Slime Girl

Chapter 99

- Shari -

"Uwaahh!" (Shari)

I raise my body out of my tub and look around me.

First I have to deal with my blue vision which I sometimes get after a total disconnect.

It might be that my mind has first to filter out the coloring of my body before it can establish proper vision.

Also, I chew sometimes with my mouth which feels stuffed with mass before realizing why this is so and that spitting it out is not the way to deal with this.

I've had enough moments like these where I tried exactly that only for it to land straight back in my body.

The room is as it was before, but I notice some flesh on the table.

Not like I spent any energy since my last meal, but that's nothing they need to know.

How did the count put it?

I get dressed, store a dagger in each arm before putting the gloves on, and fasten the provided sword on the uniform.

Interestingly the last part is the most difficult one since the weight disturbs the balance of how I let my clothes stick to me.

Liqu doesn't even bother with weapons.

Or clothes.

The latter I force her to wear to make a good impression on others.

Since no one woke me up yesterday I guess today we will get the details of our mission.

I head out and at the exit one of the guards speaks to me.

"Captain Peras wants to see you." (guard)

I notice a slight trembling in his voice, but overall it seems to be steadier than it was before.

"Thank you for informing me." (Shari)

I say so with a smile.

He was probably ordered and like this forced to, but a friendly response can only work out in my favor.

I walk over to Peras' office in the building next to the mansion.

I still don't know why the soldier's administration is separated like this from whatever the count does in his office.

Maybe it's just to keep the sweating soldiers out before the stench gets inside.

Fortunately, this doesn't include me.

I don't smell at all.

Now at a closer look, I find that this place is a fortress.

Not only because of the iron fence that was built around it, but the windows are all on the second story or higher and I noticed the walls are stupidly thick while I was entering.

Naturally, I get still uneasy looks while passing.

Yet something is different this time.

There's still fear, but also... embarrassment?

That could be.

Yesterday, I not only grappled with many of them on the ground, but also left a large part of my body liquid on each of them.

Urgh, I hope no one's going to describe this in a way that someone could get the wrong idea.

Avoiding eye contact with the people, I quickly head to Peras' office.

Is Peras his personal name?

Usually, the kind of position he has would be given to a lesser noble.

So it could be that this is his family name.

This one should be the one officially used.

Yet I don't know for sure.

Never mind.




Forgot about the knocking problem.

"Enter." (Peras)

Seems he still heard it.

There is Peras again with his usual sour look.

Yet something isn't quite right here.

He looks tense.

"Ehm, is something wrong?" (Shari)

"Are you really asking this? You broke four of my ribs yesterday! One of them was dangerously close to piercing my lungs. You may not know this, not having to deal with something as mundane as "bones" which may break but healing magic can only mend them, not readjust. They had to be moved back to their proper positions by hand. One after the other. My chest still hurts like hell." (Peras)

Something tells me I should've avoided this topic.

"I'm sorry about that." (Shari)

"Tsk. Not my first injury and definitely not my last. I have no idea what you did there, but from now on try to hold back during spars." (Peras)

I really shouldn't tell him that this technique was still completely experimental.

"I've heard something about a mission?" (Shari)

"Yes, sure. Don't worry. It's simple. Just an ordinary subjugation. Your team alone should be enough for that." (Peras)

"What exactly is it about?" (Shari)

"Something big managed  to slip past our watch and now threatens the area south-east of the capital." (Peras)

"Something big isn't too precise, captain." (Shari)

"Finding out what it exactly is is part of your job. All we know is that it's dwelling in this area. Do you know what lies there?"(Peras)

I know what he could mean from my map.

"There should be a lake." (Shari)

"Tsk. Lake is good. It may be called Velja Lake but it's a fucking swamp! As dirty and murky as it could be since the capital's drainage leads just there. The area might prove difficult even or especially for you." (Peras)

"I still don't know what I should be looking for. Would you have any idea, captain?" (Shari)

"As I said, this should be part of your duty as well. The testimonies we've got are at best crude. The few who survived the attacks spoke of large claws, shining skin, and a giant maw. Yet given the description and the area... It could be a Leviath." (Peras)

"A Leviath?" (Shari)

"Not much is known about them. It's said they originally come from the south, yet that doesn’t really say much given that most monsters come from the Evergrove." (Peras)

"You have a name so some kind of information must exist, right?" (Shari)

"I know they're aquatic, as you might have guessed from where it’s hiding out. However, this is just a wild guess. I have no idea how such an exotic thing would have got there. But I don't know of any other monster of this size that is attracted to water. The usual creatures of the land wouldn't claim this place as their territory." (Peras)

"So we shall now randomly search the waters and hope to find it?" (Shari)

"Mind your rank, officer. Disrespect won't be tolerated. Regarding your mission. The creature is very active and claims much prey. It should be possible to locate it. Just follow the blood trail. The attacks are concentrated on the road between the capital and Ekoras so you should search on the western side. Recent attacks were seven miles to the north. This is where you should start. Your second in command, Jaren, requested the reports. For details, you should ask him. You will depart tomorrow morning, so prepare yourself. I would recommend that you consult your team." (Peras)

"Yes, sure. Anything else I should know before heading out?" (Shari)

"Since you will likely have to traverse the area around the Velja Lake I will be sending someone else with you." (Peras)

"Someone else?" (Shari)

"Yes. To be precise, a water mage. His name is Niboku. You will find his abilities... useful for this kind of venture." (Peras)

Niboku, this name brings up questions.

And I mean the name itself brings up questions since it’s very unusual.

First, it is too long.

In Rakis, and as far I know most of the closer countries, the custom is to use short names.

Mum once told me when I asked why, that it's easier to shout a short name when a monster attacks rather than a name with multiple syllables.

Yet because of this reason the further you get to the safe north the longer the names get.

In general, you can make a fairly accurate guess on how safe someone was growing up based on their name.

For example, Elara should come from a somewhat good house.

However, Niboku is still on the uncommon side.

The other issue is that just from the sound of it; the name has a weird flow I cannot really relate to.

"Is there anything I should know about this person?" (Shari)

"Only that he's a water mage. The main issue is that you will need someone who keeps the equipment dry. The risk of illness due to wet clothing cannot be taken lightly. Aside from this, he is a regular member on any kind of longer excursion. His ability to provide clean water is invaluable for those. Anything else?" (Peras)

I perk up at this comment, suddenly being much more interested.

Yet Peras seems to be bothered by our presence, so I should keep it short.

"No, sir! We will do our best!" (Shari)

I turn around, make sure Liqu follows, and start to leave the room.

"And officer..." (Peras)

"Yes, captain?" (Shari)

"You gave a good fight back then." (Peras)

I stare for a moment in disbelief and have to use my hand to keep my mouth from leaking any slime while it hangs open.

"You're dismissed." (Peras)

Questioning my common sense, I leave.

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