Slime Girl

Chapter 82

- Shari -

We head into this assumed headquarters building.

In there we head up a stair and end at a door that might lead to Peras' office.

He takes a document and hands it to me.

Fortunately, I have my gloves, which are thick enough not to soak to the outside.

"Here. You can read, right? As strange as this is." (Peras)

Well, I guess literate monsters are odd.

I take a look at the paper.

I find my name on it and Liqu's too.

Yet they wrote it somewhat wrong.

They spelled it "Liku", a small mistake.

She once told me that it comes from liquid, so it's written with "Q".

Then there is Elin.

However, far more curious I am about the four other names.

In order:

"Jaren, Galos, Vela, Balion. Who are they?" (Shari)

Behind each of the names are a mark and some strokes.

Liqu's and my name are strangely highlighted over the others.

Behind Elin's is an eye, then the next two have shields.

Then this Vela has a bow and an eye as well and after this comes Balion with a sword.

"Sigh! The lord... He said that you are contracted as second-rank officers, right?" (Peras)

The direction this talk takes feels especially weird.

"What is a second-rank officer?" (Liqu)

Rather simultaneously Peras and I smack our hands in our faces.

Resulting in my case in an utterly drenched glove.

"No one ever told me!" (Liqu)

"Uhh. A second-rank officer is an upper military rank. More than a normal fighter, less than a captain like him. It means we are superior in status to most of the guys training out there. Can you follow?" (Shari)

As ridiculous as this idea is.

"I still don't really get this status thing. It's like with this noble in town, right? But why? Why should this one there be better than us if we are so much stronger?" (Liqu)


Could you please stop insulting our captain?

"Stop talking, Liqu! Please." (Shari)

Directly I turn to the captain.

"I am really sorry for her. She isn't too much into common sense." (Shari)

"Urgh." (Peras)

Yes, I agree that you have every reason to be disgruntled.

But do you see what I have to deal with on a daily basis?!

"Ehm, to get again to the topic we just spoke about. What is this now for a list of names, and what does it have to do with us being second-rank officers?" (Shari)

"Lord Kahan decided that the most efficient way to utilize your... unique abilities would be to send you out in a group. Aside from the obvious advantage of greater numbers, the reason was that this way your alignment with our lord will appear official on the outside." (Peras)

"Okay. And what are now the implications of our rank?" (Shari)

"Sigh. Do you see the lines behind the names?" (Peras)

I've seen them before.

Behind Liqu's and my name, there are three strokes, yet only this Jaren has three and Vela has two.

The rest each got one stroke, even Elin.

"So what is the meaning of those marks?" (Shari)

"The marks refer roughly to the command structure. While there are some differences in detail, based on the department, those from the same group will have to respect this to maintain order. Do you understand what this means?" (Peras)

I again look at the paper, then at the strokes, the numbers, and after this completely aghast at Peras.

"This is a joke, right?" (Shari)

"I wish it was. You can be sure it wasn't my idea. The lord probably thought you would simply eat anyone who tries to give you an order and decided not to bother with that problem." (Peras)

"But... doesn't that mean... How does this work?" (Shari)

"Yes. The command structure will still be in effect, meaning you two and Jaren will be the highest-ranking officials. However, as special agents, you have an even wider authority since your orders come directly from the lord. So you will be in charge to ensure that the orders will be properly set into effect." (Peras)

"We are in charge!!?" (Shari)

"Technically yes, still just within the borders of your missions. Originally, the core was Jaren's team. Also, a lower rank can relieve their superior of their command in case they clearly deviate from their mission." (Peras)

"So they're more like our support?" (Shari)

"One could say so. But they will have to follow your orders. Both of yours. You are in charge." (Peras)

"Are you insane?! Oh sorry, I didn't want to be impolite. But seriously?! No one can possibly think it's a good idea to put Liqu in charge of anything!" (Shari)

"As I see it, you are in charge of her and like this of the whole party. It's common in the forces of the count that a minimum of three soldiers of the second or first rank are assigned to a second-rank officer, to form a squad. In these at least one of the first-rank soldiers is the second in command and supports the leader. However, you will learn all of this in your command training." (Peras)

"Command training?" (Shari)

"The count might act rash, but he isn't stupid. At least basic instruction about leading a troop will commence." (Peras)

"Right, right... Excuse me?! That's all completely crazy!" (Shari)

The simple idea to have Liqu in charge of anything, not to mention making her a high-ranking officer is pure madness.

