Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 152 It hurts so much

On the outskirts of the capital of the Odeya Empire, in a quiet grove, the sound of the clanking of steel and the clicking of gears could be heard constantly coming from a small wooden house.

In the cabin, a man wearing goggles was sitting on the bench, carefully making a mechanical arm.

The man learned the technology of this robotic arm from a girl, who was wearing a red skirt and bent down to look at him who was making it carefully.

It has been a year and a half since the man "waked up" the girl in this cabin. The man would often sneak out of the castle and palace and bring a lot of clothes and daily necessities to the girl. However, when he found that these daily necessities, the girl did not have them at all. I didn't take it with me anymore after I didn't use it anymore.

The man and the girl would meet every two days. At first, the man was extremely obsessed with the secrets of the girl. Every time they met, the man simply wanted to know technical information.

But slowly, the man came into more and more contact with the red-haired girl, and the meeting between the two became more than just a matter of the man simply understanding mechanical crafts.

Maybe he was worried that the girl would be too bored, so he would take her hiking in the mountains and fishing in the river. Although he was always exhausted halfway up the mountain, the girl would also use a small energy cannon when fishing. He just pushed the fish to the shore, but he never tired of this activity. This may be because he couldn't think of other alternative activities.

But later, one day the man brought a bag of flower seeds to the girl. Considering the special nature of the girl, these flower seeds were specially bought by the man at the market. Although these flowers were not like those grown at home by the man, They were as noble and delicate as they were, but they were easy to take care of, and they were all pretty, at least that's what he thought.

He and the girl cultivated a flower garden, and the girl quickly mastered the method of planting these flowers. When he left, she always stayed beside the flower garden, taking care of them carefully, never leaving, because it was his Please do what she does.

Half a year later, when the man came again, the flower garden was already in full bloom. Although the colorful flowers were not so luxurious and beautiful, and the colors were not so rich, the light yellow petals and white flowers and leaves made up a picture. But it is also light and beautiful, with the light fragrance of flowers spreading in the air.

The man asked the girl if the flower garden looked good. The girl just tilted her head slightly, because in her mind, she didn't know what the standard of "good-looking" was. But looking at his happy look, the girl felt that her core should be smooth. Much better, and it seems that the magic power is running more smoothly.

As usual, the girl guarded the flower garden as always, and she was more serious than before.

But I don’t know since when, the girl became slightly distracted when guarding the flower garden. From time to time, she would look at the only path leading to the cabin, as if waiting for something.

After the flowering season, the flowers fell, and the girl saw the flowers in the garden withering one by one. For the first time, the girl felt "anxious". She was a little at a loss. She tried many "stupid" methods, but none of them could save the flowers. Withered, the girl attributed these to her distraction.

When he came again, the girl lowered her head and said nothing, as if she was a little girl who had done something wrong.

Seeing the girl's self-blaming look, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a moment! Because he saw the existence of emotions in the girl.

Finally, with the man's explanation and comfort, the girl felt relieved and no longer blamed herself so much. The man was happier and took the girl to play more frequently, and even took the girl to wander around nearby rural towns.

Although the girl's emotions were still so indifferent, he knew that the girl was different, gradually different. He thought that as long as he took the girl to try more new things, the girl could also have emotions! He can also cry and laugh like ordinary girls. He really wants to see girls laugh.

He also took the girl to play in the town more and more frequently, and even took the girl to the most prosperous street market in the capital a few times.

In fact, he doesn't know that in the girl's heart, as long as he is by her side, it will be the same wherever she goes. Even if the two of them sit together for a day, she will feel that her core is running more smoothly, and this smooth flow The feeling is something that girls have never experienced before.

One day, the man came to the wooden house again and told the girl without any warning that he had mastered most of the technologies of the mechanical species and wanted to help her restore her memory and help her return to the country of gears.

The girl didn't know what he meant, but she knew that as long as it was something he wanted to do, she would definitely support it. But this time, she took the initiative to ask him a question:

"Will the master also return to the country of gears?"

He stood blankly in front of the girl. He did not expect that the girl would take the initiative to ask him questions. This was a breakthrough in consciousness. He would have been happy because of the girl's initiative to ask questions, but this time he was not happy. stand up.

"I won't go."

"Why?" This is the second question the girl asked.

"Because other intelligent races are not allowed to enter the country of gears. It is the country of the mechanical species and it is also your hometown." The man looked at the girl with a smile.

In the cabin, they stood facing each other. There was an inexplicable silence in the cabin. The breeze from the woods blew in through the window, caressing the girl's skirt and slightly raising the girl's red hair.

"Then Hongji shouldn't recover her memory. Hongji doesn't want to return to the country of gears."

This is the first time that a girl has put forward her own ideas, and it is also the first time that she has disobeyed a man's order.

"Why? Can Hong Ji tell Tao the reason?" Tao took a deep breath, and his pupils were already covered with a layer of mist.

"Hongji. Hongji doesn't know either." The girl lowered her head, unable to express the emotions in her heart.

"But Hong Ji, your existence has been discovered by my brother. Although my brother promised to help me keep the secret, he also set a condition for me." Tao said with a trembling tone, "I'm getting married."

"Marriage? Why can't Master be with Hong Ji after marriage?" This was the third question she asked.

Tao approached Hong Ji and gently touched her long red hair: "Because I am a human species that cannot choose my own birth, and your existence is too special. You cannot expose it. If exposed, you will be in danger." Yes, I don’t want to put you in danger.”

"Henji is not afraid of danger."

"But I'm afraid." Tao took a deep breath and said in a commanding tone, "I will be here in five days. I am now confident that I can completely repair you."

Tao turned around and walked outside the wooden house...

The girl watched him gradually disappear at the end of the path. At this moment, the girl felt as if her core was malfunctioning.

Because it hurts

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