Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 251 Do you want to drink?

Baicheng, also known as Baidi City, is rumored to be the place where the Fantasy White Dragon King fell. Now, it is the base camp of the three-party alliance.

In the lord's palace of Baidi City, a young man less than thirty years old looked at the huge sand table. Next to him, there was a document just sent from Jingluo City.

"Master Lin Wen, do you want to send troops for reinforcements?" asked a general from the Moxi Empire who controlled the overall situation with Lin Wen.

No one could have imagined that Tansiant was defeated and retreated from the city. After all, Luohe’s city-defending general "Lian" was only a lieutenant of Yuelu, and Tansiant was one of the top generals of the Moxi Empire. Even if It was the failure of the attack on the orc tribe that year, and no one questioned the strength of this accomplished general.

But now, Tansiant was defeated by a deputy general! And not only was he defeated, he was basically beaten back to his hometown. This made it difficult for the headquarters of the three-party coalition to accept it for a while.

"Write a letter to His Majesty, asking for the support of the two hundred thousand soldiers of the empire."

Lin Wen said slowly, although his face was a little ugly, the news of Tansant's defeat was not a big blow to him.

"Old General Finger Qi'er! Don't let me down again."

His eyes are looking directly at Longdao and Mbappe City, as long as one of them is taken down! The overall situation has been decided!

In Mbappe City, Finger Qier and Qin Xiao had a real confrontation.

Fenger Qi'er's army totaled 500,000, which can be said to account for nearly one-third of the three-way coalition. Similarly, in order to ensure that Tan Xiao had sufficient troops to dispatch, Fang Te dispatched more than 40 troops to Tan Xiao. Ten thousand, of which 300,000 are orcs who have been specially trained in Ainia. It can be said that in terms of military strength, the two sides are evenly matched, but the three-party coalition has a slight advantage. However, this slight advantage is greater than that of Tan Xiao back then. It's much better to guard Winter City.

During this confrontation, Finger Qi'er discussed with the giant generals to let the giants be in front to cover the human warriors in attacking the city, while the mage sat on the shoulders of the giants, without any protection under the cover of the giants. The release spell of scruples.

Indeed, this method is quite smart. After all, although the giant species is a weapon for siege, after all, the giant species' body is too big, and it will naturally become the target of fire, so it is difficult to play a decisive role.

However, the siege with the giant race as the main force is abandoned and the giant race is used as "auxiliary". This can maximize the flexibility of the human race and siege the city with twice the result with half the effort.

But standing on the city wall, Tan Xiao's reputation as the "Werewolf Soldier Saint" was not for nothing. He did not hesitate to mobilize the mages in the city and fly out of the city gate to meet the enemy on the body of the griffin!

Under the griffin's "mouth cannon (air cannon)" and the mage's offensive spells, there were explosions outside the city one after another, and the firepower in the air poured down like a downpour, and wherever the "raindrops" fell, It is the trace of the death scythe, and because the griffins are very flexible, the effect is that one plus one is greater than two. Even if Finger Qier asks all the mages to give up siege and fight in the air, they will not be able to gain dominance in the air! In the end, only the actions of several eighth-level mages could barely maintain a tie in the air battle.

But in this way, the mages will not be able to participate in the siege, and those eighth-level mages will not be able to escape!

In contrast, all the air troops and mages in Mbappe City were unable to escape, and Mbappe's offensive and defensive battle once again fell into the most primitive hand-to-hand combat!

The sounds of fighting outside Mbappe's city were one after another. Countless human warriors boarded the city, were killed, and then boarded the city again! Get killed again! same! One by one, the defenders on Mbappe's city wall were constantly pierced by flying arrows in the head, or their heads fell to the ground when they were hacked! Almost all the time! Maybe in the blink of an eye, dozens of lives died on this city wall!

first! This is the first time that he has encountered such big trouble when attacking a city! In his military career, no city was conquered by himself within half a day! But! The city took one day to attack! It's going to be night! But there was no progress at all!

In the distance of the battlefield, at the feet of a giant more than 20 meters tall, a burly general looked at everything on the city wall indifferently! His fists were clenched and his teeth were gritting! But nevertheless! There was still a smile on his face!

"General Daluo! Do you think I can capture this city?"

Finger Qi'er said with a smile, his eyes had already been dyed red by the countless bloody lights in the distance! His body was trembling slightly! even! The giant named Daluo can feel it! If he is not the top general and needs to sit in the rear! He will definitely go into battle himself with a knife!

What is "war crazy"! Perhaps this man with scars all over his body is the best interpretation!

"Although the time I spent with you was short! But! You are the person I admire the most besides the leader!" said the giant species named Daluo. This is already the highest praise for a human species.

Finger Qier did not refuse or accept his praise, but pointed his finger at the werewolf on the city wall who kept giving orders to the people around him:

"It is said that General Tan Xiao knows the art of war, and he can tell the hearts of the people! I really didn't believe it at first, he is just a little wolf cub! However, after this day's attack and defense, I have seen it! It turns out that I have thousands of commanders, and even every one of them A centurion’s military habits and character were thoroughly revealed by him!”

Fenger Qier's tone was full of praise and hostility towards Tan Xiao.

"But, can he really count me?"

He was clearly in his fifties, but as strong as an old general in his thirties. His eloquent words slowly echoed in the air. Although they were buried by the sounds of fighting on the battlefield, they deeply impressed him. In the hearts of everyone around me!

World year 7th century 3019! In the most turbulent year in the Endless Land! Ella Empire Mbappe City! There was a battle! And this battle! It lasted seven days in total!

During these seven days, the siege did not stop for a moment! Whether it’s the defending or attacking side! All lives that join the battle will fall into permanent slumber once they rest!

And as generals on both sides! One of them stood on the city wall, and the other stood outside the city wall! Use the chess score made of blood, and hold the chess pieces made of life! Played the game of life and death for seven days and seven nights!

At the end of this battle that has been passed down to later generations, there is also a widely circulated unofficial history, but no one has studied it:

At the end of the Mbappe City battle, he sat in front of him with a bag of wine, stretched out the bag, and said with a smile:


However, the man standing on the ground with his sword could no longer respond to him.

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