The Emperor of Odea ascended the throne twenty years ago and is known as the best emperor since the founding of Odea, bar none!

Emperor Odeya was wise and tolerant, clear in rewards and punishments, and considerate of the people. During his more than ten years in power, his politics were clear and his officialdom was excellent. He had an excellent reputation both in the court and in the market!

The most important thing is that this emperor is handsome and handsome!

Since the Odean emperor also has some attainments in magic and is a sixth-level mage, magic has extended his lifespan and appearance. Even though he is over fifty, he still looks like a man in his thirties. A middle-aged uncle.

It can be said that everyone from eighteen-year-old girls to eighty-year-old women are fans of this emperor. There are countless noble girls who want to enter the palace and become the emperor's concubines, but these girls don't know that they The lover of my dreams never laughed from the bottom of my heart again after that day more than thirty years ago.

"Master, Hongji is a little nervous."

On the bustling avenue of the capital of Odea, a girl in red tightly held the hand of a man.

"It's okay, I'm just meeting an old friend and revisiting the old place." Ci Ke touched Hong Ji's little head.

Originally, the Red Queen was going to accompany Cike to Odeya, but a few days ago the orc shaman came to the Country of Gears to practice, and the Red Queen couldn't get away, so only Hong Ji came with her.

"Master, is your brother very fierce?" Hong Ji asked weakly, looking very uneasy, as if she was being taken to meet her parents by her boyfriend.

"Emmmm, although my brother has never been cruel to me, he can be quite cruel to other people sometimes."

"Ah" Hongji shyly shook Cike's arm and said softly, "Then master Hongji, can you not go?"

"Ah, what did you say?"

"Hong Ji can't say anything anymore." Hong Ji's voice was slightly louder.

"I still can't quite hear it."

"Hongji can't say any more!" Hongji said loudly with a blushing face. People on the street looked at them after seeing it. This time, Hongji became even more ashamed and buried her head directly. Zike's arms.

"It's okay, don't worry, brother won't be cruel to Hong Ji."

Cike smiled and patted Hong Ji on the shoulder, turned sideways and looked forward. The majestic palace and castle seemed so familiar, but yet so strange.

"Your Majesty! Odeya, please send troops to Ella! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"Your Majesty! The situation has been decided now! Ella must die!"

"Your Majesty! This is the last chance! We don't need to join forces with the Mossi Empire and the giants! I, Odeya, only need to send a million troops! I will definitely be able to eat one-third of Ella's land!"

"Sending millions of troops to attack Ella is just a bite of meat! If I, Odeya, take the opportunity to attack the Moxi Empire now, I will be eating a tiger!"

"That's nice to say! Although the Moxi Empire has sent out half of its army, there are still paladins and priests from the church sitting in the country! Do you want to eat it?"

Above the court, nearly three-quarters of the ministers were persuading the middle-aged man in his thirties who was on the throne to attack Ella, and about a quarter of the ministers and nobles wanted to Taking advantage of the opportunity to attack Moxi, there are still a small number of people who think that they will wait until they fight to the death before reaping the benefits.

The man on the throne frowned slightly and said nothing.

He considered all the situations mentioned by the minister, but felt that they were inappropriate because they ignored a person who seemed to be away from the battlefield, but was actually the most important person-Ania, the Twilight Continent. Co-owner, Slime Font!

According to the emperor's judgment, Ainya has now regained a certain fighting strength after more than a year of training! Now the Ella Empire is like a piece of fat meat that is ready to be slaughtered. That slime will definitely not do anything to "conquer Ella".

While the emperor was deep in thought, a messenger hurriedly bent over and ran into the court. His knees softened and he knelt directly in the middle of the court.

"Bold! Which family are you from? The court is so panicked! Didn't your family teach you basic etiquette before sending you to the palace for duty?"

Because the bodyguard can listen to the affairs of the court and serve the emperor, it is a prestigious position in the Odeya Empire. All nobles will try their best to place their young and promising children in the palace. Being a messenger guard, after all, not only can you gain experience while listening to the court, but you can also become familiar with the boss. It's also a casual job, so great.

"Your Majesty, please. Please forgive me." A young man kneeling in the main hall.

"Don't be anxious, speak slowly, what is it that makes you so anxious?" Emperor Odeya was a little tired of listening to the arguments of the noble ministers.

"Your Majesty. Someone just came to the palace gate with a girl in red and asked to see Your Majesty."

"That's ridiculous! Can anyone see His Majesty?" A minister waved his sleeves angrily.

"Chen Chen feels the same way."


The conveying guard took a deep breath, swallowed, plucked up his courage, and said:

"It's just that the old general on duty at the palace gate just came to see you in a hurry. He said, "He said," the guard broke out in a cold sweat. If the emperor in front of him was not a wise man, he would probably faint from fright.

"Old General?"

The old general guarding the palace gate was a veteran of three dynasties. Because he was old but didn't want to be idle, he took the initiative to guard the palace gate. When he was a child, the emperor and his younger brother often went to the old general's mansion to relax. Play.

"Old General, the old general burst into tears and said. Say."

"say what?"

"The old general said that Prince Tao is back."

Before he finished speaking, those in the hall who were still discussing how Odeya should handle the "Ella Crisis" suddenly stopped, and everyone was stunned! He looked blankly at the conveying guard!

Everyone was silent, and what was echoing in their minds was the incident that shocked Odeya more than thirty years ago, and even caused the emperor to separate from the late emperor!

After that incident! The ministers and nobles of the DPRK have experienced a big reshuffle! Anyone involved in that! The whole family was wiped out! Even the late emperor! It was this wise emperor who forced him to step down from the throne!


A taboo word! This is the eternal pain of this emperor's life! The pain is irreparable no matter what!

"You said? Who? Came back?!" He stood up from the throne, looking dazed!

"Prince Tao, Prince Tao is back!"

The voice of the conveying guard echoed in the hall for a long time, shaking everyone's heart.

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