Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 187 A voice out of thin air

In the center of the Twilight Continent, there is a castle built hundreds of years ago. The castle is called Twilight City.

This castle is entirely made of dragon crystal. The black city walls match the endless twilight and night of the Twilight Continent, and the layout inside the castle also has a cold and serious color.

It happened to be in line with the castle. There was silence in the huge castle. The maids did not speak to each other, but worked silently. The faces of the maids in the castle were as cold as ice.

There lives a girl in the castle whose appearance is even comparable to that of the Empress of Eastern Xia Kingdom. She can usually walk in the forest near the castle, but recently rebels have been spreading across the Twilight Continent, and she has also been placed under house arrest in the castle. Inside.

The girl stayed in her room. She had not eaten or drank a sip of water for four months.

The reason for this was that the girl overheard a story told by a slime and a werewolf warrior.

The content of the story is very meaningful. The girl was too naive, so naturally she didn't understand it. However, the girl remembered a part of the story. In the story, a woman fell into the hands of the enemy, and the enemy drugged her. In the end, Defiled the woman's innocence.

After secretly listening to the story, the girl felt sorry for the woman in the story. At the same time, she also established a concept in her heart: she could not eat anything when she fell into the hands of the enemy.

The girl didn't want anyone to touch her, except the slime.

The girl couldn't help but think about it, remembering the soft touch when she held him in her arms. Inadvertently, the girl blushed.

But, will he forgive himself? If he knew he had deceived him, would he hate himself? Where is that perverted slime now? Is he okay?

The girl hugged her knees and sat on the soft bed, looking through the window opposite the bed at the stars in the distance.

"Cluck, cluck, cluck."

When the girl looked out the window in a daze, a burst of laughter reached the girl's ears.

The laughter is very pleasant, crisp and sweet, as clear as spring water, and as ethereal as the wind passing through the valley.

The girl came back to her senses, raised her head and looked around the room. There was no one in the room. She mobilized her magic power and checked the protective arrays she had arranged in the room. There was no sign that the arrays had been cracked. In other words, even the soul cannot enter his room!

"Little sister, what's your name?"

The pleasant voice sounded again, with a very gentle tone, like the big sister next door.

"Emilia." Emilia bit her thin red lips. The slime once said to herself: The more you don't know what's going on, the more calm you have to be.

"Emilia." The voice came out of thin air and said Emilia's name. There was some thinking and some joking in the tone, "Hey, little sister, do you think 'Shirley' sounds better, or Emily?" Which one sounds better? In other words, which one do you think is more important?"

Emilia was shocked. She didn't expect that the other party actually knew her dragon's true name.

"Both names are important to me."

"Cackle" the pleasant laughter sounded again, "Is it because the name 'Emilia' has brought you a stable and happy time? So this name is as important as your real dragon name."

"Who are you?"

The magic power in Emilia's body has accelerated, and the last magic that has been blessed in her body has also been activated. As long as someone approaches her forcefully, the last magic will also activate on its own.

Fantasy species can live to the end of the world if they want to live, but it is extremely easy to die. No one can stop this magic unique to the dragon family except the initiator himself, and once it is activated, although he will be destroyed physically and mentally, there is no place in the surrounding area Ten miles will be absolutely razed to the ground! Not a blade of grass will grow within a hundred years!

"Who am I? Hehehe. I won't tell you." The voice that came out of thin air was extremely naughty, like a little girl who likes to play pranks. "But, do you want to get out? If you want to escape, If so, I can help you."

"Get out.?" Emilia's beautiful golden vertical pupils lit up, but she soon shook her head, "No, if I go out, the Twilight Continent will send troops to Ainiya, and the orc tribe will Very dangerous.”

"Oh? But why do I think you are worried about the slime named Fant instead of the orc tribe?"

Hearing that she directly pointed out her feelings, Emilia couldn't help but lower her head, and a beautiful blush flew across her delicate cheeks. Her shy look was like fine wine, intoxicating.

But then Emilia frowned slightly.

Why does she know everything and who is she?

"Okay, okay, girls should smile more so that they look better. Frowning is a bad habit for girls." After a pause, she continued, "By the way, you really Aren't you going to go out? The person in your heart has already arrived in the Twilight Continent."

Has he come to Twilight Continent?

Hearing her words, Emilia held the hem of her skirt tightly with her delicate hands, and a trace of joy arose in her heart. This joy was like a ray of sweet spring, moistening the girl's heart.

But the girl soon felt a little shy and remorseful for this joy! Then I became more worried about that slime!

The girl can think of reasons why Fangte came, but the Twilight Continent is too dangerous, and he shouldn't come!

"That slime is very powerful. It has messed up the Twilight Continent. But that guy Jon is not a vegetarian. Soon he will face hundreds of thousands of Twilight Magic Army. Just imagine, what if What will happen if he is defeated? According to Jon’s character, can he still be alive?”

Listening to her words, Amelia's slender fingers pinched the hem of the skirt harder and harder, until her finger lips turned white.

Emilia fell into silence. She didn't know if what she said was true, but what if it was true? If he really came to Twilight Continent to save himself! What if he does get caught by Jon Cape! Then there is only death waiting for him!

If he really died...

The girl couldn't believe it, because when she thought about his leaving, her heart felt as if she had fallen into an abyss of ice.

"I want to find him." Even if she doesn't know her identity! Even though she was likely to be disadvantageous to herself, Emilia still made this decision.


The sweet laughter is getting farther and farther.

"This is the right thing to do. This is the fantasy species. Since you want to leave, then come."

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