"If you give me to the second prince of Ella Kingdom, we won't have to fight."

Li Lin squatted on the stone steps of the small pavilion in the center of the garden with her hands and knees, a few butterflies resting on her weak shoulders, and a pair of watery eyes looking at the colorful flowerbed, her eyes showing both remorse and bravery.


Fang Te squatted next to Li Lin. He had been sitting here with Li Lin for two hours.

"In my previous country, there was a saying called beauty, which means that beautiful women are the source of disaster."

"Then I am a beauty who is the source of trouble?"

"You are just a little girl who can't help yourself. At your age in my previous country, you were still in the third grade of junior high school."

"Your previous country? I've never heard of you talking about it." Li Lin smiled and pinched Fang Te beside her, smiling like a flower. "Could it be that the name of your previous country was 'Slime Country'?"

"You can think so too."

Fangte formed small tentacles and scratched his head. To be honest, he almost forgot that he was a slime just now.

"Then that country must be lovely."

To describe a country as cute is probably something that only such an innocent little girl can describe.

"In my previous country, there was no magic and no war. Everyone lived and worked in peace and contentment, and I cannot say that everyone was respected by others. Most children had books to read, and As long as you are not too lazy, you can earn over 10,000 yuan a month just by moving bricks."

"Does every child have books to read?" Perhaps Li Lin's attention was focused on the last sentence and she ignored Fang Te's last sentence.

In this world, studying is a luxury thing, because the cost of studying is too high. Only children of aristocrats and wealthy families can enjoy it. Therefore, most children have books to read, which is unthinkable in this world. Thought.

"Well, maybe it's because studying comes too easily, so many children hate studying, except me, of course. After all, I'm the best at reading in the school!" Fangte said shamelessly.

"Yeah, I believe it." Lilin nodded seriously. After all, in Lilin's view, as long as he knows the words, he can be said to be awesome, and the "Slime Achievement System" just provides Fangte with all the common skills in the world. Text.

Fangte's old face turned red, and he felt a little ashamed for the first time. He coughed a few times and then returned to the topic:

"So, from my knowledgeable perspective, you want to go to the Ella Empire and then commit suicide, right?"

The girl who had guessed her thoughts was a little surprised and lowered her head slightly.

"But have you ever thought that when you arrive in the Ella Empire, do you really have the courage to commit suicide? Will the other party give you a chance to commit suicide? What you will face is endless humiliation from that person, and if you take the initiative to commit suicide Send him out! Your father will feel guilty for the rest of his life! Until he is buried in the soil! Even his soul will not be able to rest in peace!"

Li Linxian held her hands tightly and said nothing, biting her red lips tightly.

"I know what you want to say. You think many people will die and you can't bear to see them die. However, there is no one in this world who will not die. Moreover! In my opinion, if the warrior captain and the others know that they are because of the princess, If they actively sacrifice themselves and survive, those of them who are single-minded will feel even more uncomfortable than death."

Fangte walked down the steps step by step and slowly left the pavilion.

"By the way, your father asked me to tell you that you don't have to worry about these things, everything will be fine, although I don't know where he got the confidence."

Fang Te shrugged, and his figure drifted away, while a beautiful girl squatted on the stone steps of the pavilion in a daze, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

The city-state of Afiga.

One day passed, and Sweet had not received a reply. Without saying a word, Sweet gathered troops drawn from the nearby city-states affiliated with the Ella Empire. There were a total of 40,000 warriors, 200 priests, and 94 mages. The entire army was huge. Heading towards the first city-state of the Ori Kingdom.

If you want to attack the city, just relying on these combat capabilities will definitely not be enough. Although Sweet is a stubborn kid, he is not a fool. On both sides of the army, there are two armored men nearly 15 meters long. The rampaging dragon beasts stirred up huge amounts of sand with every step they took!

Rampage Dragon Beast is a seventh-level monster with extremely hard skin! Its destructive power is also the best among Warcraft. Even if it is against an eighth-level Warcraft, it will not be at a disadvantage!

If it weren't for the low magic resistance! The Tyrannosaurus can even fight a young dragon to an inextricable extent! And even if it is besieged by four diamond adventurers, I am afraid that it will have to pay the price of one adventurer being seriously injured in order to succeed.

These four rampaging dragon beasts can only be raised and tamed by a behemoth like the Ella Empire that can be called an empire!

"My dear Archmage, are you really not going to take action? If you want to take action, then this army can each find its own mother, and they will have nothing to do." Sweet, who was sitting on the giant magic flying carpet, said to Anthony said with a smile beside him.

Archmage Anthony put away his aura, and now he is like an ordinary farm grandfather.

"Your Highness, the reason why I left the capital this time is to find a successor and promise the king to protect your safety. But the reason why I couldn't help but take action a few days ago is because I really can't stand that villain who sells his sister for glory. That’s all.”

The human race archmage, who is famous among the ten major races, said calmly, without the slightest fear of the second prince of the Ella Kingdom beside him, and even had a little contempt for him.

"Oh? A villain? In the eyes of Grandpa Anthony, is His Highness also a villain?"

"Yes, if it weren't for your identity, His Highness, I would have been burned to death with my soul."

Sweet's eyes suddenly shrank, and he couldn't help but clenched the wine glass in his hand! A killing intent was released without concealment.

Perhaps feeling the owner's murderous intent, one of the largest rampant dragons turned its 5-meter-long head towards Anthony. However, before the rampaging dragon beast roared out, Anthony just raised his hand and this one The Rampage Dragon Beast flew ten meters away in the air!

The remaining three rampaging dragon beasts felt ashamed and angry, and were about to attack Anton regardless of the troops at their feet, but they stopped immediately, and Sweet, who was sitting next to Anthony, looked even more embarrassed!

Archmage Anthony just farted

"He is indeed the only great mage in the human race!" Sweet replied coldly, but stopped talking, because it was just that shit that made those three seventh-level monsters feel like they were facing a formidable enemy!

The army marched for three hours! The city-states of the Ori Empire are already faintly visible!

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