Slime Girl

Chapter 87

- Shari -

Thankfully we find some food in our rooms.

For some reason, Elara was not present anymore, yet she had tidied up a little.

I am now a little less reluctant about dissolving stuff, so I have no problems just stuffing this piece of raw meat inside myself. 

It's clearly a high-quality cut from the animal.

I say "animal", as my analyzing ability tells me it is no cow.

I get concrete information on the structure and the ratio of the contents in the body.

Yet for more details, I had to widen my mental library of things I'd dissolved to compare it to.

Liqu certainly knows, I'm pretty sure she's dissolved almost everything in existence at least once.

It was necessary for me to dissolve something.

Liqu was right in that regard.

Whenever I lose mass and don't replenish for some time I feel... lacking.

There is the urge to recover what's lost.

I'm a little bit afraid that this urge to devour may be another slime instinct.

Everyone knows that this is something like a base setting for slimes.

And this feeling, this slime-hunger I have, might just be what it feels like on this side.

But for now, I'm full and I think that I could endure it for a while in the worst case.

It's still the middle of the day, but I already know what to do with the rest of my time.

For this, I don't need someone watching me, so I send Liqu out.

Under quite some protest from her side.

She has not much choice since I'm insisting and she wants to stay on my good side, so I finally manage to be alone.

The next point on my list would be, training!

It's pretty simple; I know I cannot leave everything to Liqu.

We might have to split up, or something unforeseen might happen.

Also, it's clear that, as the leader of a group of people whose majority doesn't like me, I will have to make do with strength.

The problem, though, is that I am not strong.

I know, I was able to pressure Peras during our fight and only lost because of the rules.

But first, he is just one person.

And then, he could have had a chance if he managed to break through my defense.

I guess that the fear of dissolving made him wary of the slime, but if he had noticed earlier that my attacks had barely any force and changed towards a more aggressive style because of that I would have been in peril.

Not only that, but most of my attacks weren't even dangerous.

I just crudely threw my weapons around.

Even if it connected, most of the time the blades were positioned wrong, so I just hit Peras with the blunt side.

The truth is, keeping control over longer distances not only costs me more energy but is also incredibly difficult.

I have a hard time getting the signals through, since the longer the distance to my core, the weaker the connection is.

The other point is that I have to make adjustments to the appendage.

It has to be thick and firm enough to maintain its form.

Otherwise, it would just drop down to a puddle, pulled down by its own weight.

Yet the only way to achieve this is through manipulation of the slime.

The stronger the image, and, more importantly, the intensity of the focusing thought, the "activation", the better the result.

The problem is this requires control.

And as I just said, the longer the distance to my core, the worse my control is.

In the end, it comes down to my core and high-speed processing.

If, for example, I use the same thought twice I can use this to get a stronger effect.

Thinking two times in quick succession is the same as one single strong thought.

This has countless applications, but the only way to achieve that would be high-speed processing.

My normal thinking is not fast enough to press the thoughts together.

The downside is that I would use my mental capacity to strengthen my connection to the slime and my appendages.

This means, while using it for controlling my body, I can't use it to accelerate my thinking.

This reduces my processing abilities to those of a normal person if I use such techniques.

And then there is the other issue with high-speed processing; whenever I do this my core gets uncomfortably hot.

I fear what might happen if this intensifies.

At least, I believe that something might break if I don't stop before a certain limit, and I'm definitely sure I don't want anything to break in my core.

Nonetheless, it is still an advantage to be able to fight from a distance as I did.

The main problem is my poor execution; I'm simply inept to do any precise movements.

I believe that I could reduce the need for additional processing thoughts by simply becoming used to the movements.

And this is what I'll train.

It's a little uncomfortable that I have to get naked for this, which is one of the reasons why I train alone.

Yet I couldn't afford to wreck my clothes, whether by mistake or because I accidentally start dissolving due to my agitation if I fail.

When I feel ready I start.

I rush all of my weapons out at once, each with its own tendril to hold it.


And lose most of them because I couldn't adjust enough to keep them in place.

If this would have happened during the team meeting it would certainly have been embarrassing.

