Slime Girl

Chapter 94

- Shari -

I wake up and leave my tub.

At least Dion keeps his word and Elara brings us some meat for breakfast, early in the morning.

Nothing fancy this time, but still slices of decent quality.

And, more importantly, they're rather big chunks.

Dissolving them shows me how much of a deficit I had.

It seems yesterday really took its toll on me.

I can literally feel how I fill up back to my full capacity during the act.

On another note, I notice how my maximum is slowly increasing.

It seems the more I'm getting used to my body and keep pushing it to its limits, the more the general maximum of mass I can hold grows in accordance.

This again extends my personal limits regarding how much I can use.

One could say that this is a positive change, yet the nature of slimes to strive for being always at full capacity makes it difficult.

Liqu is the best example regarding how a slime always wants to devour stuff.

I may be still quite far away from Liqu, but the looming threat that I might give in like her to the urge to devour stuff, which grows with the amount I need to take in, concerns me deeply.

"Liqu, are you full?" (Shari)

"Yes, yes. I spent some yesterday, but got plenty to refill myself." (Liqu)

Well, that's half-assuring.

It would be worrisome if the soldiers had to approach her when she's hungry.

That's screaming for an incident.

After this, a guard comes to fetch us.

I quickly slip into pants, shirt, and the newly provided cloak since I don't want to parade my naked body in front of all the assembled men, and women, not like that matters.

We have to go out to the training area next to the military buildings.

Apparently, quite some preparations took place while we were confined in our rooms.

The place was cleared of the usual dummies and there are markings on the ground, designating space.

I see Dion, who oversees the preparations, and approach him.

"Are you ready for your punishment?" (Dion)

The fact that he words it like this indicates that there's trouble waiting for me.

"So, how will this commence?" (Shari)

That smile of his is absolutely unsettling.

"In addition to the usual drill, all the count's troops are today required to complete this practice at least once. There are, apart from those absent on outside missions at the moment, 148 soldiers focusing on close-quarter combat present. They will go about their usual training routines and when their names are called they'll have to line up at the table, where these two first-rank officers will assign them to one of you according to their abilities. I don't think I need to point out who handles the more skilled ones." (Dion)

I see that one of them is Kaleb who is tasked, or rather forced, to handle our affairs.

"You can be assured that they are able to gauge the soldier's abilities and decide with keen and objective judgment how to allocate them. Also, they will act as judges to determine how well they performed. There might be some competition going on, as the result will be part of their evaluation, but that can be considered positive. You, meanwhile, will just have to do whatever your kind does to prevent them from striking the provided substitute stones. This should be simple enough." (Dion)

It is.

Basically, I'm going to spend the whole day being battered by soldiers who will be competing to get the best results by doing so.

I don't know if I should be impressed or not by the count coming up with such a creative punishment on the fly.

I get the feeling that he mostly wanted to get back at me for waking him up in the middle of the night.

I see that quite a number of gawkers came to watch this event.

Foremost, naturally, are the servants who aren’t involved and don't need to be concerned.

And... is that Lidan?

Haven't seen him since we came here.

Well, I guess it's no common sight to see a troop of experienced fighters getting slimed.

I can understand them to a degree.

I would have been going myself to witness such a thing.

Before I got "personally involved", that is.

Liqu and I form two lanes some way apart from each other.

I'm the beginner course, while Liqu poses the one for advanced soldiers.

The area in front of us is the prepared field.

The participants shall attack us head-on and try to push through whatever defense we can raise to get a hit.

I totally feel exploited here, as if I’m just some kind of training dummy with a convenient self-repair function.

Next to the lanes, there is something one could misjudge as an open buffet.

Yet the fact that it entirely consists of raw flesh shows that these are our provisions in case we tire out.

Since bodily fatigue isn’t a concern for us, this means that with this food we will stay operable for the entire length of this exercise.

Also, there are some racks with all kinds of training weapons and several fist-sized stones to serve as a substitute for my core as a target.

