Slime Girl

Chapter 80

- Shari -

Two very uncomfortable guards lead us back down to our rooms.

It seems Dion has to prepare something in advance.

It makes sense, as this is surely no common situation he has to deal with.

Elin was guided in the other direction.

I've overheard that she was going to join the tracker and scouting division.

She should do well since she has a keen perception and good dexterity.

We on the other hand shall simply stay in our rooms to not stir up the people too much.

It might take a while until anyone will get used to us if that's even possible, but every moment they bear our presence should help in that regard.

When we arrive at our rooms, the guards can't leave fast enough.

Sometimes it feels a little excessive, but those guys were probably present when Liqu grew to her five-meter version.

That might leave a somewhat threatening impression.

Yet it's better that they're gone now since there was this one point that made me worry.

"Liqu! You're going now into your room and put something you find in front of the hole. No one can see it!" (Shari)

If someone would, he might ask who made it and where it does lead to.

Both questions I really wouldn't like to answer.

"Okay, okay. I'll make it quick!" (Liqu)

I fear this enthusiasm is just about being as fast as possible back here.

"And do it properly! This is important!" (Shari)

Now that she left for her room I should take care of mine.

I head to the closest piece of furniture, a dresser, and start to pull.

However, I soon realize that I won't get far that way.

This thing is simply too big.

All I achieve is spreading my arms to uncomfortable lengths.

I can apply some pressure, but it won't budge when I try to drag it and the floor might get scratched as heavy as the dresser is.

This won't work.

However, there is a solution.

Grudgingly I accept my fate, throw my clothes away, and close in.

I give up on my body's structure and let first my arms and then the rest of my body flow around this thing.

I can still, for the ease of my mind, keep my head, but the rest completely flows around the dresser.

Then I pull it up and, with an ease that astonishes me, lift this drawer.

Next, I feel how my own body gathers below it and prevents that thing from sinking back down.

I am uncomfortably reminded of the time when Liqu abducted me and carried me with her.

The dresser floats now inside me, just like I did back then, unable to reach the ground.

It's distressingly easy to float to the hole in the wall and place my load there exactly as I wanted.

I leave deliberately a small gap there.

I would want to close it up, to keep Liqu out of my room

As if that's possible.

Yet we have now this passage and Liqu would simply make another one if she is determined.

Having the intended result I separate again.

And find Liqu behind me.

"You..." (Liqu)

No! Don't say it. Don't say it. Don't say it.

"You were so beautiful! How you flowed and shined in all your glistening color!" (Liqu)

Damnit! I didn't want to hear from her how much she appreciates my slime look.

Absolutely not!

"You also shaped so well!  A real natural!" (Liqu)

"Could you please stop? I've just seen no other way to move that stupid thing. Don't dwell on this." (Shari)

"But it's great that you can manage to do so! You are getting comfortable with yourself. I'm glad." (Liqu)

"I am by no means "comfortable" Liqu." (Shari)

"Oh yes you are. You barely cry anymore and you are dissolving on your own. And now you can even move and perform the proper way. You are a real slime. It's so great that you could overcome this." (Liqu)

With "this" she totally means being human.

And I hate her for "this".

"Liqu, I am doing this only because I have no choice! It's not great for me that I've lost everything I was and now have to eat, move, and act as I do. That I don't drown myself in self-pity doesn't mean I am fine. Got it Liqu?" (Shari)

I still believe that what happened to me is regrettable and I doubt that I will ever feel different about this.

But at least I've learned to cope.

It hurts less and I might be able to accept my circumstances.

Yet this doesn't mean I find this favorable.

Liqu shall never believe that she did the right thing.

"Sorry, but you really look vibrant. It's mesmerizing to me." (Liqu)

She says this with a shy smile, that on a human face might break countless hearts.

Even I can't say that her sweet talk has no effect.

Fortunately, I don't have to worry about blushing and the like anymore.

"Urgh. Did you hide the hole?" (Shari)

"Yes! Perfectly! I dissolved some stones out of the wall and put them there so that it looks like the gap is filled." (Liqu)

This sounds good enough.

If she just wouldn't have seen me.

It takes a while, but eventually, Dion returns along with two maids.

One of them is Elara.

Liqu didn't bother to leave the room again and I had no reason to enforce this anyway since we had to wait and it is sometimes better to keep an eye on her.

"Everything is settled. It should be no problem now if you leave the basement. Still, I would ask you to refrain from unnecessary roaming around the estate." (Dion)

"That means it is fine if we would take a walk?" (Shari)

"Yes, but don't forget about the duties you will have to perform in your new roles. Speaking of which, please take these." (Dion)

The maids step forward.

The one who's not Elara is much slower, but both are troubled.

They present two blue bundles of fabric.

"What is this?" (Shari)

"Your uniforms. If you act on behalf of the lord you are obligated to wear his color and sign." (Dion)

"Ah, like a slime who shows who it is with its color?" (Liqu)

"Sorry. Don't mind Liqu. So we shall wear those? I would like to say that there is a little problem regarding soaking them." (Shari)

"This shouldn't be an issue. These are made to survive harsh conditions. Like this, they are water repellent and shouldn't "soak". The uniforms should suit each of your sizes, in this state at least. But I guess it wouldn't be an issue in the first place for them to fit." (Dion)

Apparently, those clothes have some quality.

