In the Ella Empire Palace Castle, a spring-filled slime was drinking and chatting with four mages. For several old people, the last time they saw this slime was a year ago, but for Fante Lai It is said that it is more than ninety years!

"I never thought you would think of drinking with bad old men like us." Master Vera said drunkenly with a blush on his face.

"How's it going? It's been a year. Is Lilin's little girl pregnant? Although we are not her biological grandfathers, we have watched her grow up. We also want to have a grandson." The bald mage laughed so loudly that he almost squirted out a mouthful of water for Fang Te.

Fang Te looked to the side guiltily, and saw the empress pouring wine for the four old men with a smile on her face.

"But it's true, you kid. If the world finds out that you married the empress, you don't know how many people will scold you to death." The empress handed over the wine glass, and the old man nodded with satisfaction, as if looking at his son. Like a daughter-in-law.

For Fangtelai, these four old men are indeed equivalent to his relatives in this world.

"Your Majesty, do you have it?" the cuckold old man asked in a low voice, but in fact everyone present heard it, and Fang Te finally sprayed a sip of wine directly onto the face of the one-eyed mage opposite.

The empress' pretty face turned as red as a strawberry, and she said shyly: "Grandpa, not yet."

Hearing the thousand-year-old empress call the old man "Grandpa", Fangte didn't know where to start complaining, and was that shy look serious? It's like Fang Te and the Empress really consummated their marriage.

"Little Fantawild! You have to hurry up!"

"Yes, little Fante, hurry up and make some slime dragons, slime foxes, and slime people. I know you married the empress without Lilin knowing. Of course, it doesn't matter. As for a man, it’s normal to have three wives and four concubines.”

"Yes, if they are fighting over who is older and who is younger, then they can just be equal wives! Don't tell you that they don't even dare to be equal wives."

"Wait! Stop it! I'm here to discuss business with you!" Fangte felt his head hurt now and quickly changed the subject, "You four old men also know the current situation in Ella. Archmage Anthony is devoted to studying magic. I don’t understand or care about the establishment of court mages at all, and they are not as smooth as you old men in handling things, so I want you four old men to help me register, organize and lead all the remaining mages who are loyal to the royal family. , it will be convenient for me to prepare at that time.”

"Wait a minute, why are we so tactful? We are kind and upright handsome old men!"

"I believe you! You four bad old men are really bad!"

Fangte remembered the scene where he and these four old men peeked under the maid's skirt a few years ago, and believed that they were the ones responsible.

"How about it, can you help me with this?"

"I can help, but..."

"I'll take you to Aniya's women's bathhouse to peek at it for two days!"

"Two days?"

"Three days!"


"One week! No more! I still want to lose face!"

"Okay! Deal!"

An extremely unscrupulous deal was concluded. Later generations did not record this secret historical conversation in detail, only confirmed that it had happened. This period of history was also known as the "Bathhouse Agreement" and was included in high school textbooks. In "Little Fun Facts".

Whenever high school students in future generations learn about this piece of history, their eyes will light up! Especially Ainia, which has the highest concentration of orcs, has caused the bathhouse to fall into a deep panic of being peeped.

On the third day when the "tripartite coalition" marched in roughly three directions, armies one after another arrived at the strategic locations they were responsible for. However, the 50,000 troops of the Bot family arrived later. In the evening, this army was far away. Keya City is still five thousand miles away, and it is one hour later than the time Lin Wen requested to arrive.

If the orc tribe's army dared to arrive at a strategic location one hour late as required by military orders, the general of this army would probably be hung up and beaten alive by his adjutant without Fang Te's handling.

However, this also shows that the Bot family does not take this temporary coalition general seriously.

As a town on the western border of the Ella Empire, Koya City is not prosperous and even a little desolate, but no one dares to ignore its strategic significance because this city is very big! It’s so big that it even puts the city of Ella to shame! Therefore, as long as Keya City is captured, the army in the west will have an important strategic place to move to battle, and it can also be used as a granary to store grain and grass.

As for the defense of Keya City and the deployment of troops, Long Bot, as the new head of the Bot family, is very familiar with it, especially the character of the generals who defend the city. Long Bot knows it better. .

He believed that the letter he sent to the city lord had been received, and a whole box of gold coins had probably arrived with the letter. What he had to do was to slowly lead his army into the city, and then take over the city. It's just a city, it's that simple.

"General Chen, everything has been taken care of."

In Keya City, a woman from the cat tribe appeared quietly from the dark night and spoke softly.

All general leaders will always have one or two Dark Cat Pavilion girls around them. Firstly, to ensure that they will not be assassinated. Secondly, the trained Dark Cat Pavilion girls have extremely high emotional intelligence and can accurately know the identity of the person they protect. Meaning, he is the kind of person who can be sure that he is going to do big things just by looking at him.

The Dark Cat Pavilion and the protected persons are usually male and female, after all, the work is not tiring.

"Bot's army is coming soon. Let the Lord of Keya City take them into the city later."


"By the way, what's going on with General Tan Xiao?"

"General Qin Xiao has just sent a report. He has already sent it to Mbappe City. Also... General Qin Xiao hopes you will not force it."

The girl from the Dark Cat Pavilion looked at the young man of the human race in front of her. Even if the orc race's impression of the human race had improved, it was not very good.

So when the Dark Cat Pavilion girl was assigned to protect and assist Chen Wenqin, she somewhat refused.

But in the process of getting along, the girl discovered that although he did not have the sharp eyes of the werewolf tribe, nor was he as tall as the lion tribe, his gentle and elegant personality made people feel very comfortable, and there was no disgust in his eyes when he looked at her. color.

"Ahem...that guy can't even protect himself, but he still has the mood to care about me..."

Chen Wenqin, who was feeling unwell due to acclimatization, coughed a few times and looked towards the direction of the Bot family's army with a smile.

Thanks to "Thread of Time" for the reward of 600 starting coins~~~(*^▽^*)

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