Well, and Liqu's, but I doubt that it would matter because I dare to say that no one's going to come even close.

Before it begins I should ascertain something.

"Liqu, I see how you're already ogling the flesh. You're just supposed to take as much as you need. No overeating! But take something when you think you have to refill. I don't want you to "accidentally" eat one of the soldiers you're paired up with." (Shari)

"It's dissolving! Not eating." (Liqu)

I abstain from discussing this any further with Liqu and take my designated place as it's soon going to start.

Yet Dion looks at me with something like disapproval.

"Something the matter?" (Shari)

"Your clothes. You won't need them. For this exercise it's essential that your opponent can see the target." (Dion)

"Tsk. I wouldn't have thought you're someone like this, Dion." (Shari)

"Please refrain from any brazen comments." (Dion)

Doesn't seem like he has a casual side.

I know already that I have to, but wanted to wait till the last moment before I strip in front of all these guys here.

However, it seems I've got no choice.

And naturally when I do so everyone gets wide-eyed.

For some reason, the world is out to make me experience always new heights of embarrassment.

I get another scrutinizing stare from Dion.

"What is it now?" (Shari)

My mood is a little on edge right now.

"Your weapons. You're not supposed to injure anyone during this exercise, so sharp weapons are forbidden. If you need something you will have to make do with the training weapons like all the others." (Dion)

A little hesitant, I drop all my blades on the ground close to my location.

Then, I use my spreading arms to take four of the short, blunt iron swords from the racks.

I have the greatest familiarity with those, even if my slime body isn't able to perform in an appropriate way, as it lacks the stability to sustain a clash.

Slowly but steadily my opinion of Dion drops.

If there is just one more thing...

Wait! What is the meaning of this look?

I don't want to know.

"Is there another problem?" (Shari)

There's even a weak dissolving reaction setting in at the weapons I'm holding.

"The exercise is about to begin." (Dion)

"Yes, go on." (Shari)

"As the lord implied last night, in this form your core is too close to the targeted area. The risk of an accident is too high, especially considering the implications." (Dion)

There was a concrete gaze to Liqu, shuddering at the thought about what she might do in that case.

To be honest, I think I could pull this off.

Shaping my body in a way that my core is securely kept away from the front.

I don't want to admit it, but recently I've gained quite some mass which I could use like this.

However, there is a problem.

"I don't want to warp my body. I don't like how this feels." (Shari)

"All the more reason to do this. Otherwise this wouldn't be a punishment. I will tell the lord. He will be pleased." (Dion)

"Still, I really don't want to." (Shari)

"I'm sorry, but our lord won't call this off, and, for my part, I refuse to die because you aren't willing to take proper safety measures." (Dion)

It seems I've got scolded just now.

Sadly, he's right.

If something happens to me Liqu will torture everyone present to death.

Still, I'm only willing to do the absolute minimum.

I bulge some mass behind me and let my core drift there.

Like this, I can at least maintain the impression of a human being on the front.

Yet at the cost of a ridiculously enlarged rear.

I've seen horses which were more compact than me.

At least those have proper legs and not just some formless mass like a big slug.

The form I end up with makes me look like some four-legged creature whose hindquarters collapsed in a really bad way and is as much as I can do regarding making concessions.

"Well, if you think this will suffice. The rest is up to you. Just know, that you're being tested as well. The lord will observe your efforts from the mansion. Prove him that you can be of use and are more than just a looming risk. I will take my leave then." (Dion)

And with this, he's truly gone.

His last words leave an impression on me.

I can get where he's coming from.

Sending me and Liqu on a mission is in fact a risky venture.

If something happens to Liqu the count won't lose much, yet with her power this isn't likely.

But if I fall victim to the lurking threats Liqu will go on a rampage.

I am the one big risk factor.

And I am weak.

So maybe this shall truly show if he can make use of us.

Otherwise, it might be wiser to send us away before our employment backfires.

Well, no pressure, huh?

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