Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 25 Slime and Rampage Dragon Beast

The four rampaging dragon beasts rushed all the way to the battlefield and quickly changed the situation of the battle!

A level 7 monster is equivalent to 100 golden adventurers! And the four heads are a total of four hundred!

This is a number that can change the situation of the battle for a battlefield that is mainly silver-level and has a small number of soldiers!

In addition, the momentum of Rampage Dragon Beast is amazing! Not only did it give great pressure to the Ori Kingdom, it also increased the morale of our own soldiers! These cannot be ignored!

"What's going on now?" Master Vera flew from the city to the top of the city.

"No way! The opponent has four seventh-level monsters. No matter how hard you go down, they will be destroyed sooner or later!" The one-eyed mage clenched his fists, "Old man Vera, how is the space tunnel?"

"The space tunnel will be completed in an hour and a half! Now the cuckold guy is doing the finishing work, and I can't help, so I'm here!" Vera looked at the tragic battlefield below the city.

The four rampaging dragon beasts were pulled apart by the warriors using "taunting skills", and each was trapped by 1,000 warriors.

The soldiers who can join the army must be at least silver-level adventurers. It is no problem for 1,000 silver-level adventurers to fight a level 7 monster in peacetime, but this is on the battlefield after all!

The mage applied a strengthening BUFF to the Rampage Dragon Beast, and the Priest also gave up part of the number of soldiers he was responsible for just to treat the Rampage Dragon Beast, which made the battle situation particularly difficult!

"If this continues, I probably won't be able to last for an hour! I have to get off the battlefield."

Without waiting for the others to say anything, Master Vera grabbed his staff and jumped off the city wall. When the Paladin Commander saw Vera participating in the battlefield, he immediately mobilized 100 paladins to protect the old man.

Under the protection of the Paladin, Vera kept chanting magic, and magic circles appeared in places where the enemy was densely populated, and then exploded!

"Not bad. It's really rare for a sixth-level mage to be so proficient in using simplified magic circles."

Archmage Anthony in the distance made some comments and showed admiration, but it was just appreciation.

"Little Slime, hurry up and find the princess now! Then take the princess away!" The bald mage took Fangte off his head and placed it on the city wall, and then joined the battlefield. "When this battle is over! I will definitely fight again Looking for a drink with you!"

"Little Slime! I know you are very lustful, and the princess is indeed the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life! I have watched her grow up since she was a child, just like my granddaughter, so! Don't do anything wrong with Li Lin. ah!"

After that, the one-eyed old man picked up the staff and flew into the sky. Countless fireballs fell from the sky, hit the battlefield accurately, and then flew towards a rampaging dragon beast.

Fangte's brows twitched.

Let's fight! What's wrong before going to war? I have to raise the flag! Isn’t this seeking death?

The addition of three sixth-level mages has brought some changes to the battlefield. Among them, three sixth-level mages and 700 warriors are responsible for a rampaging dragon beast, each taking the place of 300 warriors! The 300 free warriors turned around to face the enemies who were supporting Ramdramon.

"It's not bad that there are three sixth-level mages in a small country." Anthony said lightly, "But it's a pity, we are all going to die here today."

With the assistance of the sixth-level mage, the rampaging dragon beast was well restrained. However, it was still difficult to deal with the rampaging dragon beast without the sixth-level mage to restrain it.

After all, there are only so many people standing around Rampagedramon, and Ramdramon's tail whipped up dozens of people, especially when the enemy attacked from behind. The extra soldiers have been mobilized.

"It seems that this slime will become famous in the world today!"

Fangte looked at the situation on the city wall, then gritted his teeth, turned the soles of his feet into springs, and jumped into the air! Jumped more than ten meters high!

"Snawt, your father, I'm here!"

After Fangte grew huge in the air, his voice also became dozens of times louder. Almost everyone on the battlefield heard Fangte's words, and Sweet in the distance was no exception, his face was extremely gloomy. !

Just when Sweet was looking for who was seeking death, a huge piece of jelly blocked the sky!

A knight captain (not a paladin) raised his head and looked into the air, only to see the shadow getting bigger and bigger! Descending at a rapid speed, finally! By the time he reacted, it was too late. The knight commander and his horse were pinned under Fangte.

At this moment, except for the red-eyed ones! The rest of the people all looked at the huge slime! I simply don’t believe this is true!

At this time, Fangte was 25 meters tall! Up to 10 meters in diameter! This is the limit of Fantawild’s “giant skill”! But at the same time! Fangte felt that his physical strength was draining away like never before!

When he became gigantic in the past, Fangte could only reach a height of seven or eight meters, and it was only used to scare people. He did not use such a large body to fight, so he just thought that "giant" only "slightly" consumes more physical strength. That’s all!

But I didn’t expect it! The physical exertion is so great!

Quick victory!

Fangte thought silently in his mind, then transformed into a huge human arm, hardened it with the "hardening" skill, and slammed it hard at the rampaging dragon beast!

"I'll fight!"

With a sharp scream like Bruce Lee, Fangte punched the Rampage Dragon Beast, sending him flying 20 meters away! The paladins and warriors on the ground were knocked away like bowling balls!

no! It’s so exhausting!

With just one punch, Fangte felt that half of his strength was used up.

The sharp giant teeth of the rampaging dragon beast overflowed with blood. It stood up with difficulty and shook its huge head.


As a seventh-term Warcraft, Ragemon roared at Fangte!

Whether in the consciousness of intelligent species or Warcraft, slime will always be the lowest creature! And now, a rampaging dragon beast of mine was beaten away by a slime! ?

This undoubtedly made the Rampage Dragon Beast completely angry!

The huge and strong hind limbs of the Rampage Dragon Beast kicked hard and ran towards Fangte! Vow to tear Fantawild into pieces!

"This slime is interesting! Not only can it talk, but its fighting power is so amazing! I have never heard of this! Archmage, have you seen it?"

Sweet looked excitedly at the large slime fighting with the Rampage Dragon Beast, his eyes full of fire, completely forgetting Fangte's previous mocking words.

Archmage Anthony frowned, although his expression was calm! But my heart is already racing! Full of curiosity about this slime!

As if he had read through Anthony's thoughts, Sweet smiled:

"Archmage! You said you wouldn't interfere! So! This slime! It's mine!"

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