Back then I took a little bit more time to get them out, emphasizing the threat.

Now I wanted to do it as some kind of surprise attack.

The issue was that the sudden strain to maintain the connection was too much, so I couldn't keep the long appendages up in the air.

The next issue is that iron weapons are heavy.

This means, that the slime tendril I use has to be strong enough to lift the considerable weight it shall carry.

Another thing I'll have to get used to.

After this, I try to quickly form new appendages to take the weapons strewn around in the room.

Being able to grab things like this could be convenient in the future.

That said, it's rather difficult to maintain four additional limbs at once.

I'm sure this is also a question of how much I get a hang of it, but for now, I also have to use my thinking capacity to guide them to the right places.

Naturally, this also decreases the length of the tendrils I can maintain.

With four simultaneously maintained connections, carrying iron weights, I would say it's around six to seven meters.

Certainly, some variation is possible, like having shorter and longer tendrils, but that would complicate things even more.

So after I eventually managed to lift all of my weapons at once, I start practicing the details of my movements.

To be precise, I first try to get accustomed to moving all of them at the same time in somewhat controlled patterns.

On one side I need to focus on the movement.

The other part is maintaining a proper grasp around the blades.

Quickly I realize that it's better to let my slime envelope the blades as well.

Liqu would say it was "overly human" on my side to limit myself to the handle and try to avoid touching the sharp part of the metal.

Thinking about it, even holding them like that wouldn't make me cut myself.

This way, I am able to secure them more tightly to keep them from escaping my grasp.

It was truly a miracle that I didn't lose them during my earlier fights.

I almost completely cover my weapons.

If I strike something the slime will recede along the blade as the metal does its job.

I still can't do much more than slashing and stabbing at random, so after I am sure that I can maintain this state I start to simply move everything while increasing the speed at a scale I can keep up with.

With time I add more and more conscious movements.

From my position, it looks like I'm in the middle of a whirlwind of blades.

I guess I look like a praying monk in the center, motionless as I sit there, trying to avoid any unnecessary movement which could distract me from maintaining control.

Like this, I proceed for some hours.

It takes its toll on me, as I note how this is draining my energy.

Nothing serious yet, but perceivable.

I just hope that Elara remembers to bring our meals.

Also, I have to take regular breaks since as I mentioned my core gets hot and I won't take any risks for simple training.

During one of those necessary breaks, I walk around a bit.

I realize that Liqu has disturbingly left her room and I can't find her anywhere.

I consider searching her, but the chances that she returns to me seem to be higher than if I would search her around the mansion.

And it wouldn't help if I would now head out and announce that my crazy slime companion is on the loose.

That might disturb some people.

So I decide to continue my training.

After I'm somewhat satisfied with how fluid my movements are I want to work on the other area I lack in.


I can't control my movements well enough, especially with increasing distance when the connection deteriorates.

But to work on my aiming I need a target.

So I designate a part of the wall, where I take down a picture before I get started since it might be better to hide any potential traces of vandalism after I'm done.

Then I mark it with an "X" which I create with two streaks of my finger.

After this, I put seven meters distance between me and the target.

Did I mention how ridiculously spacious this "cell" is?!

I will start by simply guiding my slime appendage without any extras.

While still maintaining three more, hovering around my body, I let one rush out and hit the wall aiming for the mark.


I fail miserably.

While it's still slime and spreads on a wide area, it's undeniable that I missed.

Seven meters might've been too much.

But otherwise, it wouldn't be training, right?

I repeat and repeat, not letting go of the additional appendages, so I can work on controlling them simultaneously.

After I managed to hit the mark three consecutive times I believe to be ready for the next round.

I take my shortsword, which, after my old knife, is the weapon with the lowest quality I own.

It might be a little heavier than the others, but that should only improve the difficulty of this exercise.

Also, I have no intention to shatter my valuable weapons against the wall.

On the other hand, even if it's not great, I don't want to destroy it.

I have an idea!

I dissolve a hole in the wall where my mark is located.

Fortunately, I can later hide this behind the picture.

Yet the hole might be a little large since I can't trust my aiming ability.

However, for now, it's just a deep hole.

