Anthony looked at the maid beside Fante, and a flash of astonishment flashed in his eyes, which was quickly caught by Buster.

"Lord Anthony? What's wrong?" Buster turned around and asked, observing Archmage Anthony looking at the beautiful maid next to Fang Te. Daphne also tilted her head slightly curiously.

"Oh, nothing happened. I just met an old friend." Anthony looked back at Fangte and said lightly, "How is that little girl doing recently?"

"Bruce has met the Archmage Anthony." Fangte returned the greeting, "She went to the floating land, and I came here this time because I wanted to talk to the Archmage and Prime Minister Buster."

Buster was not too surprised that the Bruce noble met Anthony. After all, Archmage Anthony had lived for hundreds of years. He had traveled around the world, met so many people and experienced so many things.

But when he heard "floating land", Buster's heart tightened, and when he contacted the woman who could be called "little girl" by Archmage Anthony, the shock in his heart was not just a little bit.

Fangte turned around and saluted Buster, "Your Majesty Prime Minister, I have a question about an old friend that I would like to ask for advice. I wonder if I will have some free time later."

"Of course, please wait a moment, Lord Bliss."

The conversation between the three was extremely obscure, and Daphne did not become suspicious. Bast brought the princess into the center of the courtyard according to etiquette and then left with a salute. In an instant, almost all the noble young men came up to chat with her.

In a slightly remote corner of the courtyard, Fang Te and the four of them each held a tall glass. Around them, the empress cast an illusion. When outsiders looked at them, what they saw was a very speculative scene of the three of them chatting. Everything was insignificant, and the real scene of the meeting was completely covered up.

"Teacher" Anthony bowed to the empress.

The empress canceled the change in appearance and returned to her original shape. She smiled at Anthony and Bastet: "I am now polite."

Although the world didn't know about Anthony's relationship with the empress, Buster and Font knew about it, so they weren't surprised.

"It is rumored that the alliance between Aniya and the Eastern Xia Kingdom was because the empress fell in love with a slime. I just laughed at this rumor. Now it seems that it does not make sense." Buster didn't hesitate. He said slowly, looking at Fang Te and the Empress, thinking in his mind.

After all, the arrival of Fangte and the Empress was completely beyond his expectation, and now Ella is calm on the surface, but in fact the situation is turbulent. Now Fangte's side can be said to be at its strongest period. Now that he appears here, it is definitely not just for fun. .

What's more, he created a hot topic in Ella City as soon as he arrived!

"I have just been married to my husband for a long time. It's just that my husband is shy and doesn't want to announce it to the outside world." The empress said coyly, interlocking her slender fingers with Fang Te's. In this situation, Fang Te couldn't dismantle the empress, so he had to Let her "eat her own tofu".

It’s just that the looks Buster and Anthony looked at were a bit strange and contemptuous, but when you think about it, one is a daughter, the other is an apprentice, Lilin is married to him, and Emilia, and now there is another empress, This is simply the rhythm of a harem!

It can only be said that this world is not monogamous, otherwise Fang Te will be chased and chopped by his father-in-law with a knife.

"Uncle Buster."


"Father, Buster..." Fang Te's eyes twitched, "I came to Ella this time for two things, and both of them require your help."

"Although Lilin married you, you and I are family members, but public and private matters are different. Now you and I have different positions. Are you sure I will help?"

"I'm sure! Because I believe that Father and Teacher Anthony are very concerned about these two things!"

"Stop calling me teacher. I feel that the hierarchy of seniority is a bit confusing now."

Anthony is Lilin's teacher, and the empress is Anthony's teacher. Now the empress is married to Fangte, and Lilin is married to Fangte. The relationship is indeed a bit messy.

Ignoring Anthony's "worry" on the side, Fant continued:

"Six months ago, when I left the orc tribe, Lilin left Ainya and went to the 'Floating Land' without saying anything. I could never find the reason why Lilin went to the 'Floating Land'. After all, in my impression, there is no overlap between Li Lin and Angel Zhong."

"So from a big perspective, I asked people to check the history of contact between the angel species and the human species. Although the only intersection between the angel species and the human species was war, a war decades ago aroused my great interest. .”

"The participating parties in that war were the Ella Kingdom and the Odea Empire, and Archmage Antony also participated! Not only that! In that war! There was a very strange thing, that is, the Ella side deliberately erased a general's Exists! With the help of Dongxia Kingdom, I recently found out that the name of the person who played a great commanding role on the battlefield but was erased from the record." Fangte paused and looked at Buster, "No It’s just that the human generals and even the angelic side didn’t record anything about the captured angel!”

"A human general and a captured angel girl were wiped out of their records at the same time! They all make people suspicious. Lilin also said that she has never seen her mother since she was born, and there is not even a portrait. I’ve seen it before! This makes me think a lot.”

Fangte used his amazing imagination and came up with a bloody plot! Originally we were just chatting to masturbate! But later I found it made more and more sense!

There was silence between the four of them, and Buster and Anthony were also lost in thought. After a long time, Anthony sighed, and Buster spoke:

"You're right, it's exactly what you thought. Lilin is not a pure human girl, she is the product of angel and human species."

Fang Te was shocked! It turns out that my random thoughts are true!

At the same time, Fangte was in awe of his father-in-law! After all, the father-in-law standing in front of him is a man who has become an angel!

Buster looked at Anthony, as if asking for Anthony's consent. Anthony nodded and Buster continued.

"In the eyes of the angel race, except for the fantasy race and the god race, all the rest are inferior races. It is unimaginable for the angel race to fall in love with humans, and it is even more unacceptable to the angel race. At that time, we were both Falling in love with an angel on Nubiadi's arm is even more taboo!"

Buster raised his head and looked at the sky that didn't know how high it was.

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