Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 129 Ghana Auction Venue

"Well, it's actually nothing. I just learned about your father's grief recently. I think you have just grown up, the comet has set, and the troubled times will begin again. We can't worry about you." The master of Twilight Continent said with a smile.

"It's been nearly four years since the news of my father's death. Uncle, aren't you getting the news too late?" Emilia put a strand of silver behind her ear with her delicate hands and looked directly into his eyes. Eyes, he said slowly.

"After all, the Twilight Continent is too far away from the Endless Land. I didn't get the news about you in time, and my uncle felt very uncomfortable." The master of the Twilight Continent looked a little sad. If Fangte saw it, he would definitely I want to sing him a song called "Actor".

"Now that my uncle knows the news about his father, he must also know that the second prince of the Ella Empire is dead. Why does my uncle send troops to Ainya and what does it mean?"

"My uncle heard that you, my niece, were deceived by the orc tribe. The villain used your niece's reputation as a true dragon to collect your family members and create a tribe. He was worried about your safety, so he asked Nessarion to bring the army to pick you up, so that your uncle can feel at ease. .”

Emilia's little fists clenched involuntarily, and her teeth gently bit her slender lips.

No matter how simple, kind and naive Emilia is, she has experienced various battles in the orc tribe and has received all-round modern knowledge instruction from Fangte for nearly four years. She still understands that this is entirely the words of the master of the Twilight Continent!

When Nessario met Emilia, she had not thought about fighting him to the death, but behind him was the Twilight Magic Army!

Although the beastmen will definitely lose if they don’t say it! But if the orc tribe that had just experienced a war fought another war, then even the surrounding small countries could unite to devour Ainia. Emilia still knew this.

For Emilia, it would be fine even if Nesario told Fante that he had lied to him! Even if Fangte would be disappointed and resentful of himself, Emilia, an innocent girl, would accept it no matter how heartbroken she was, but she could not accept the destruction of the orc tribe.

Because she knew that the orc tribe was his hard work, and it was established through his day and night battles, planning, planning, and talking back and forth between the various tribes.

In Emilia's heart, I'm afraid she didn't even notice that every time she saw the happy smile he showed after the orc tribe made progress, she seemed to be happier than him.

The orc tribe is the most beautiful result of her time with him, and she will never allow the orc tribe to be destroyed.

Therefore, after arriving in the Twilight Continent, this innocent girl had already been prepared. If Nessario wanted to do something wrong to her, she would maintain her innocence even if she died.

And if they want to threaten the orc tribe with themselves, then they will never make things difficult for Fang Te, and she will end her life.

And when a fantasy species wants to end its own life, nothing can stop it.

However, when Emilia came to Twilight Continent, she found that she couldn't see through the so-called uncle's intentions! Apart from not letting himself leave the Twilight Continent, he did not make any trouble for himself. He had no idea what he was going to do.

"Shirley, the nights in the Twilight Continent are very long, but the banquet time is short. The guests have been waiting for a long time. As hosts, this is not the way to treat guests."

The city lord of Twilight Continent said with a smile, his eyes so deep that no one could see clearly!

Jon Cape (Lord of the City of Twilight Continent) slowly approached Emilia, his right hand bent in front of her, and her left hand slightly arched (in Twilight Continent aristocratic banquet etiquette, women need to pass their hands between the elbows of their elders) , led by the elders to the banquet.)

Emilia was a little hesitant and still didn't put her lotus arm through his bent elbow.

"Shirley, the orc tribe is very fragile now, especially not long after the orc tribe unified Ainia. Many nobles in the Twilight Continent want to 'help' the orc tribe consolidate, but the reason why the Twilight army has not yet Let’s go, it’s all thanks to uncle.” Jon Cappe returned with the same smile as before.

The evening breeze blew by, gently lifting a strand of Emilia's silver hair. The rooftop of the Twilight Castle fell into silence. Emilia quietly looked at the middle-aged man next to her. At that moment, the surrounding dark elements suddenly became restless, but quickly calmed down.

"Excuse me for the wedding banquet my uncle organized for Shirley."

Emilia said lightly, using her own magic power, the black magic surrounded her slender legs. In an instant, Emilia's short skirt slowly changed, and finally became a three-meter long mop. The long skirt and sleeves also covered her lotus arms.

Emilia stepped on the air with the support of Jon Cape, and the two of them walked slowly towards the center of the banquet as if they were walking on air steps.

The nobles at the banquet felt someone stepping down from the air, and they all raised their heads to look. With the support of the Lord of Twilight City, the girl was getting closer and closer to the ground. The moment they saw the girl's face clearly, the originally noisy banquet suddenly disappeared. It became quiet!

In their hearts, apart from Ajiya recorded in the books, the only person whose beauty can rival the beauty in front of them is the legendary empress!

Endless Land, Ella Empire, Ella City, Ghana Auction Hall (the largest auction venue in the entire Ella Empire).

The Ghana Auction Venue is known as the largest venue in the country, and not because of its size! It's because what the Ghana Auction House is auctioning is definitely something that ordinary nobles can't even imagine! Definitely a treasure among treasures! A treasure among treasures! The amount of money involved in each auction at this venue is absolutely huge!

The Ghana Auction House holds an auction every four months, and each auction brings together the top nobles from all over the Ella Empire! Even the auction at the Ghana venue became a celebration! It has also become a criterion for judgment for nobles.

If your family can enter the Ghana auction venue, it means that your family's strength is definitely at the top of the Ella Empire!

And if you buy anything at a Ghana auction! That means your family is already at the top!

And if you take a photo of the last treasure of the venue! Then there is no doubt that your family is definitely one of the most powerful nobles besides the royal family!

For fame and fortune, or for treasures, every Ghanaian venue is as lively as ever, but maybe this time the auction is a little different.

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