I thought this was more in name, to prevent too hostile behavior.

But actual leading?


No one should be forced to do as this slime says.

"You can believe me. It wasn't my decision." (Peras)

I can literally feel the bitterness in his voice.

I start to massage my temples, only to realize that all I’m doing is merging them with my head.

So I stop and extract them.

I had no headache in the first place.

Just this image of me getting one.

It's sometimes weird how much an image can influence me.

"Fine, but I won't take responsibility for whatever chaos comes from this slime in this position." (Shari)

"As far as I remember you said you would do exactly this. Or was it a lie when you claimed that you are the only one who could control her?" (Peras)

"Glrrrrrlbll. No." (Shari)

I grumble, causing multiple bubbles to fume to my surface.

No idea if dissolving is activated at the moment, but I feel acidic.

"Right. So we have to figure this out. I am not an idiot. I know something is up with you. You are far too knowledgeable about society. It's not like I care, but at least I can believe that you think further than to your next meal and like this might act reasonable, as much as a risk you pose. Regarding your partner, I am not so sure." (Peras)

The addressed slime just tilts her head at this.

A bit too far to the side for my taste.

"I also make plans! For example, to catch me a second meal as a reserve or even some more to secure my supply!" (Liqu)

Peras looks like someone who just verified something he didn't want to know for certain.

"Liqu... Just stop" (Shari)

I am deeply afraid.

For the poor soldiers, we've got assigned to us and practically the whole area which has to deal with her when she gets hungry.

"Alright, now in detail, what are the next steps?" (Shari)

"You will get a fast rundown about the basics and then meet the soldiers who are assigned to you." (Peras)

This statement is weird enough in itself.

"Do they at least know what's in store for them?" (Shari)

It would be a weird first meeting if surprisingly a monster shows up and declares it's now their new boss.

I doubt they would believe it.

Hell, even I still cannot believe it!

"They were informed. They took it... with some grain." (Peras)

I can absolutely understand them!

"I have no idea how that shall work out." (Shari)

"That's not my concern. If I had any word in this you wouldn't be here at all." (Peras)

I want to furrow my brow, but instead, I guess I just spread my right eye in a gross way toward my forehead.

"Can we at least agree that we won't try to kill each other? I’ve had bad experiences in that regard." (Shari)

"I am bound to my lord. As long he doesn't wish for your end I won't act against him." (Peras)

"Great. I think you are righteous enough to stay true to this. It would be a pain to have this kind of feud here." (Shari)

"Knock, knock"

Someone is at the door.

"Tsk. Come in!" (Peras)

The door opens and a close to middle-aged man enters.

Black hair, a short trimmed beard, brown eyes, more on the athletic side, yet rather slender.

"Sir, you called?" (?)

"Kaleb. You know about our new... recruits?" (Peras)

"Was there any way to miss this?" (Kaleb)

"Helllloooo!" (Liqu)


Stupid slime, stop waving!

"Liqu, take your hand down!" (Shari)

"Ohh." (Liqu)

"I think you get the gist of it." (Peras)

"Not really. What is this about?" (Kaleb)

"Someone has to instruct them on the basics of their roles and I'm occupied." (Peras)

Occupied or unwilling?

This new guy looks as if he thinks the same.

"Them?" (Kaleb)

Believe me, I am as troubled as you in this situation.

"Yes. You've got your orders. I'm sure you can manage something so simple. Concentrate on the blue one. That one is reasonable." (Peras)

I feel kinda offended by the way he refers to me, but hold it in before I say something unreasonable.

That officer looks as well like he wants to say something, but doesn't retort.

Probably because of the same reasons I have.

This Peras appears to be someone who sticks with what he decides, so talking back certainly won't work well.

"If there's nothing else all of you can leave." (Peras)

It's not like I enjoy interacting with him.

So he doesn’t have to ask me twice to go.

I leave the office, dragging Liqu along my side.

Shortly followed by this man, who must have a rank equal to or slightly higher than ours.

Kaleb was it, right?

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