Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 168 Shouting

A grain of sand can contain a world, a fallen leaf can reflect an autumn, and a spark can start a prairie fire.

Fangte gathered all his remaining magic power and all the explosive spells he knew into a single spark. The destructive power of a single point was no less than that of a small nuclear bomb.

Mars fell in the small alien space where the will of the machine species was located. In an instant, the will was destroyed and the space collapsed. Since the small alien space was located under the central tower, the central tower also collapsed from the bottom.

Zike sat paralyzed on the ground at the top of the central tower, with Fangte standing beside him. In a sense, Fangte killed "Hong Ji", one of the will bodies. For Ci Ke, he should have hated the other party deeply, but he was very calm.

"You must hate me very much, right?" Fangte sat next to Cike after finishing everything.

Cike took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed one to Fangte, but Fangte refused. He lit the cigarette and Cike took a deep breath and exhaled white smoke.

"Hate you? Why do I hate you? You do it for Hubi and I do it for Hong Ji. Who do I have the right to hate you." Ci Ke put his hands on the floor, and the central tower had begun to tilt. "Fangte, actually I think you It seems to make sense, you said that Hongji has always been there, why do you think so?"

"Maybe it's because I've experienced too many life and death in these ninety years, or maybe it's because of Hubi, but mostly because of her." Fang Te glanced at Hong Ji who was lying in the corner, " She is not careless, but she developed feelings in her life with you, so I think Hong Ji’s feelings have penetrated into the entire mechanical species, and the current mechanical species is no longer what it used to be."

"But do you know what a machine would become without the restraint of its will?"

"I don't know, do you know?"

"I don't know either."

"That's fine then."

"Hehehe, yes, that's fine."

Ci Ke looked through the transparent glass at the sky where light rain was falling.

"To be honest, even if Hubie succeeds in replacing Hong Ji, I can't guarantee that Hong Ji will be able to change to her original appearance, because the individual thoughts of thousands of machines that make up the will are all shared, and each machine The personality of the species will become more and more blurred until it is completely assimilated. More than nine thousand years have passed, and I really don’t know if Hong Ji is still there.”

"So." Cike stood up, patted his butt, and looked at the depression, "I did this just to satisfy my unreasonable selfishness. After all, this is my only hope and belief, even if it's The hope is slim, but I’m going to give it a try, although the final result should be said to be a failure.”

The third and fourth floors of the central tower began to collapse, and it seemed that they were about to topple down at any time. Zike walked to the wall and gently picked up Hongji. He put his fingers around her neck and held down the fluorescent dots.

Hong Ji slowly opened her eyes. When she saw Ci Ke for the first time, Hong Ji lowered her head shyly, her eyes filled with self-blame. Ci Ke put his forehead against hers and told her everything that happened while she was sleeping. All were transmitted to her using data, and Hong Ji was also told some of her decisions and thoughts.

After understanding the situation and Ci Ke's decision, Hong Ji's eyes were filled with astonishment, and her delicate hands tightly grasped the corner of Ci Ke's clothes.

"Hongji, you are free from now on." Cike said slowly, turning to face Fangte, "Take Hongji and Hubi away. I'm sorry about Hubi, and I can't guarantee that Hubi will wake up. Or not herself, it depends on her will.”

"You guy, what do you want to do! You really don't want to die!" Fang Te realized that something was wrong and hurriedly walked towards him! Although Fangte no longer has the magic power to fly, with his soft body, he can still wrap up a few people and jump off the central tower!

"Hongji!" Cike ordered to Hongji.

Hong Ji bit her red lips tightly, her hands trembling while holding the hem of Ci Ke's clothes.

"This is my last order." Zike looked directly into her eyes and gently stroked her long red hair.

The next moment, Hong Ji stood up and stood in front of Ci Ke and Fang Te. At this time, Fangte felt that the situation was very bad, and it wasn't that he was in bad shape! But Fangte felt that this guy Cike wanted to cause trouble!

Sure enough, Hong Ji stretched out her right hand and simply caught Fang Te. Then she stuffed Hubi into Fang Te's body and broke the glass of the floor-to-ceiling window with one punch, leaving Fang Te suspended in the air.

"Hongji! Calm down! That guy just wants to do something stupid! You have to stop him!" Fang Te looked at the building a hundred meters above the ground and swallowed.

"Your Excellency Fangte, I will leave little Xiubi under your care. Hongji will always be by your master's side."

After that, Fangte was thrown out like a stone, and Fangte's shout came from the air.

"It's time for you to go."

Ci Ke walked to Hong Ji and looked at the streets, the tall buildings, and the sky going from the top floor of the central tower. All the scenery had not changed in more than nine thousand years.

The only thing that changed was that all the machines stopped moving. They looked at each other, at the city, at themselves, and at others. They seemed confused, as if they didn't know who they were, and they didn't seem to know what they should do. .

They felt like puppets without strings. Although it was the first time that this body felt like their own, they were extremely uncomfortable with it.

"Hong Ji will accompany the master." Hong Ji turned around and lowered her head. There was both shyness and fear in her eyes, because Ci Ke ordered her to leave with Fang Te, but she disobeyed her master's order. This is the first time.

Ci Ke looked at Hong Ji's shy eyes and felt a little dazed for a moment. He reached out and touched Hong Ji's head and said with a smile:

"It's been more than nine thousand years. All obsessions, all goals, everything should come to an end. But you are different. You still have many things to experience. You haven't looked outside yet. Look, the outside world may not be as simple as the Gear Country. Although the outside world is also more dangerous than the Gear Country, the outside world is also beautiful."

Zike spared her hair, held her shoulders and pushed her gently. In shock, Hongji slowly lay on her back and fell.

Although it is a combat-type machine, Hongji does not have a flying device. However, Hongji's strength is enough to allow it to land at a thousand meters, not to mention it is only a few hundred meters in the air.

Cike waved his hand to Hong Ji, turned around and walked into the room. The explosion had spread to the ninth floor.

He lit a cigarette, sat quietly next to the soulless body, closed his eyes and waited for it to end.


A shout sounded from his ears.

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