The sizes were apparently gauged from our own clothes.

At least, no one came to measure me directly.

When I take them out of the shaking maid's hand, they truly don't soak too much.

I guess keeping them on for three days without changing should be possible.

That's a little bit of a stretch, but it could work.

Before, I rather relied on my coat to hide the obvious stain and treated the shirts more like a barrier to the outside.

Yet now, if I use it together with my powder it might work even without the coat to trick people.

However, I would need to apply very much.

Especially on my neck and at the sleeves.

Also, maybe I'd have to improve my control.

I put the clothes on and Elara manages to be far more collected than her colleague and gives Liqu her uniform before quickly pulling back.

Interaction with us seemingly helps, but there is clearly some lingering doubt.

The uniform consists of a sturdy but well-tailored shirt with long sleeves and leather trousers in a deep blue.

Not quite my own body's color, but a bit darker.

This tone of color should as well help to obscure what lies beneath.

Also, there's a new cloak.

"I've seen no one else wearing those cloaks yet." (Shari)

"The standard equipment includes these for travels in case of rain, but most of the time it’s stashed away. In your case it might help you to hide... well..." (Dion)

Liqu can put them on as well without issues.

Fortunately, the fabric is rather thin so we can still lift and move in it quite comfortably.

There's even a new pair of boots for each of us.

I guess these aren't mandatory, but I won't complain about a new spare, as spent my old ones are from the constant soaking, the pressure from the inside, and the general usage.

I think we look good.

They are formal, not too cumbersome, and most importantly, it hides most of my body's surface, so that gloves and boots work out.

Just now I also notice that right where the heart would be, a Farlorn leaf is embroidered on the shirt.

These are particularly large trees even for this forest that make not only very good building material but leak a very sweet resin of high quality that also has herbal applications.

The leaf is shaped in a way that it grows in five segments.

The outer layer has two symmetric pointed ends, then come two symmetric rounds.

And the one in the middle is once more pointed.

Since I have seen this picture multiple times scattered around the mansion, I assume it's the count's symbol.

I'll make sure to usually keep my core on the other side because that thing is basically a "hit me here" sign.

But all in all the composition looks nice and I can wear it without difficulties.

There's some elegance to it.

Dion as well seems content with our appearance.

Unformed shapes in the count's colors might make a bad impression.

"If you're ready, please follow me to captain Peras. You will serve under his command from now on. When you don't get any orders directly from the lord he is your superior and you have to fulfill whatever he assigns you to do." (Dion)

"Isn't this a problem? He didn't seem to like us." (Shari)

"He has direct order not to let personal reservations influence his decisions and will follow up on this. In addition he can't act as he pleases at the estate. It would be seen. Is that all?" (Dion)

There is something else I did want to ask, that has quite some importance for me.

"I would like to know, what is with our jobs as adventurers? It was rather hard to make that happen and we won't be able to do much on that side if we perform our tasks for the lord. Having our applications revoked would be a pity." (Shari)

"We already send a note to the guildhall. While it is a grand institution, the guild is ultimately still acting on behalf of the country. As such the count can take adventurers into his service. For the duration of the assignment, the guild won't make any claims on the individuals. They are generously compensated in exchange." (Dion)

This is good to know.

So no penalty for not subjugating slimes.

This gave me anyways every time an odd feeling.

I mean, Liqu is crushing their very self.

That's concerning.

So it seems, wearing this uniform seems to have its merits.

Still, I'd like to clarify how to wear this.

"So I'm usually going to use the cloak? It might cause problems when I show my face too openly." (Shari)

This is one point.

The other is, the more my body there is hidden, the more I can take advantage of my opponent's lack of knowledge.

Different from Liqu I am not really fit to overpower my enemies.

So, while it's a little straining to apply the necessary inner pressure and keep my body firm enough, the possibility that I can launch surprise attacks with my weapons and keep my core's location a secret makes up for it.

"This won't be a problem, but when you act on our lord's behalf it would be improper to cover his emblem." (Dion)

"Then I can simply adjust how I wear the cloak so that it remains free. This should be fine, right?" (Shari)

I put the cloak over my supposed-to-be head and the supposed-to-be shoulders so that it looks more like a cape than anything else.

With this, the chest with the symbol is still free and I don't have to worry too much about stares.

I am sure Liqu will already gain enough attention.

"This might suffice." (Dion)

I think he isn't too opposed to the idea of me limiting the chances of causing a commotion.

"I think we are ready to go then." (Shari)

"Good to hear. I will guide you to the troop's headquarters. You are required to find your way on your own after this, so please pay attention." (Dion)

"This won't be a problem. I'll perfectly remember it." (Shari)

At least I hope so.

Things stay stuck in my core, but initially learning them is difficult.

"Fine. Then follow me." (Dion)

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