Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 231 Preparation for War

Luoyang, the capital of the orc tribe.

Even though there is a castle that has long existed in Luoyang City, the orcs still like to discuss things in that small courtyard, as if this has become a habit.

This meeting was hosted by Luo Luo and Ya Ya. Only famous young generals such as Tan Xiao and Yue Lu attended the meeting.

The meeting lasted for two hours, and the content was the instructions from Fang Te brought back from Ella by the members of the Dark Cat Pavilion.

"Brother Xiao, what do you think of the teacher's plan?"

After the meeting, Basamen followed Tan Xiao to his residence.

"To be honest, the teacher's plan this time is really too big." Tan Xiao poured a cup of tea for Po Sa Men, and Po Sa Men noticed that Tan Xiao's hands were still shaking.

"But it seems that Brother Xiao is very much looking forward to what the teacher has to do!" Posuomen said with a smile as he took the tea.

"Yes! This world! After seven centuries! This day is finally here!"

Tan Xiao closed his eyes and took a sip. In his mind, thousands of troops had already appeared.

"Yuelu, don't be unhappy. The teacher actually asked you to go to the Gear Country because he was worried about you."

On the bustling streets of Luoyang City, a little girl with twin ponytails and a cute pink skirt walked in front of her angrily, her little mouth pouting extremely unhappy.

"You are now the co-owner of all the cat people. If something happens to you, it will be very troublesome." The lion boy followed the girl and continued.

"Hmph! Ryan! Do you think I'm in trouble too?" The girl suddenly stopped and turned around, almost bumping into Ryan, "I don't want to lead troops to the Gear Country! The Gear Country is too boring! I want to go Help the teacher!”

Ryan was a little speechless, because according to the teacher's instructions, Yuelu led the troops to escort the orc shamans to the Gear Kingdom for training.

After all, the time flow in the Gear Kingdom is three hundred times that of the outside world. Just spending three to five days in the Gear Kingdom is equivalent to three to five years of training!

And as the magical realm of orc shamans improves, their lifespan will also increase! The passage of these three to five years is nothing at all to the increased lifespan.

It was discovered that Yuelu had the potential to practice magic and become a shaman of the orc species. In addition, Yuelu was majestic and famous. She was the best candidate to lead the team to practice in the country of gears.

It's just that this little girl knows that the flow of time she feels in the Gear Country is different from the outside world. When she thinks about not being able to see Fangte for three to five years, she doesn't want to go.

"Lulu, listen to me. If you practice shamanic magic well in the past three to five years, your lifespan will not be shortened after you come out, but it will be longer. Besides, won't you be able to help others after you succeed in your practice? Did the teacher do more?”

Yuelu thought cutely for a while, and finally shook her head:

"No! It's too boring! Just don't..."

Yuelu turned around and walked forward, but compared to her previous tone of firm refusal, now she was just a little willful.

"Miss Luoluo, Miss Yaya."

In the courtyard, Chen Wenqin, who had been abducted from Dongxia Kingdom by Fang Te for nearly a year, returned after the meeting and saluted Luoluo and Yaya.

"That slime is really giving you such a nonsensical task. Mr. Wenqin doesn't have to force it. It's okay if you refuse. Don't pay too much attention to Xiao Fangte." Luo Luo comforted.

Among the tasks conveyed by Fang Te, Chen Wenqin was actually responsible for leading troops to fight! To know! The first talented person can just engage in education, construction and government affairs! This makes him go to war! Neither Luoluo nor Yaya knew what Fangte was thinking.

"No, it's not. Brother Fang assigned Wen Qin this position precisely because he understood what Wen Qin wanted. And Wen Qin didn't come back to complain." Chen Wenqin stood up and said with a smile, "Tomorrow Wen Qin will lead his troops to leave. After entering the battlefield, life and death will depend on it. This is the letter Wen Qin wrote to Miss Dongxue. I also ask the two girls to deliver it to Dong Xue on Wen Qin's behalf."

After receiving the envelope, Luoluo and Yaya had complicated expressions on their faces. When they looked at Chen Wenqin, they both sighed softly.

"Mr. Wen Qin, Dongxue only likes you. She doesn't care about anything else. As long as you can be with her, even if..."

"Wen Qin knows..." Chen Wenqin interrupted Yaya, passed by the low wall of the courtyard, and looked at the sky in the distance, "Dong Xue is a very kind and innocent girl, even if Wen Qin is a beggar , she won’t dislike Wen Qin, but just like this, Wen Qin will feel guilty and unworthy of her."

"Perhaps... all of this... is caused by Wen Qin's boring self-esteem... But even so, Wen Qin still wants to be famous all over the world! Let everyone in the world know that what Dong Xue likes is a man who is not a nobody, Wen Qin Qin also wants the whole world to know that an ordinary man named Chen Wenqin likes Dongxue from the Nine-tailed Sky Fox Clan! One day, Wen Qin wants the whole world to know that Wen Qin married her!"

Chen Wenqin looked away with a smile, cupped his hands and bowed:

"Trouble two girls to deliver a message for Wen Qin..."

In the country of gears, in a store in the East 20th District, the facilities inside have been renovated by a middle-aged man.

More than a hundred years ago (Gear Country time), this store was still a repair shop, but now this store not only repairs, but also sells flowers.

In the more than a hundred years since Hong Ji became the Red Queen, the country of Gears has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

After more than a hundred years of liberation of will, the seeds of emotion hidden in the hearts of all mechanical species have quietly sprouted and grown.

Although today's mechanical species still don't fully understand what "emotion" is, at least they are no longer just machines.

"Tao, do you really want to go?" Queen Hong lay in Ci Ke's arms, looking extremely reluctant to leave.

The reason for the Red Queen's unwillingness to give up was mainly because the green slime returned to the Gear Kingdom and told Tao something after conquering the Twilight Continent.

"That guy Fang Te is right. In this world, who can stay out of things?" Tao gently patted the red queen, "It's time to deal with some things..."

"Then...I'll go too." The Hong Queen sat up from Tao's arms and smiled sweetly...

Zike scratched his red nose and looked into the distance through the floor-to-ceiling glass...

Thousands of miles away, in the huge palace, a man who was handling government affairs and wearing an imperial jade crown seemed to feel something.

Stopping the pen in his hand, he raised his head and glanced past the door and window...looking absently...

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