Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 229 I will kill you

The night surges, and after this peaceful night, not many people fall into eternal sleep.

Some people died on their beds, some died in the backyard, some died in their study rooms, and more people died on the avenue of Ella City. Fortunately, It rained in the latter half of the night and washed away the bloodstains on the streets. However, at dawn, the air was still filled with the smell of blood.

"General Longka, after the battle in Antenna Valley, you and I haven't seen each other for a long time."

In the royal study room of Ella Castle, Fang Te, Bast and others gathered for a meeting, among whom was Longka, a young general who supported the royal family.

As soon as he saw Fangte, Longka drew his sword and faced him with only anger in his eyes!

But the moment Longka put his sword on Fangte's neck, a figure appeared silently behind Longka, with a dagger on his waist.

Longka knew this beautiful girl. She was the cat-human girl Lola who was bought by Henry Bot a year ago.

"It doesn't matter, Laura, put down the dagger." Fangte said in a relaxed tone.

Laura was hostile to Longka and couldn't help but clenched the dagger in her hand, but she still obeyed Fangte's order and put down the dagger in her hand. Lian Bu easily stood behind Fangte.

"Does General Longka want to avenge the battle at Antenna Valley?" Fang Te said to Longka.

"The Battle of Antenna Valley is over! It was my inability to lead the troops and my skills that were inferior to others! I am completely convinced of my defeat! When Prime Minister Buster told you last night that he was willing to form an alliance with Ella, with the support of the orc tribe, we can't deal with the rebels." Jun, I also have some confidence! But Lord Fangte! I want to ask! Do you really want to help Ella?"

Longka looked directly at Fangte. Since Princess Daphne hadn't come yet, Longka wanted to take advantage of this gap to ask about some things that couldn't be said in public.

"What is the limit of 'sincerely helping Ella' that General Ronka said? If it is just to maintain the royal authority, then I say everything is false, but if it is to protect Ella from being divided by other forces and keep Ella Integrity, then, 'I really mean it'."

"Princess, what are your conditions?"

"The general doesn't need to know now, or he will know after this battle is over."

Longka half-squinted his eyes. He had never been able to clearly see the slime that had transformed into a human form in front of him. He knew that this slime was not bad in nature, because he could tell from the lives of the human warriors in the orc tribe. see. But the nature of this slime is definitely not good! A good man! It is absolutely impossible to lead Ania and the Twilight Continent!

"You killed those rebel nobles who have not left Ella City? Why did you kill them? Don't you know that they are our bargaining chips?"

The main reason why Longka drew his sword at the beginning was because dozens of nobles from the "Ella Reform Party" died unexpectedly last night! And all this was caused by Fang Te.

In Longka's view, these nobles are more useful alive than dead.

"A bargaining chip? What bargaining chip? As a bargaining chip to retreat? Although the people who died last night were all heads of major families, General Longka really believed that when those families unite with the Moxi Empire to attack the city, we can rely on those nobles to threaten the enemy. Are you going to retreat?"

Longka was silent.

"In this case, then they are useless alive, at least they are more useful dead than alive." Fangte continued, "As long as the heads of the major noble families die, although those families with only sons and designated heirs will have no impact, those The exception is families with three wives and four concubines and sons! They usually seem to live in harmony, but when their father dies, the fight for the position of head of the family begins!"

Longka was silent. He knew that what Fangte said made sense, but in this case, the Ella Empire could only win but not lose! There is no way out, because the death of each family master shows that everything can't be good.

Buster and Anthony on the side watched the confrontation between Longka and Fangte with great interest, but did not stop it. Finally, it was not until the princess came in that Longka put down the sword in his hand.

The meeting lasted four hours. During these four hours, Fangte kept trying to figure out Longka's expression and character, because Fangte didn't understand Longka yet. He was worried that Longka would stab himself and Ella from behind at the critical moment of the war. One knife.

While observing Longka, Fangte found that he glanced at Daphne from time to time. The look he looked at Daphne was protective, and there was also a shyness that the young General Ella could not completely hide.

At this time, Fang Te felt relieved. After all, love is much more reliable than superficial loyalty.

And Longka is indeed quite handsome. This kind of handsomeness is a kind of masculine handsomeness, not like the feminine and evil charm of Nesario.

Furthermore, Longka is known as Ella's young genius general, and his talent is certain.

He is talented, rich and handsome, and he likes Daphne wholeheartedly. If Daphne can get rid of hatred and find the meaning of living in Longka, this may be the most perfect.

In the end, Fangte distributed the strategies and precautions one by one. Although Longka was a little unhappy with Fangte as Ella's top commander, he was still convinced by Fangte's talent.

The meeting was coming to an end. Longka, as the only top general who supported the royal family, left the meeting room to prepare for the army. Bastet and Anthony also withdrew. In the end, only Daphne and Fonte, the two top leaders, were left. secret meeting".

"Your Highness Princess, the news of Emperor Nubiadi's departure can be announced to the outside world. The deceased will be given priority. There is no need to delay the burial time." Fangte said slowly.

It was painful for Daphne to not only keep her relatives' departure secret, but also not to be buried. However, she kept this pain in her heart and did not say it out, because if Daphne announced the true cause of her father's death, news, then the people of Ella will fall into deeper despair regarding the upcoming war, but now, with Fangte's assistance, there is no need to hide it anymore.

Daphne lowered her head and remained silent.

"When the father leaves, the princess can do her duty as a child, and we can handle the rest. The princess can even go to Ainya for vacation these days. When you come back, everything will be over."

The girl still remained silent, and Fangte, as an outsider, couldn't say anything more. After handing over, Fangte and Laura turned around and left.

"I'll kill you!"

When Fangte stepped over the threshold, the girl said firmly.

With his back to the girl, he paused, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and walked out of the imperial study.

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