Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 199 Treat him as king

"Lan Bujia, why are you standing in front of me? Don't tell me that Mr. Dragon Heart Master won't be coming to today's meeting. Then you are in charge of this meeting!"

The leader of the demonic swamp monster clan said with a smile. He was a primitive nobleman of the Twilight Continent. He raised troops in the eastern part of the Twilight Continent. However, he was defeated and fled to the east. On the way to escape, he was overtaken by pursuers. Fortunately, Fangte led the S-class The mechanical species came quickly and saved his life.

"Are you Lan Bujia afraid of the Twilight Army? Hahaha, if that's really the case, there's nothing to be ashamed of. If you want to quit, I don't think Your Excellency the Dragon Heart One will blame you." Bran, the leader of the Demonic Soul Tribe De Xiao said, the sound emitted by his transparent body floated in the room, reaching not other people's ears, but their hearts.

Brand was once forcibly pulled back from the edge of dissipation by Fant using magic power! Fangte's magic power was completely exhausted and he didn't get out of bed for more than half a month.

"Hahaha, although I am not the strongest warrior in the Dark Crow Clan, I will never do such a thing as deserting on the battlefield! It's just that Your Excellency the Dragon Heart Master hasn't come yet, so I just want to say a few words."

Lan Bujia glanced at all the clan leaders present. Some of them were clans that had a lot of hatred against him, and there were also clans that had a close relationship with him. Most of them were clans that they didn't have much contact with, and there were even some who fought to the death at the beginning. The last clan to join the Rebel Alliance.

But no matter what, it has been half a year since the Twilight Continent launched its troops to fight! No matter when they joined, everyone gave up their past grievances and fought against the Twilight City together. During this time, everyone passed through more difficult battlefields together!

Among them, some leaders died, and new leaders were elected, and some leaders died, but no new leaders could be elected, because the clan completely disappeared in the Twilight Continent.

but! In the last eyes of the soldiers who have been dying on the battlefield in the past six months! Lan Bujia has never seen any soldier feel regret at the moment of his final death! It’s more about unwillingness and helplessness!

I am not willing to die here like this without exerting greater value!

I feel helpless that I actually fight against the clans of Twilight Continent! And the other person is not doing it for you! Not a clan! But fight for the foreign invaders from hundreds of years ago!

at last! The dead were left on the battlefield, and no one collected their bodies for them! In eternal silence and the dark night of the Twilight Continent!

The living people are standing here, but maybe they will die in the next moment. If they are lucky, they will die in the hands of the Twilight Magic Army, if they are unlucky, they will die! They will die at the hands of other clans in the Twilight Continent!

Lan Bujia looked at them closely, his eyes were extremely complex. He was no stranger to these people. After all, he remembered the appearance of all the clan leaders in the Twilight Continent. This was a required course for a leader, but in the presence of Most of the people he had never known.

And now, he is familiar with them because they have fought side by side on the battlefield together! We crawled out from among the dead together! He was even dug out of a mountain of corpses by the other party!

But! After this last battle, they are likely to become each other's enemies! Even if they don't want to do it, they have no way to avoid it!

After all, each clan is not a leader-oriented race like the Two-Headed Dog Demon Clan and the Dark Crow Clan! Behind many clan leaders, just like the blood clan, there are many tribal nobles! These nobles have great say in the clan tribe!

However, the nobles behind these clan leaders only have their own family interests in mind! For the benefit of their own family, they can betray the so-called leader without any scruples, or even betray the entire clan!

Just ask! Hundreds of years ago, when the Twilight Dragon led the army to attack the Twilight City! If all the clans in the Twilight Continent unite as one, what will happen to the 300,000 Twilight Army? Even if you give him 600,000! Can he eat the Twilight Continent?

But it was those miserable nobles who surrendered to the Twilight Dragon for their own interests, while messing up their own clans fighting on the front line! While revealing all the information about his clan to the Twilight Dragon! This led to the fall of the Twilight Continent at that time, and countless Twilight Continent warriors died in vain!

If you want to say what good things these nobles have done! That's probably only one thing! That's when the rebel coalition hits home! In order to preserve their own family, they forced their leaders to surrender to the rebel coalition forces from all aspects!

If Fangte hadn't put all those damn nobles in jail before settling in the Black City! I'm afraid the war hasn't started yet, and the entire Black City is in a state of smog!

But what about after the war? Those nobles will be released for the benefit of their own families! They will not give up the opportunity to carve up the Twilight Continent! Even if all the leaders on the battlefield don't want to fight anymore, those nobles will use all their means to force them to fight for everything they can!

Because although they were elected leaders according to ancestral rules! Although they are dedicated to their own clan! But there is no support behind them!

Lan Bujia looked into their eyes! From their eyes! Lan Bujia saw their desire for the decisive battle with Twilight Continent!

That kind of courage that doesn't matter even if they die in battle, but they also saw how hard they tried to escape, and they didn't even dare to think about victory after the battle!

They all know that if they win, they will fight against all their comrades who have fought together with each other! They even felt that it might be better to die on the battlefield like this.

"Hey, hey, hey! Lan Bujia! Stop looking at me like that girly look! Just say it if you have something to say! Stop whining! I'm getting goosebumps when I see you." The leader of the Sand Scorpion Clan deliberately shook his head. He smiled and cursed at his own body, causing the whole audience to burst into laughter.

Ha Chi'er stared at Lan Bujia. Although the two-headed dog demons were indeed not smart. It was genetic inheritance and there was nothing he could do about it, but their intuition was as accurate as their sense of smell! he knows! What he says next will shock the entire conference room!

even! The Twilight Continent will undergo the biggest change in seven centuries because of his words!

"I think you all have guessed the true identity of Lord Dragon Hearter. Yes, everyone knows that he is the legendary slime, and what I want to say is very simple."

Lan Bujia said slowly, his voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the entire conference room. His tone was not very impassioned, but it made the blood in everyone's chest begin to boil inexplicably.

"I, the Dark Crow Clan, declare here! Join the Orc Tribe and make him the king!"

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