are you doing there?" (Liqu)

"What do you think I do? I’m leaving." (Shari)

No please not, not after all I’ve been through and came so far!

That is not fair!

"No you can’t; please don’t leave me!" (Liqu)

"No, I’m going to my parents! Now!" (Shari)

No, don’t leave me alone!

I need to be with you!

"Then I will come with you!" (Liqu)

"You won’t!" (Shari)

No, no, no, no!

I cannot allow that!

But forcing her would not work forever, so I need to find another approach.

I can’t let her slip away!

Whatever it takes to be with her, it will be done!

But since she is not too keen on my company, I will maintain a safe distance.

Still, following her should be possible.

After all the residue doesn't vanish this fast.

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