The light rain in the Gear Kingdom has never stopped. The raindrops streaked across the tall buildings and fell to the ground, scattering water splashes one after another.

In a repair shop in the East 20th District, two mechanics have been sitting face to face for more than an hour.

He told a story that was neither long nor short, and he listened to a story that was neither long nor short.

"What happens after that?" One of the younger-looking machines asked. Although he was shocked after hearing the whole story, after more than ninety years of constant fighting, no matter how shocked he was in his heart, his appearance Still as calm as ever.


The middle-aged mechanical uncle took a sip of the energy ball, just like a person drinking and recalling stories from the past. The only difference was that he was always awake.

"Then the mechanical species named Hong Ji merged into the will at the last moment of his life, completely replacing the will. In exchange, the remaining thirty or so S-class mechanical species protected the useless man and the mask. The assassins fought and killed all of them."

"After the battle, the man was allowed to enter the country of gears, and the machine species promised to protect his safety forever."

Fang Te looked at the person telling the story, who was also the person in the story, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

"Fang Te, you also know that the ratio of time here to the outside world is three hundred to one. Although a year has passed in the Gear Kingdom, it has not yet reached a day for the outside world, but for the creatures inside, their time flows. The speed is the same.”

"Now you should know why I am like this body. In fact, according to the physiological explanation, I am dead, and I have been dead for thousands of years. But after coming to the country of gears, I continued to delve into other more profound aspects of machinery. technology, at the same time, I continue to transform my body, from my arms to my internal organs, and finally my entire body, and finally! Except that half of my brain is still an organism, the rest of me is no different from the mechanical species."

"So you created Hong Ji because you missed Hong Ji?" Fangte thought of the photo of a man and Hong Ji he saw when he first came to the Gear Country more than ninety years ago.

"Yes... I created the current Hong Ji, but when she was born in my hands, I realized that no matter how much she resembles her, it can never be her..."

Zike sighed softly, his eyes so deep that one couldn't even see them.

"Since Hong Ji has replaced the will and become the new will, although she is no longer physically alive, isn't she still alive mentally or data-wise? Why are you..."

"I know what you are going to say." Cike interrupted Fangte, "You want to say that although Hongji's core is damaged, she is still alive in her will, right?"

Fantawild defaults.

"Boy, do you know? I was as naive as you thought at first, but when Hong Ji became a will, she no longer recognized me, and even forgot everything, and completely became a tool for regulating the mechanical species. "

"It wasn't until later that I understood what will is during my continuous research on mechanical species."

"In addition to the core that maintains the operation of the body, the most important thing for every mechanical species is the processor in their brain. The processor of the mechanical species will record everything they see and experience, and then share it with the will , in general, will is a collection of mechanical memories and experiences."

"The will integrates the information gathered by all the machines, filters and makes judgments with huge efficiency, and finally can issue detailed orders to each machine."

"Of course, such a huge calculation cannot be completed by one machine. There are thousands of machines responsible for the responsibility of will!"

"The wills of thousands of machines together form the will, and these thousands of machines all have the same code name, which is called the Heartless One!"

"Whenever a machine of the will is damaged, a new machine is needed to take over, but not just any machine can be used. Sometimes a combat type is needed, sometimes an industrial type is needed, or even a mixed type. A new replacement is needed. Mechanical types of will will be produced before the old will machines are scrapped, and their codenames will be named Heartless."

"Every unintentional person has only one mission, and that is to experience it! Experience it in the country of gears, and experience the outside world. Until this machine has its own understanding of the world, it returns to the country of gears. At this time, will It will erase the unnecessary and unnecessary emotions of the unintentional, and finally combine them with the will to become a member of the will!"

Seeing Fangte's slightly surprised expression, Cike smiled.

"Boy, didn't you ask me what my purpose is?"

"My purpose is simple! I want Hong Ji to escape from her will and return to me."

"What do you want to do? Why do you involve Hubi?" Fangte couldn't help clenching his fists slightly.

"Relax, my friend, I'm not done yet."

Zike looked around Fangte and looked outside the store door.

"Fangte, I think you have also noticed that the mechanical species perform their own duties. The passers-by who seem to be wandering around are actually testing the performance of various machines to prepare for the birth of new mechanical species."

"But here comes the question, why do the machines do this? Obviously these tests can be done in the workshop with special tools, and the efficiency is much higher. Why do they do it in the same way as the daily life of the human species? This It is a wrong decision for a machine species that is supreme in reason."

After listening to Cike's words, Fang Te frowned and seemed to understand something at that moment.

"Yes, it's what you think." Ci Ke smiled, "Because the will is composed of thousands of machines, and the base number of one thousand is not large, so a single machine can affect the decision of the will. This determines the operation of the entire country of gears.”

"When I entered the Kingdom of Gears more than thirty years ago (standard world time), that is, when Hong Ji first became a will, even though Hong Ji had her redundant emotions and unnecessary memories erased, in her deepest consciousness , she couldn’t let me go and wanted me to live a better life, so she built this kind of city that resembles the way of life in the outside world. After more than nine thousand years of development, it finally developed into what it is now. How about it? Don’t you think it’s incredible?”

"Bah!" Fangte immediately sat up from his chair! He raised his left hand, and the structure continued to change, and finally turned into an energy hand cannon aimed at Zike.

Fangte understood everything at this moment! I know what he wants to do with Hubi!

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