To change that, I let my arm glide inside and pull some dirt from behind the stone to the hole.

Now I have a soft earthen surface.

With this, the blade won't break on contact.

Knowing I still very likely might smash my blade against the wall if I go all out, I start it slowly.

With intentionally reduced speed I guide the blade to the target.

Close to the target, it becomes difficult because of the distance, but I reach the earth.

Now I just have to increase the speed and improve slowly.

After a while, I believe I've got better.

I just have to aim, rush out, and...


"Aaahhh!" (Elara)


...apparently startle Elara.

Looking below her I see that a tray fell down.

Unfortunately, with my now scattered food on it.

"I-I'm sorry. I wanted to bring you something to eat and..." (Elara)

"Oh, thank you very much. You have no idea how much that is appreciated right now." (Shari)

I really spent quite some energy through all my efforts.

At least a fourth I'd say.

So a meal is more than recommended.

"But it all fell down." (Elara)

"Sadly, that isn't an issue." (Shari)

Not that I like the idea of eating dirt, but in practice, there is absolutely no difference.

It's certainly better than dissolving some critter that has still its pelt.

And some lice on it.

"I-I also brought some for your friend, but the last time the last time I saw her she was outside." (Elara)

So Liqu isn't trying to be stealthy out there.

Is that good or bad?

"Did she cause any trouble?" (Shari)

"Nothing I know of. At least not more than would be expected." (Elara)

"Good to hear. I was a little worried. If you find her, tell her there is food. She should directly rush back." (Shari)

"Uhh, you see...I'm not... I wouldn't like to..." (Elara)

Her face practically begs me not to force her to do so.

"Fine, you don't have to. I can understand your point, but I want to say that she reacts very positively to friendly behavior. So it might make things easier for you." (Shari)

Well, on another note, the last one who was friendly with Liqu got constantly embraced against her will.

Yet it won't help to point this out to her.

"Ehm, what are you doing there?" (Elara)

"Training. It's harder than one might believe to move this body. Also, I'm hired as a soldier here, so I should at least try to be able to do my part." (Shari)

"Y-you are apparently very diligent." (Elara)

A look around me confirms what she is speaking about; all the slime I tossed around while performing my exercises.

Poor Elara.

"Usually the slime would dissipate on its own. However it's too humid here, so I have to ask you to clean it up. I'm at a calmer point of my training right now, so I wouldn't mind your presence." (Shari)

I'm just staying still while aiming for the mark.

This shouldn't be a problem as long she won't suddenly step in between.

Let's get started!

I've stopped the movements of the other arms, so I won't bother Elara too much.

This way, I can concentrate well enough so that I find my mark.

To ascertain that she's okay, I concentrate a bit of my all-around vision on her.

She looks bewildered but overall fine.

"What do you think?" (Shari)

"I-I don't understand the question." (Elara)

"I'm employed here as a soldier. I need to have some capabilities to follow up on this. I'm not very strong, so I'm asking myself if that might be enough to be worth my pay." (Shari)

"Not strong? But you're... Ehm." (Elara)

"Let's just say I am no good at swinging a sword and am full of openings. The question is if the ability to attack like this might help me to overcome this." (Shari)

"I think you are strong. This was very fast and there was a strong impact when you pushed. I don't think there are many soldiers who would want to fight you." (Elara)

"Thank you, that's nice to hear." (Shari)

I don't know much about Elara, but she's diligent and seemingly was able to overcome her issues with me.

Like this, my opinion of her favorability is already far higher than most of the people I know.

Regarding my training;

I think it went smoothly.

I still doubt that I have the strength to get through a somewhat decent armor, but with my precision training, I might be able to aim for the notches and weak parts.

Like this, I'm gaining confidence to win a real fight.

Together with a slime bullet, with applied dissolving agent, this should work well.

My reach isn't too great, but decent.

I'm asking myself if I couldn't improve by learning how to throw knives in addition.

At least, I know someone who can do that.

Elin would surely give me a helping hand on this if I ask nicely.

Yet it might be that there are differences between throwing with a hand and a malleable slime tentacle.

For now, I will simply continue.

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