Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 177 The sky changes

The Dark Crow City is located in the largest basin in the Twilight Continent. The concave terrain is very conducive for the Dark Crow Clan to launch attacks on the enemy from higher altitudes. The Ogres and the Dark Crow Clan are the first to meet up, and they are already with Fang Te. There was a fight in the basin.

Various explosions rang out on the battlefield, flesh and blood and limbs flying everywhere, roars, weapons clashing, screams, all the sounds mixed together, playing the most violent movement.

Fangte was watching everything on the battlefield on the high ground outside the basin. With him were the leaders of the five primitive nobles of the Twilight Continent, their brows furrowed.

At this time, in all directions of the Twilight Continent, a total of forty-five tribes have risen up to resist the Twilight City, fighting with the Twilight Dragon vassals. It can be said that war is everywhere, and the machines scattered in the Twilight Continent Zhong has returned to Fangte.

However, for the original nobles of the Twilight Continent, the battle did not go so smoothly, and they were even in a state of being suppressed.

Fangte united with the two-headed dog demon tribe and four other tribes. After they joined together, Fangte immediately attacked eastward under Fangte's judgment!

But the battle with the Dark Crow and Ogre clans was already so difficult that they could hardly imagine the next battle, but there was no turning back.

At the top of Dark Crow City, the leaders of the Ogres and Dark Crows looked at the tragic battlefield. Although they were at an advantage, they still felt unhappy. After all, the people who died on the battlefield were all members of their own tribes! And Twilight didn’t even send out a single soldier!

"How do you usually fight?" Fangte asked the leader of the two-headed dog demon clan beside him in a relaxed tone, seemingly not caring at all about his own disadvantages on the battlefield.

"As seen by Your Excellency the Dragon Heart One!" Ha Chi'er stared at the extremely brutal battlefield. His two heads were spitting out red flames. It seemed that he was very anxious and wanted to rush into the battlefield and fight.

"How reckless..." Fang Te stretched, took out a chicken leg from his empty pocket and continued to chew on it, as if this guy never stopped talking from the beginning to the end, "If you only rely on brute force to fight, then This world has long been ruled by the orc tribe, but do you know why the orc tribe has been bullied for so long?"

Hachi'er glanced at Fangte, feeling very unhappy with his pretentious words.

"Oh, forget it, I won't tell you. Originally, I prepared a big gift for Nessario, but I didn't expect that this guy actually ran away with a third of the Twilight army. By the way, Do you know where he went?"

"If you have extra time to care about a Twilight army that has not appeared on the battlefield, you might as well focus more on the battlefield in the basin! If you lose this battle! Everything is over! You also know it Come on! Aren’t you always in a hurry?”

Mechanical species are indeed not anxious in the eyes of the world's people. However, unknowingly, Hachi'er no longer regards Fangte as a simple mechanical species.

"Afraid, why are you anxious? If that guy Nessario came, I would indeed be a little nervous, but he didn't come, didn't he?"

"Then you think we can definitely win?" Ha Chi'er was a little annoyed by Fang Te's words.

"It's not 'thinking'." Fang Te put away his frivolous gaze and looked at the battlefield, a slight smile appeared in his eyes, "It's because we have won."

The forty-nine S-class machines standing behind Fang Te seemed to have received some kind of message, and they all raised their heads and looked at the Dark Crow clan who were still attacking in the air. The engraved gears in their eyes kept moving. Turning, a string of data appears and disappears.

"Okay, you can go." Fang Te said lightly, his tone was calm, but it gave people a sense of incomparable confidence. At this moment, it seemed that the mechanical species in front of him could really defeat the Dark Crow Clan and the cannibals. The alliance of demons.

"Order received!"

Forty-nine neat voices said in unison, and the next moment, forty-nine S-class combat machines suddenly stepped up and flew into the air, flying towards the Dark Crow Clan who continued to output in the air.

The forty-nine mechanical species showed amazing combat effectiveness. Each of their energy cannons pierced the sky, and at least fifty of the Crow Clan were shot down each time.

They are like the emotionless gods of death on the battlefield, casually holding the wings of Dark Crow! Then it was pulled apart with a "tear" sound! The two-meter-long electric knives in their hands continued to rotate in their hands, killing the dark crows that besieged them one after another.

Dark crows continued to fall from the sky, and black rain seemed to fall across the sky.

"Fifty mechanical species! S-level!!!"

The Dark Crow leader looked at the black rain composed of the corpses of his tribe and clan on the city wall, and his heart was throbbing.

Although he also heard rumors about the machine species persuading fifty tribes to rebel, what he didn't expect was that the fifty machine species acting as lobbyists turned out to be S-class!

Three hundred S-class combatants are already the highest number that the Gear Kingdom has devoted all its energy to support! Symbolizing the highest combat power of the Gear Kingdom! But I didn’t expect fifty of them to appear at once!

Although it is absolutely fantastic to capture the Twilight Continent with these fifty mechanical species, it is possible to tilt the balance of this evenly matched battle.

In the sky, the disadvantaged red-eyed Black Eagle clan was stunned when they saw the mechanical species rushing up from the ground to join the battlefield and killing everyone. However, they immediately came back to their senses and fought with the mechanical species. In less than a quarter of an hour, Fonte's side once again won the dominance of the sky.

"Chief Siha, I also ask you to go out in person, gather the troops of your tribe and charge straight towards the ogre army's formation. The bigger the hole you tear out, the better!" Fangte turned around and nodded to Hachi'er. requested.

Looking at this mechanical species who did not look like a mechanical species, Ha Chi'er's two huge dog heads narrowed his eyes, and then looked at the sky where the situation had been reversed.

Although he didn't want to listen to the suggestion of the machine in front of him, he still rushed into the battlefield with his own soldiers after roaring.

"Leader Nocturne, please lead the warriors of the Red-Eyed Black Eagle Clan to assist Leader Hachi'er in the charge."

"Chief Shui Dal, please ask the gas ghosts to go around the back and release the smoke. There is no need to kill the enemy."

"General Stella, I leave the two wings of the battlefield to you."

"Finally, General Sand, can you help clean up the aftermath of this battle? Just dig a few holes."

Fang Te's "requests" were released one after another. Although no one knew the true thoughts of this mechanical species, looking at the forty-nine S-class combat species in the sky, they knew that the Twilight Continent was about to change.

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