Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 1 I am a slime...

Chapter 1 I am a slime

Fresh and moist air, refreshing temperature, and the faint fragrance of fragrant grass. The boy named Fangte opened his eyes and saw that there was a grassland around him, and there was a swamp not far from him.

Um? This is where? Does heaven look like this?

The young man named Fangte was confused. He remembered that after passing the college entrance examination, he played games all night, and then died suddenly.


Before Fang Te could react, a piece of pink jelly was looking at Fang Te. Yes, it was looking at Fang Te. This big jelly actually had a pair of big watery eyes, which looked very cute.


The big pink jelly was very happy after seeing Fantawild and kept making "mommy" sounds. The problem is! Fangte actually understood it!

Its general meaning is the joy of one's newborn child.


Fangte lowered his "head", or to be precise, he stretched his body and looked at himself in an arch shape.

At this moment, Fangte was a little confused, because he found that he had turned into a jelly, no, to be precise, he had turned into a slime in the game world, and! He is still green!

For a moment, Fangte found it difficult to accept the reality - I have traveled through time? And turned into a slime?


Fangte's mother formed small pink tentacles and gently stroked Fangte's head, then turned and walked to the other side. Fangte looked over and saw a cute little pink jelly lying on the grass.

Fangte knew that this pink slime was his sister.

Since my sister was just born, she tried to "arch" hard, but she was unable to do so. She fell down all of a sudden, like a puddle of jelly water. However, her sister worked hard and tried to "arch" again, like a puddle of jelly water. It's like a newborn pony trying to stand up on its own.

His mother looked on with anxiety in her eyes. She wanted to help her sister several times, but she restrained herself.

Finally, the little pink slime stood up, its big watery eyes shining with happiness.

The little pink slime stretched its body and rubbed its mother's body happily with its "little head." The scene was extremely warm. The mother pointed at Fantawild at the little pink slime.

After the little pink slime followed her mother's tentacles and saw her brother, she happily moved towards Fangte step by step.


My sister rubbed Fang Te's body affectionately. The feeling was soft and sticky, like jelly, and felt very comfortable.

The mother moved over and said "mommy".

It probably means "Mother is looking for food, please don't walk around here."

Fangte and his sister nodded.

After his mother left, Fangte lay down on the grass and looked at the black swamp in front of him. There were still bubbles on the swamp. His sister leaned on Fangte and fell asleep slowly.

Fangte was a little sentimental. Although he was lucky to be reborn after his sudden death, he didn't expect that he was a slime. In Fangte's perception, slimes were undoubtedly the weakest race in the other world, and Survival is extremely difficult. Who knows which day I will be trampled to death by which beast?

When Fangte was melancholy, a string of voices suddenly appeared in Fangte's consciousness:

"The slime achievement system has been bound. Congratulations to the host for completing the 'rebirth' achievement and rewarding the host with 'body strengthening'."

Before Fang Te could react, a stream of clear water rushed into Fang Te's body. Fang Te felt extremely refreshed, as if he was standing naked on the wind vent. It was so comfortable.

A minute passed and the system sound sounded again.

"The body strengthening has been completed. The body strengthening level is one, and the full level is 10. Please ask the host to pick up the source again and obtain higher achievements."

At this moment, Fangte's mood suddenly improved! Isn’t this the “system” that often appears in novels? What is a system? It is like a plug-in. As long as there is a system, even a slime may one day be able to turn around.

Fangte looked at his body happily. Since it was a physical enhancement given by the system, it must be very powerful. Maybe it could make him as strong as a rock!

However, Fang Te soon became disappointed, not to mention disappointed, and even contemplated suicide.

Because he just discovered that his color was darker! Other than that, Fangte felt that his body had not changed at all, and the most important thing was! I am green! I don’t have any good feelings towards forgiveness in the first place! It turned out to be even deeper! Will the level 10 body strengthening be full of green and spring? !


While Fangte was thinking about life by the swamp, his mother came back, and his sister, who heard her mother's voice, also woke up and happily went over to rub her mother's body.

As a low-level creature, slimes are not an intelligent species, so even after my sister and mother saw Fangte turning greener, they didn't think much about it. They just felt that their child was a little different.

As the lowest level species, it is absolutely impossible to hunt slimes whose combat power is inferior to that of goblins. Therefore, slimes can generally survive with water, but the concentration of newly born slimes is too low and not sticky enough. It is thick, so it cannot be in direct contact with water, otherwise it will be diluted directly, and then there will be no more.

Therefore, when feeding a baby slime, the mother first stores the water in her body, then increases the solubility, and then feeds the water to the baby slime.

After the two brothers and sisters had eaten and drank enough, the sister fell into a deep sleep again.

No matter what species it is, the sleep period of young children is always very long, and the mother is alert around them. As long as there is any disturbance, the mother will move with her children.

In fact, slimes have no natural enemies. After all, what species would feed on slimes? Therefore, the mother's vigilance is usually to prevent animals from running over and accidentally trampling the extremely fragile young slimes to death. Although slimes It is immune to most physical attacks, but the regeneration ability of young slimes is very poor, and it is difficult to condense after being crushed.

The pink sister slept soundly on her own, but Fangte had no sleepiness at all.

This is not for other reasons, but because Fangte is hungry again.

Generally speaking, a slime doesn't need to eat for a whole day after eating once, but within 2 hours, Fangte was hungry. It was like drinking water to satisfy his hunger but not feeling full at all.

At this moment, Fangte wanted to eat something. He didn't want to drink water like a slime, but like humans and animals, he wanted to eat real food.

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